Library Stdlib.Reals.Abstract.ConstructiveLimits
From Stdlib Require Import PeanoNat QArith Qabs.
From Stdlib Require Import ConstructiveReals.
From Stdlib Require Import ConstructiveAbs.
Local Open Scope ConstructiveReals.
Definitions and basic properties of limits of real sequences
and series.
WARNING: this file is experimental and likely to change in future releases.
Lemma CR_cv_extens
: forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (xn yn : nat -> CRcarrier R) (l : CRcarrier R),
(forall n:nat, xn n == yn n)
-> CR_cv R xn l
-> CR_cv R yn l.
Lemma CR_cv_opp : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (xn : nat -> CRcarrier R) (l : CRcarrier R),
CR_cv R xn l
-> CR_cv R (fun n => - xn n) (- l).
Lemma CR_cv_plus : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (xn yn : nat -> CRcarrier R) (a b : CRcarrier R),
CR_cv R xn a
-> CR_cv R yn b
-> CR_cv R (fun n => xn n + yn n) (a + b).
Lemma CR_cv_unique : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (xn : nat -> CRcarrier R)
(a b : CRcarrier R),
CR_cv R xn a
-> CR_cv R xn b
-> a == b.
Lemma CR_cv_eq : forall {R : ConstructiveReals}
(v u : nat -> CRcarrier R) (s : CRcarrier R),
(forall n:nat, u n == v n)
-> CR_cv R u s
-> CR_cv R v s.
Lemma CR_cauchy_eq : forall {R : ConstructiveReals}
(un vn : nat -> CRcarrier R),
(forall n:nat, un n == vn n)
-> CR_cauchy R un
-> CR_cauchy R vn.
Lemma CR_cv_proper : forall {R : ConstructiveReals}
(un : nat -> CRcarrier R) (a b : CRcarrier R),
CR_cv R un a
-> a == b
-> CR_cv R un b.
Instance CR_cv_morph
: forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (un : nat -> CRcarrier R), CMorphisms.Proper
(CMorphisms.respectful (CReq R) CRelationClasses.iffT) (CR_cv R un).
Lemma Un_cv_nat_real : forall {R : ConstructiveReals}
(un : nat -> CRcarrier R) (l : CRcarrier R),
CR_cv R un l
-> forall eps : CRcarrier R,
0 < eps
-> { p : nat & forall i:nat, le p i -> CRabs R (un i - l) < eps }.
Lemma Un_cv_real_nat : forall {R : ConstructiveReals}
(un : nat -> CRcarrier R) (l : CRcarrier R),
(forall eps : CRcarrier R,
0 < eps
-> { p : nat & forall i:nat, le p i -> CRabs R (un i - l) < eps })
-> CR_cv R un l.
Lemma CR_cv_minus :
forall {R : ConstructiveReals}
(An Bn:nat -> CRcarrier R) (l1 l2:CRcarrier R),
CR_cv R An l1 -> CR_cv R Bn l2
-> CR_cv R (fun i:nat => An i - Bn i) (l1 - l2).
Lemma CR_cv_nonneg :
forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (An:nat -> CRcarrier R) (l:CRcarrier R),
CR_cv R An l
-> (forall n:nat, 0 <= An n)
-> 0 <= l.
Lemma CR_cv_scale : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (u : nat -> CRcarrier R)
(a : CRcarrier R) (s : CRcarrier R),
CR_cv R u s -> CR_cv R (fun n => u n * a) (s * a).
Lemma CR_cv_const : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (a : CRcarrier R),
CR_cv R (fun n => a) a.
Lemma Rcv_cauchy_mod : forall {R : ConstructiveReals}
(un : nat -> CRcarrier R) (l : CRcarrier R),
CR_cv R un l -> CR_cauchy R un.
Lemma CR_growing_transit : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (un : nat -> CRcarrier R),
(forall n:nat, un n <= un (S n))
-> forall n p : nat, le n p -> un n <= un p.
Lemma growing_ineq :
forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (Un:nat -> CRcarrier R) (l:CRcarrier R),
(forall n:nat, Un n <= Un (S n))
-> CR_cv R Un l -> forall n:nat, Un n <= l.
Lemma CR_cv_open_below
: forall {R : ConstructiveReals}
(un : nat -> CRcarrier R) (m l : CRcarrier R),
CR_cv R un l
-> m < l
-> { n : nat & forall i:nat, le n i -> m < un i }.
Lemma CR_cv_open_above
: forall {R : ConstructiveReals}
(un : nat -> CRcarrier R) (m l : CRcarrier R),
CR_cv R un l
-> l < m
-> { n : nat & forall i:nat, le n i -> un i < m }.
Lemma CR_cv_bound_down : forall {R : ConstructiveReals}
(u : nat -> CRcarrier R) (A l : CRcarrier R) (N : nat),
(forall n:nat, le N n -> A <= u n)
-> CR_cv R u l
-> A <= l.
Lemma CR_cv_bound_up : forall {R : ConstructiveReals}
(u : nat -> CRcarrier R) (A l : CRcarrier R) (N : nat),
(forall n:nat, le N n -> u n <= A)
-> CR_cv R u l
-> l <= A.
Lemma CR_cv_le : forall {R : ConstructiveReals}
(u v : nat -> CRcarrier R) (a b : CRcarrier R),
(forall n:nat, u n <= v n)
-> CR_cv R u a
-> CR_cv R v b
-> a <= b.
Lemma CR_cv_abs_cont : forall {R : ConstructiveReals}
(u : nat -> CRcarrier R) (s : CRcarrier R),
CR_cv R u s
-> CR_cv R (fun n => CRabs R (u n)) (CRabs R s).
Lemma CR_cv_dist_cont : forall {R : ConstructiveReals}
(u : nat -> CRcarrier R) (a s : CRcarrier R),
CR_cv R u s
-> CR_cv R (fun n => CRabs R (a - u n)) (CRabs R (a - s)).
Lemma CR_cv_shift :
forall {R : ConstructiveReals} f k l,
CR_cv R (fun n => f (n + k)%nat) l -> CR_cv R f l.
Lemma CR_cv_shift' :
forall {R : ConstructiveReals} f k l,
CR_cv R f l -> CR_cv R (fun n => f (n + k)%nat) l.