The Rocq Platform
The Rocq Platform is a distribution of the Rocq Prover together with a selection of libraries and plugins. The main goal of the Rocq Platform is to provide a distribution for developing and teaching with Rocq that is:
- operating-system independent
- dependable
- easy to install
- comprehensive
See the Guiding Principles for more on the Platform concept, and Rocq Prover and Rocq Platform release cycle for more on how the Platform is related to the Rocq Prover release cycle.
The Rocq Platform is based on the OCaml package manager opam and provides a set of scripts to compile and/or install opam, Rocq and the Platform contents on macOS, Windows and many Linux distributions in a reliable way with consistent results. In addition pre-compiled binary packages or installers are provided for macOS and Windows.
The Rocq Platform combines the core Rocq Prover with a coherent set of packages (plugins and libraries) to extend its features.
Detailed instructions to install Rocq and the Platform are available in Installing Rocq.
Packages of the Rocq Platform
Here is a list of all Platform packages sorted by their status.
Packages with a status of "full level" are considered stable, well-maintained and suitable as basis for your own developments. The full level adds many commonly used Rocq libraries, plugins and developments.
The "optional" packages have the same maturity and maintenance level as the packages in the full level, but either take a rather long time to build or have a non-open-source license or depend on packages with non-open-source license. The interactive installation script and the Windows installer explicitly ask if you want to install these packages.
The "extended level" contains packages which are in a beta stage or otherwise don't yet have the level of maturity or support required for inclusion in the full level, but there are plans to move them to the full level in a future release of the Rocq Platform. The main point of the extended level is advertisement: users are important to bring a development from a beta to a release state.
Base Level
IDE Level
For beginners, e.g., following introductory tutorials, this level is usually sufficient. If you install the IDE level, you can later add additional packages individually via opam install 'package-name' or rerun the Coq Platform installation script and choose the full or extended level.