Library Stdlib.Reals.Ratan
From Stdlib Require Import Lra.
From Stdlib Require Import Rbase.
From Stdlib Require Import PSeries_reg.
From Stdlib Require Import Rtrigo1.
From Stdlib Require Import Rtrigo_facts.
From Stdlib Require Import Ranalysis_reg.
From Stdlib Require Import Rfunctions.
From Stdlib Require Import AltSeries.
From Stdlib Require Import Rseries.
From Stdlib Require Import SeqProp.
From Stdlib Require Import Ranalysis5.
From Stdlib Require Import SeqSeries.
From Stdlib Require Import PartSum.
From Stdlib Require Import Lia.
From Stdlib Require Import Znat.
Local Open Scope R_scope.
Local Ltac Tauto.intuition_solver ::= auto with rorders real arith.
Lemma Boule_half_to_interval : forall x,
Boule (/2) posreal_half x -> 0 <= x <= 1.
Lemma Boule_lt : forall c r x,
Boule c r x -> Rabs x < Rabs c + r.
Lemma Un_cv_ext : forall un vn,
(forall n, un n = vn n) ->
forall l, Un_cv un l ->
Un_cv vn l.
Lemma Alt_first_term_bound : forall f l N n,
Un_decreasing f -> Un_cv f 0 ->
Un_cv (sum_f_R0 (tg_alt f)) l ->
(N <= n)%nat ->
Rdist (sum_f_R0 (tg_alt f) n) l <= f N.
Lemma Alt_CVU : forall (f : nat -> R -> R) g h c r,
(forall x, Boule c r x ->Un_decreasing (fun n => f n x)) ->
(forall x, Boule c r x -> Un_cv (fun n => f n x) 0) ->
(forall x, Boule c r x ->
Un_cv (sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (fun i => f i x))) (g x)) ->
(forall x n, Boule c r x -> f n x <= h n) ->
(Un_cv h 0) ->
CVU (fun N x => sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (fun i => f i x)) N) g c r.
Lemma pow2_ge_0 : forall x, 0 <= x^2.
Lemma pow2_abs : forall x, Rabs x^2 = x^2.
Lemma derivable_pt_tan : forall x, -PI/2 < x < PI/2 ->
derivable_pt tan x.
Lemma derive_pt_tan : forall x,
forall (Pr1: -PI/2 < x < PI/2),
derive_pt tan x (derivable_pt_tan x Pr1) = 1 + (tan x)^2.
Lemma derive_increasing_interv : forall (a b : R) (f : R -> R),
a < b ->
forall (pr:forall x, a < x < b -> derivable_pt f x),
(forall t:R, forall (t_encad : a < t < b), 0 < derive_pt f t (pr t t_encad)) ->
forall x y:R, a < x < b -> a < y < b -> x < y -> f x < f y.
Lemma PI2_lower_bound : forall x, 0 < x < 2 -> 0 < cos x -> x < PI/2.
Lemma PI2_3_2 : 3/2 < PI/2.
Lemma PI2_1 : 1 < PI/2.
Lemma tan_increasing : forall x y,
-PI/2 < x -> x < y -> y < PI/2 ->
tan x < tan y.
Lemma tan_inj : forall x y,
-PI/2 < x < PI/2 -> -PI/2 < y < PI/2 ->
tan x = tan y ->
x = y.
Notation tan_is_inj := tan_inj (only parsing).
Lemma exists_atan_in_frame : forall lb ub y,
lb < ub -> -PI/2 < lb -> ub < PI/2 ->
tan lb < y < tan ub ->
{x | lb < x < ub /\ tan x = y}.
Definition of arctangent
Definition of arctangent as the reciprocal function of tangent and proof of this status
Lemma tan_1_gt_1 : tan 1 > 1.
Lemma sin_lt_x x : 0 < x -> sin x < x.
Definition frame_tan y : {x | 0 < x < PI/2 /\ Rabs y < tan x}.
Lemma ub_opp : forall x, x < PI/2 -> -PI/2 < -x.
Lemma pos_opp_lt : forall x, 0 < x -> -x < x.
Lemma tech_opp_tan : forall x y, -tan x < y -> tan (-x) < y.
Definition pre_atan (y : R) : {x : R | -PI/2 < x < PI/2 /\ tan x = y}.
Definition atan x := let (v, _) := pre_atan x in v.
Lemma atan_bound : forall x,
-PI/2 < atan x < PI/2.
Lemma tan_atan : forall x,
tan (atan x) = x.
Notation atan_right_inv := tan_atan (only parsing).
Lemma atan_opp : forall x,
atan (- x) = - atan x.
