Library Corelib.BinNums.PosDef
Binary positive numbers, operations
Postfix notation for positive numbers, which allows mimicking
the position of bits in a big-endian representation.
For instance, we can write 1~1~0 instead of (xO (xI xH))
for the number 6 (which is 110 in binary notation).
Notation "p ~ 1" := (xI p)
(at level 7, left associativity, format "p '~' '1'") : positive_scope.
Notation "p ~ 0" := (xO p)
(at level 7, left associativity, format "p '~' '0'") : positive_scope.
Notation "1" := xH : positive_scope.
Notation "2" := 1~0 : positive_scope.
Notation "3" := 1~1 : positive_scope.
Module Pos.
Fixpoint add x y :=
match x, y with
| p~1, q~1 => (add_carry p q)~0
| p~1, q~0 => (add p q)~1
| p~1, 1 => (succ p)~0
| p~0, q~1 => (add p q)~1
| p~0, q~0 => (add p q)~0
| p~0, 1 => p~1
| 1, q~1 => (succ q)~0
| 1, q~0 => q~1
| 1, 1 => 1~0
with add_carry x y :=
match x, y with
| p~1, q~1 => (add_carry p q)~1
| p~1, q~0 => (add_carry p q)~0
| p~1, 1 => (succ p)~1
| p~0, q~1 => (add_carry p q)~0
| p~0, q~0 => (add p q)~1
| p~0, 1 => (succ p)~0
| 1, q~1 => (succ q)~1
| 1, q~0 => (succ q)~0
| 1, 1 => 1~1
Definition pred_N x :=
match x with
| p~1 => Npos (p~0)
| p~0 => Npos (pred_double p)
| 1 => N0
Definition succ_double_mask (x:mask) : mask :=
match x with
| IsNul => IsPos 1
| IsNeg => IsNeg
| IsPos p => IsPos p~1
Definition double_mask (x:mask) : mask :=
match x with
| IsNul => IsNul
| IsNeg => IsNeg
| IsPos p => IsPos p~0
Definition double_pred_mask x : mask :=
match x with
| p~1 => IsPos p~0~0
| p~0 => IsPos (pred_double p)~0
| 1 => IsNul
Fixpoint sub_mask (x y:positive) {struct y} : mask :=
match x, y with
| p~1, q~1 => double_mask (sub_mask p q)
| p~1, q~0 => succ_double_mask (sub_mask p q)
| p~1, 1 => IsPos p~0
| p~0, q~1 => succ_double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q)
| p~0, q~0 => double_mask (sub_mask p q)
| p~0, 1 => IsPos (pred_double p)
| 1, 1 => IsNul
| 1, _ => IsNeg
with sub_mask_carry (x y:positive) {struct y} : mask :=
match x, y with
| p~1, q~1 => succ_double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q)
| p~1, q~0 => double_mask (sub_mask p q)
| p~1, 1 => IsPos (pred_double p)
| p~0, q~1 => double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q)
| p~0, q~0 => succ_double_mask (sub_mask_carry p q)
| p~0, 1 => double_pred_mask p
| 1, _ => IsNeg
Definition iter {A} (f:A -> A) : A -> positive -> A :=
fix iter_fix x n := match n with
| xH => f x
| xO n' => iter_fix (iter_fix x n') n'
| xI n' => f (iter_fix (iter_fix x n') n')
Division by 2 rounded up
Fixpoint compare_cont (r:comparison) (x y:positive) {struct y} : comparison :=
match x, y with
| p~1, q~1 => compare_cont r p q
| p~1, q~0 => compare_cont Gt p q
| p~1, 1 => Gt
| p~0, q~1 => compare_cont Lt p q
| p~0, q~0 => compare_cont r p q
| p~0, 1 => Gt
| 1, q~1 => Lt
| 1, q~0 => Lt
| 1, 1 => r
Definition compare := compare_cont Eq.
Fixpoint eqb p q {struct q} :=
match p, q with
| p~1, q~1 => eqb p q
| p~0, q~0 => eqb p q
| 1, 1 => true
| _, _ => false
Definition leb x y :=
match compare x y with Gt => false | _ => true end.
A Square Root function for positive numbers
Definition sqrtrem_step (f g:positive->positive) p :=
match p with
| (s, IsPos r) =>
let s' := s~0~1 in
let r' := g (f r) in
if leb s' r' then (s~1, sub_mask r' s')
else (s~0, IsPos r')
| (s,_) => (s~0, sub_mask (g (f 1)) 1~0~0)
Fixpoint sqrtrem p : positive * mask :=
match p with
| 1 => (1,IsNul)
| 1~0 => (1,IsPos 1)
| 1~1 => (1,IsPos 1~0)
| p~0~0 => sqrtrem_step xO xO (sqrtrem p)
| p~0~1 => sqrtrem_step xO xI (sqrtrem p)
| p~1~0 => sqrtrem_step xI xO (sqrtrem p)
| p~1~1 => sqrtrem_step xI xI (sqrtrem p)
Definition sqrt p := fst (sqrtrem p).
Definition Nsucc_double x :=
match x with
| N0 => Npos 1
| Npos p => Npos p~1
Definition Ndouble n :=
match n with
| N0 => N0
| Npos p => Npos p~0
Operation over bits.
Logical or
Fixpoint lor (p q : positive) : positive :=
match p, q with
| 1, q~0 => q~1
| 1, _ => q
| p~0, 1 => p~1
| _, 1 => p
| p~0, q~0 => (lor p q)~0
| p~0, q~1 => (lor p q)~1
| p~1, q~0 => (lor p q)~1
| p~1, q~1 => (lor p q)~1
Logical and
Fixpoint land (p q : positive) : N :=
match p, q with
| 1, q~0 => N0
| 1, _ => Npos 1
| p~0, 1 => N0
| _, 1 => Npos 1
| p~0, q~0 => Ndouble (land p q)
| p~0, q~1 => Ndouble (land p q)
| p~1, q~0 => Ndouble (land p q)
| p~1, q~1 => Nsucc_double (land p q)
Logical diff
Fixpoint ldiff (p q:positive) : N :=
match p, q with
| 1, q~0 => Npos 1
| 1, _ => N0
| _~0, 1 => Npos p
| p~1, 1 => Npos (p~0)
| p~0, q~0 => Ndouble (ldiff p q)
| p~0, q~1 => Ndouble (ldiff p q)
| p~1, q~1 => Ndouble (ldiff p q)
| p~1, q~0 => Nsucc_double (ldiff p q)
Fixpoint lxor (p q:positive) : N :=
match p, q with
| 1, 1 => N0
| 1, q~0 => Npos (q~1)
| 1, q~1 => Npos (q~0)
| p~0, 1 => Npos (p~1)
| p~0, q~0 => Ndouble (lxor p q)
| p~0, q~1 => Nsucc_double (lxor p q)
| p~1, 1 => Npos (p~0)
| p~1, q~0 => Nsucc_double (lxor p q)
| p~1, q~1 => Ndouble (lxor p q)
Definition iter_op {A}(op:A->A->A) :=
fix iter (p:positive)(a:A) : A :=
match p with
| 1 => a
| p~0 => iter p (op a a)
| p~1 => op a (iter p (op a a))
Definition to_nat (x:positive) : nat := iter_op plus x (S O).
Arguments to_nat x: simpl never.
Fixpoint of_succ_nat (n:nat) : positive :=
match n with
| O => 1
| S x => succ (of_succ_nat x)
End Pos.