Library Corelib.Program.Utils

Various syntactic shorthands that are useful with Program.

Require Export Corelib.Program.Tactics.

Set Implicit Arguments.

A simpler notation for subsets defined on a cartesian product.

Notation "{ ( x , y ) : A | P }" :=
  (sig (fun anonymous : A => let (x,y) := anonymous in P))
  (x name, y name) : type_scope.

Declare Scope program_scope.
Delimit Scope program_scope with prg.

Generates an obligation to prove False.

Notation " ! " := (False_rect _ _) : program_scope.

Abbreviation for first projection and hiding of proofs of subset objects.

Notation " ` t " := (proj1_sig t) (at level 10, t at next level) : program_scope.

Coerces objects to their support before comparing them.
Construct a dependent disjunction from a boolean.

Notation dec := sumbool_of_bool.

The notations in_right and in_left construct objects of a dependent disjunction.
Hide proofs and generates obligations when put in a term.

Notation in_left := (@left _ _ _).
Notation in_right := (@right _ _ _).

Extraction directives