Lemma derivable_pt_atan : forall x,
derivable_pt atan x.
Lemma atan_increasing : forall x y,
x < y -> atan x < atan y.
Lemma atan_0 : atan 0 = 0.
Lemma atan_eq0 : forall x,
atan x = 0 -> x = 0.
Lemma atan_1 : atan 1 = PI/4.
Lemma atan_tan : forall x, - (PI / 2) < x < PI / 2 ->
atan (tan x) = x.
Lemma atan_inv : forall x, (0 < x)%R ->
atan (/ x) = (PI / 2 - atan x)%R.
Lemma derive_pt_atan : forall x,
derive_pt atan x (derivable_pt_atan x) = 1 / (1 + x²).
Lemma derivable_pt_lim_atan : forall x,
derivable_pt_lim atan x (/ (1 + x^2)).
Definition Ratan_seq x := fun n => (x ^ (2 * n + 1) / INR (2 * n + 1))%R.
Lemma Ratan_seq_decreasing : forall x, (0 <= x <= 1)%R ->
Un_decreasing (Ratan_seq x).
Lemma Ratan_seq_converging : forall x, (0 <= x <= 1)%R ->
Un_cv (Ratan_seq x) 0.
Definition ps_atan_exists_01 (x : R) (Hx:0 <= x <= 1) :
{l : R | Un_cv (fun N : nat => sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (Ratan_seq x)) N) l}.
Lemma Ratan_seq_opp : forall x n,
Ratan_seq (-x) n = -Ratan_seq x n.
Lemma sum_Ratan_seq_opp : forall x n,
sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (Ratan_seq (- x))) n = - sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (Ratan_seq x)) n.
Definition ps_atan_exists_1 (x : R) (Hx : -1 <= x <= 1) :
{l : R | Un_cv (fun N : nat => sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (Ratan_seq x)) N) l}.
Definition in_int (x : R) : {-1 <= x <= 1}+{~ -1 <= x <= 1}.
Definition ps_atan (x : R) : R :=
match in_int x with
left h => let (v, _) := ps_atan_exists_1 x h in v
| right h => atan x
Lemma ps_atan0_0 : ps_atan 0 = 0.
Lemma ps_atan_exists_1_opp : forall x h h',
proj1_sig (ps_atan_exists_1 (-x) h) = -(proj1_sig (ps_atan_exists_1 x h')).
Lemma ps_atan_opp : forall x,
ps_atan (-x) = -ps_atan x.
atan = ps_atan
Lemma ps_atanSeq_continuity_pt_1 : forall (N : nat) (x : R),
0 <= x -> x <= 1 ->
continuity_pt (fun x => sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (Ratan_seq x)) N) x.
Definition of ps_atan's derivative
Definition Datan_seq := fun (x : R) (n : nat) => x ^ (2*n).
Lemma pow_lt_1_compat : forall x n,
0 <= x < 1 -> (0 < n)%nat ->
0 <= x ^ n < 1.
Lemma Datan_seq_Rabs : forall x n,
Datan_seq (Rabs x) n = Datan_seq x n.
Lemma Datan_seq_pos : forall x n, 0 < x ->
0 < Datan_seq x n.
Lemma Datan_sum_eq :forall x n,
sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (Datan_seq x)) n = (1 - (- x ^ 2) ^ S n)/(1 + x ^ 2).
Lemma Datan_seq_increasing : forall x y n,
(n > 0)%nat -> 0 <= x < y ->
Datan_seq x n < Datan_seq y n.
Lemma Datan_seq_decreasing : forall x, -1 < x -> x < 1 ->
Un_decreasing (Datan_seq x).
Lemma Datan_seq_CV_0 : forall x, -1 < x -> x < 1 ->
Un_cv (Datan_seq x) 0.
Lemma Datan_lim : forall x, -1 < x -> x < 1 ->
Un_cv (fun N : nat => sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (Datan_seq x)) N) (/ (1 + x ^ 2)).
Lemma Datan_CVU_prelim : forall c (r : posreal), Rabs c + r < 1 ->
CVU (fun N x => sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (Datan_seq x)) N)
(fun y : R => / (1 + y ^ 2)) c r.
Lemma Datan_is_datan : forall (N : nat) (x : R),
-1 <= x -> x < 1 ->
derivable_pt_lim (fun x => sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (Ratan_seq x)) N) x (sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (Datan_seq x)) N).
Lemma Ratan_CVU' :
CVU (fun N x => sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (Ratan_seq x)) N)
ps_atan (/2) posreal_half.
