Library Stdlib.Reals.Abstract.ConstructiveAbs
From Stdlib Require Import QArith.
From Stdlib Require Import Qabs.
From Stdlib Require Import ConstructiveReals.
Local Open Scope ConstructiveReals.
Properties of constructive absolute value (defined in
Definition of minimum, maximum and their properties.
WARNING: this file is experimental and likely to change in future releases.
Instance CRabs_morph
: forall {R : ConstructiveReals},
(CMorphisms.respectful (CReq R) (CReq R)) (CRabs R).
Add Parametric Morphism {R : ConstructiveReals} : (CRabs R)
with signature CReq R ==> CReq R
as CRabs_morph_prop.
Lemma CRabs_right : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x : CRcarrier R),
0 <= x -> CRabs R x == x.
Lemma CRabs_opp : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x : CRcarrier R),
CRabs R (- x) == CRabs R x.
Lemma CRabs_minus_sym : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x y : CRcarrier R),
CRabs R (x - y) == CRabs R (y - x).
Lemma CRabs_left : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x : CRcarrier R),
x <= 0 -> CRabs R x == - x.
Lemma CRabs_triang : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x y : CRcarrier R),
CRabs R (x + y) <= CRabs R x + CRabs R y.
Lemma CRabs_le : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (a b:CRcarrier R),
(-b <= a /\ a <= b) -> CRabs R a <= b.
Lemma CRabs_triang_inv : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x y : CRcarrier R),
CRabs R x - CRabs R y <= CRabs R (x - y).
Lemma CRabs_triang_inv2 : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x y : CRcarrier R),
CRabs R (CRabs R x - CRabs R y) <= CRabs R (x - y).
Lemma CR_of_Q_abs : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (q : Q),
CRabs R (CR_of_Q R q) == CR_of_Q R (Qabs q).
Lemma CRle_abs : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x : CRcarrier R),
x <= CRabs R x.
Lemma CRabs_pos : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x : CRcarrier R),
0 <= CRabs R x.
Lemma CRabs_appart_0 : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x : CRcarrier R),
0 < CRabs R x -> x ≶ 0.
Lemma CRabs_mult : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x y : CRcarrier R),
CRabs R (x * y) == CRabs R x * CRabs R y.
Lemma CRabs_lt : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x y : CRcarrier R),
CRabs _ x < y -> prod (x < y) (-x < y).
Lemma CRabs_def1 : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x y : CRcarrier R),
x < y -> -x < y -> CRabs _ x < y.
Lemma CRabs_def2 : forall {R : ConstructiveReals} (x a:CRcarrier R),
CRabs _ x <= a -> (x <= a) /\ (- a <= x).