Library Stdlib.Numbers.Integer.Abstract.ZGcd
Properties of the greatest common divisor
From Stdlib Require Import ZAxioms ZMulOrder ZSgnAbs NZGcd.
Module Type ZGcdProp
(Import A : ZAxiomsSig')
(Import B : ZMulOrderProp A)
(Import C : ZSgnAbsProp A B).
Include NZGcdProp A A B.
Results concerning divisibility
Lemma divide_opp_l : forall n m, (-n | m) <-> (n | m).
Lemma divide_opp_r : forall n m, (n | -m) <-> (n | m).
Lemma divide_abs_l : forall n m, (abs n | m) <-> (n | m).
Lemma divide_abs_r : forall n m, (n | abs m) <-> (n | m).
Lemma divide_1_r_abs : forall n, (n | 1) -> abs n == 1.
Lemma divide_1_r : forall n, (n | 1) -> n==1 \/ n==-1.
Lemma divide_antisym_abs : forall n m,
(n | m) -> (m | n) -> abs n == abs m.
Lemma divide_antisym : forall n m,
(n | m) -> (m | n) -> n == m \/ n == -m.
Lemma divide_sub_r : forall n m p, (n | m) -> (n | p) -> (n | m - p).
Lemma divide_add_cancel_r : forall n m p, (n | m) -> (n | m + p) -> (n | p).
Properties of gcd
Lemma gcd_opp_l : forall n m, gcd (-n) m == gcd n m.
Lemma gcd_opp_r : forall n m, gcd n (-m) == gcd n m.
Lemma gcd_abs_l : forall n m, gcd (abs n) m == gcd n m.
Lemma gcd_abs_r : forall n m, gcd n (abs m) == gcd n m.
Lemma gcd_0_l : forall n, gcd 0 n == abs n.
Lemma gcd_0_r : forall n, gcd n 0 == abs n.
Lemma gcd_diag : forall n, gcd n n == abs n.
Lemma gcd_add_mult_diag_r : forall n m p, gcd n (m+p*n) == gcd n m.
Lemma gcd_add_diag_r : forall n m, gcd n (m+n) == gcd n m.
Lemma gcd_sub_diag_r : forall n m, gcd n (m-n) == gcd n m.
Definition Bezout n m p := exists a b, a*n + b*m == p.
Instance Bezout_wd : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq==>iff) Bezout.
Lemma bezout_1_gcd : forall n m, Bezout n m 1 -> gcd n m == 1.
Lemma gcd_bezout : forall n m p, gcd n m == p -> Bezout n m p.
Lemma gcd_mul_mono_l :
forall n m p, gcd (p * n) (p * m) == abs p * gcd n m.
Lemma gcd_mul_mono_l_nonneg :
forall n m p, 0<=p -> gcd (p*n) (p*m) == p * gcd n m.
Lemma gcd_mul_mono_r :
forall n m p, gcd (n * p) (m * p) == gcd n m * abs p.
Lemma gcd_mul_mono_r_nonneg :
forall n m p, 0<=p -> gcd (n*p) (m*p) == gcd n m * p.
Lemma gauss : forall n m p, (n | m * p) -> gcd n m == 1 -> (n | p).
Lemma divide_mul_split : forall n m p, n ~= 0 -> (n | m * p) ->
exists q r, n == q*r /\ (q | m) /\ (r | p).
TODO : more about rel_prime (i.e. gcd == 1), about prime ...