Library Stdlib.Reals.Cauchy.QExtra
Require Import QArith.
Require Import Qpower.
Require Import Qabs.
Require Import Qround.
Require Import Zorder.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Lqa. Require Import PosExtra.
Require Import Qpower.
Require Import Qabs.
Require Import Qround.
Require Import Zorder.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Lqa. Require Import PosExtra.
Fixpoint Pos_log2floor_plus1 (p : positive) : positive :=
match p with
| (p'~1)%positive => Pos.succ (Pos_log2floor_plus1 p')
| (p'~0)%positive => Pos.succ (Pos_log2floor_plus1 p')
| 1%positive => 1
Lemma Pos_log2floor_plus1_spec : forall (p : positive),
(Pos.pow 2 (Pos_log2floor_plus1 p) <= 2 * p < 2 * Pos.pow 2 (Pos_log2floor_plus1 p))%positive.
Fixpoint Pos_log2ceil_plus1 (p : positive) : positive :=
match p with
| (p'~1)%positive => Pos.succ (Pos.succ (Pos_log2floor_plus1 p'))
| (p'~0)%positive => Pos.succ (Pos_log2ceil_plus1 p')
| 1%positive => 1
Lemma Pos_log2ceil_plus1_spec : forall (p : positive),
(Pos.pow 2 (Pos_log2ceil_plus1 p) < 4 * p <= 2 * Pos.pow 2 (Pos_log2ceil_plus1 p))%positive.
Fixpoint Pos_is_pow2 (p : positive) : bool :=
match p with
| (p'~1)%positive => false
| (p'~0)%positive => Pos_is_pow2 p'
| 1%positive => true
Definition Qbound_le_ZExp2 (q : Q) : Z :=
match Qnum q with
| Z0 => -1000
| Zneg p => 0
| Zpos p => (Z.pos (Pos_log2ceil_plus1 p) - Z.pos (Pos_log2floor_plus1 (Qden q)))%Z
Lemma Qbound_le_ZExp2_spec : forall (q : Q),
(q <= 2^(Qbound_le_ZExp2 q))%Q.
Definition Qbound_leabs_ZExp2 (q : Q) : Z := Qbound_le_ZExp2 (Qabs q).
Lemma Qbound_leabs_ZExp2_spec : forall (q : Q),
(Qabs q <= 2^(Qbound_leabs_ZExp2 q))%Q.
Power of two open upper bound q < 2^z and Qabs q < 2^z
Definition Qbound_lt_ZExp2 (q : Q) : Z :=
match Qnum q with
| Z0 => -1000
| Zneg p => 0
| Zpos p => Z.pos_sub (Pos.succ (Pos_log2floor_plus1 p)) (Pos_log2floor_plus1 (Qden q))
Remark Qbound_lt_ZExp2_test_1 : Qbound_lt_ZExp2 (4#4) = 1%Z.
Remark Qbound_lt_ZExp2_test_2 : Qbound_lt_ZExp2 (5#4) = 1%Z.
Remark Qbound_lt_ZExp2_test_3 : Qbound_lt_ZExp2 (4#5) = 1%Z.
Remark Qbound_lt_ZExp2_test_4 : Qbound_lt_ZExp2 (7#5) = 1%Z.
Lemma Qbound_lt_ZExp2_spec : forall (q : Q),
(q < 2^(Qbound_lt_ZExp2 q))%Q.
Definition Qbound_ltabs_ZExp2 (q : Q) : Z := Qbound_lt_ZExp2 (Qabs q).
Lemma Qbound_ltabs_ZExp2_spec : forall (q : Q),
(Qabs q < 2^(Qbound_ltabs_ZExp2 q))%Q.
Power of 2 open lower bounds for 2^z < q and 2^z < Qabs q
Definition Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2 (q : Q) : Z := -2 + Qbound_ltabs_ZExp2 q.
Lemma Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2_inv: forall q : Q,
q > 0
-> Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2 q = (- Qbound_ltabs_ZExp2 (/q))%Z.
Lemma Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2_opp: forall q : Q,
(Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2 q = Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2 (-q))%Z.
Lemma Qlowbound_lt_ZExp2_spec : forall (q : Q) (Hqgt0 : q > 0),
(2^(Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2 q) < q)%Q.
Lemma Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2_spec : forall (q : Q) (Hqgt0 : ~ q == 0),
(2^(Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2 q) < Qabs q)%Q.
Lemma Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2_inv: forall q : Q,
q > 0
-> Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2 q = (- Qbound_ltabs_ZExp2 (/q))%Z.
Lemma Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2_opp: forall q : Q,
(Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2 q = Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2 (-q))%Z.
Lemma Qlowbound_lt_ZExp2_spec : forall (q : Q) (Hqgt0 : q > 0),
(2^(Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2 q) < q)%Q.
Lemma Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2_spec : forall (q : Q) (Hqgt0 : ~ q == 0),
(2^(Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2 q) < Qabs q)%Q.
Definition QarchimedeanExp2_Z (q : Q)
: {z : Z | (q < 2^z)%Q}
:= exist _ (Qbound_lt_ZExp2 q) (Qbound_lt_ZExp2_spec q).
Definition QarchimedeanAbsExp2_Z (q : Q)
: {z : Z | (Qabs q < 2^z)%Q}
:= exist _ (Qbound_ltabs_ZExp2 q) (Qbound_ltabs_ZExp2_spec q).
Definition QarchimedeanLowExp2_Z (q : Q) (Hqgt0 : q > 0)
: {z : Z | (2^z < q)%Q}
:= exist _ (Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2 q) (Qlowbound_lt_ZExp2_spec q Hqgt0).
Definition QarchimedeanLowAbsExp2_Z (q : Q) (Hqgt0 : ~ q == 0)
: {z : Z | (2^z < Qabs q)%Q}
:= exist _ (Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2 q) (Qlowbound_ltabs_ZExp2_spec q Hqgt0).