Rocq Packages
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The OCaml and Rocq Package Manager
Opam is a source-based package manager for OCaml and Rocq. It supports multiple simultaneous compiler installations, flexible package constraints, and a Git-friendly development workflow
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Small Scale Reflection
Mathematical Components Library on Algebra
A formalization of floating-point arithmetic for the Coq system
High level commands to declare and evolve a hierarchy based on packed classes
A library of Coq definitions, theorems, and tactics
stable ecosystem
Focus on Your Code and Formal Artifacts, opam Takes Care of Distributing Them
Our users have the highest standards for the OCaml and Rocq ecosystems to run mission-critical applications across a variety of operating systems and to maintain consistency of Rocq formal artifacts. They expect that a package that compiles today will still work a decade from now
Continuous Integration
Before any package update, we run sandboxed matrix builds for boundaries of the dependencies and for each of the dependent packages. A package publication will never break the rest of the ecosystem.
State of the Art
Opam supports publishing multiple versions of packages simultaneously to specify the version constraints, so only compatible revisions are chosen for a build. It comes with a performant constraint solver, a flexible CLI, a well-specified metadata format, and an easy access to the package manager logic via OCaml libraries.
Package Stability
The opam project and package repository is maintained by a team of developers who ensure that everything is not only running smoothly, but also curated to maintain a high degree of metadata quality. This makes it one of the most stable package repositories available today.
Start Contributing
Learn how to publish your first Opam package today and make it available to the rest of the community.