Lemma Ratan_CVU :
CVU (fun N x => sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (Ratan_seq x)) N)
ps_atan 0 (mkposreal 1 Rlt_0_1).
Lemma Alt_PI_tg : forall n, PI_tg n = Ratan_seq 1 n.
Lemma Ratan_is_ps_atan : forall eps, eps > 0 ->
exists N, forall n, (n >= N)%nat -> forall x, -1 < x -> x < 1 ->
Rabs (sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (Ratan_seq x)) n - ps_atan x) < eps.
Lemma Datan_continuity : continuity (fun x => /(1 + x^2)).
Lemma derivable_pt_lim_ps_atan : forall x, -1 < x < 1 ->
derivable_pt_lim ps_atan x ((fun y => /(1 + y ^ 2)) x).
Lemma derivable_pt_ps_atan : forall x, -1 < x < 1 ->
derivable_pt ps_atan x.
Lemma ps_atan_continuity_pt_1 : forall eps : R,
eps > 0 ->
exists alp : R, alp > 0 /\ (forall x, x < 1 -> 0 < x -> Rdist x 1 < alp ->
dist R_met (ps_atan x) (Alt_PI/4) < eps).
Lemma Datan_eq_DatanSeq_interv : forall x, -1 < x < 1 ->
forall (Pratan:derivable_pt ps_atan x) (Prmymeta:derivable_pt atan x),
derive_pt ps_atan x Pratan = derive_pt atan x Prmymeta.
Lemma atan_eq_ps_atan : forall x, 0 < x < 1 ->
atan x = ps_atan x.
Theorem Alt_PI_eq : Alt_PI = PI.
Lemma PI_ineq : forall N : nat,
sum_f_R0 (tg_alt PI_tg) (S (2 * N)) <= PI/4 <= sum_f_R0 (tg_alt PI_tg) (2 * N).
Lemma sin_atan: forall x,
sin (atan x) = x / sqrt (1 + x²).
Lemma cos_atan: forall x,
cos (atan x) = 1 / sqrt(1 + x²).
Definition of arcsine based on arctangent
Definition asin x :=
if Rle_dec x (-1) then - (PI / 2) else
if Rle_dec 1 x then PI / 2 else
atan (x / sqrt (1 - x²)).
Lemma asin_0 : asin 0 = 0.
Lemma asin_1 : asin 1 = PI / 2.
Lemma asin_inv_sqrt2 : asin (/sqrt 2) = PI/4.
Lemma asin_opp : forall x,
asin (- x) = - asin x.
Lemma asin_bound : forall x,
- (PI/2) <= asin x <= PI/2.
Lemma asin_bound_lt : forall x, -1 < x < 1 ->
- (PI/2) < asin x < PI/2.
Lemma sin_asin : forall x, -1 <= x <= 1 ->
sin (asin x) = x.
Lemma asin_sin : forall x, -(PI/2) <= x <= PI/2 ->
asin (sin x) = x.
Lemma cos_asin : forall x, -1 <= x <= 1 ->
cos (asin x) = sqrt (1 - x²).
Lemma tan_asin : forall x, -1 <= x <= 1 ->
tan (asin x) = x / sqrt (1 - x²).
Lemma derivable_pt_asin : forall x, -1 < x < 1 ->
derivable_pt asin x.
Lemma derive_pt_asin : forall (x : R) (Hxrange : -1 < x < 1),
derive_pt asin x (derivable_pt_asin x Hxrange) = 1 / sqrt (1 - x²).
Definition of arccosine based on arctangent
Definition acos x :=
if Rle_dec x (-1) then PI else
if Rle_dec 1 x then 0 else
PI/2 - atan (x/sqrt(1 - x²)).
Lemma acos_atan : forall x, 0 < x ->
acos x = atan (sqrt (1 - x²) / x).
Lemma acos_asin : forall x, -1 <= x <= 1 ->
acos x = PI/2 - asin x.
Lemma asin_acos : forall x, -1 <= x <= 1 ->
asin x = PI/2 - acos x.
Lemma acos_0 : acos 0 = PI/2.
Lemma acos_1 : acos 1 = 0.
Lemma acos_opp : forall x,
acos (- x) = PI - acos x.
Lemma acos_inv_sqrt2 : acos (/sqrt 2) = PI/4.
Lemma acos_bound : forall x,
0 <= acos x <= PI.
Lemma acos_bound_lt : forall x, -1 < x < 1 ->
0 < acos x < PI.
Lemma cos_acos : forall x, -1 <= x <= 1 ->
cos (acos x) = x.
Lemma acos_cos : forall x, 0 <= x <= PI ->
acos (cos x) = x.