Library Stdlib.Classes.SetoidDec

Decidable setoid equality theory.

Author: Matthieu Sozeau Institution: LRI, CNRS UMR 8623 - University Paris Sud

Set Implicit Arguments.

Generalizable Variables A B .

Export notations.

From Stdlib.Classes Require Export SetoidClass.

The DecidableSetoid class asserts decidability of a Setoid. It can be useful in proofs to reason more classically.

From Stdlib.Logic Require Import Decidable.

Class DecidableSetoid `(S : Setoid A) :=
  setoid_decidable : forall x y : A, decidable (x == y).

The EqDec class gives a decision procedure for a particular setoid equality.

Class EqDec `(S : Setoid A) :=
  equiv_dec : forall x y : A, { x == y } + { x =/= y }.

We define the == overloaded notation for deciding equality. It does not take precedence of == defined in the type scope, hence we can have both at the same time.

Notation " x == y " := (equiv_dec x y) (no associativity, at level 70).

Definition swap_sumbool {A B} (x : { A } + { B }) : { B } + { A } :=
  match x with
    | left H => @right _ _ H
    | right H => @left _ _ H

From Stdlib.Program Require Import Program.

Local Open Scope program_scope.

Invert the branches.

Program Definition nequiv_dec `{EqDec A} (x y : A) : { x =/= y } + { x == y } := swap_sumbool (x == y).

Overloaded notation for inequality.

Infix "=/=" := nequiv_dec (no associativity, at level 70).

Define boolean versions, losing the logical information.

Definition equiv_decb `{EqDec A} (x y : A) : bool :=
  if x == y then true else false.

Definition nequiv_decb `{EqDec A} (x y : A) : bool :=
  negb (equiv_decb x y).

Infix "==b" := equiv_decb (no associativity, at level 70).
Infix "<>b" := nequiv_decb (no associativity, at level 70).

Decidable leibniz equality instances.

From Stdlib.Arith Require Import Arith_base.

The equiv is buried inside the setoid, but we can recover it by specifying which setoid we're talking about.

Program Instance eq_setoid A : Setoid A | 10 :=
  { equiv := eq ; setoid_equiv := eq_equivalence }.

Program Instance nat_eq_eqdec : EqDec (eq_setoid nat) :=

From Stdlib.Bool Require Import Bool.

Program Instance bool_eqdec : EqDec (eq_setoid bool) :=

Program Instance unit_eqdec : EqDec (eq_setoid unit) :=
  fun x y => in_left.

Program Instance prod_eqdec `(! EqDec (eq_setoid A), ! EqDec (eq_setoid B))
 : EqDec (eq_setoid (prod A B)) :=
  fun x y =>
    let '(x1, x2) := x in
    let '(y1, y2) := y in
    if x1 == y1 then
      if x2 == y2 then in_left
      else in_right
    else in_right.

  Solve Obligations with unfold complement ; program_simpl.

Objects of function spaces with countable domains like bool have decidable equality.

Program Instance bool_function_eqdec `(! EqDec (eq_setoid A))
 : EqDec (eq_setoid (bool -> A)) :=
  fun f g =>
    if f true == g true then
      if f false == g false then in_left
      else in_right
    else in_right.

  Solve Obligations with try red ; unfold complement ; program_simpl.