Library Stdlib.ZArith.Zcompare
Binary Integers : results about Initial author: Pierre Crégut (CNET, Lannion, France
It is now almost entirely made of compatibility formulations
for results already present in BinInt.Z.
Lemma Zcompare_Gt_Lt_antisym : forall n m:Z, (n ?= m) = Gt <-> (m ?= n) = Lt.
Lemma Zcompare_antisym n m : CompOpp (n ?= m) = (m ?= n).
Lemma Zcompare_Lt_trans :
forall n m p:Z, (n ?= m) = Lt -> (m ?= p) = Lt -> (n ?= p) = Lt.
Lemma Zcompare_Gt_trans :
forall n m p:Z, (n ?= m) = Gt -> (m ?= p) = Gt -> (n ?= p) = Gt.
Lemma Zcompare_plus_compat n m p : (p + n ?= p + m) = (n ?= m).
Lemma Zplus_compare_compat (r:comparison) (n m p q:Z) :
(n ?= m) = r -> (p ?= q) = r -> (n + p ?= m + q) = r.
Lemma Zcompare_succ_Gt n : (Z.succ n ?= n) = Gt.
Lemma Zcompare_Gt_not_Lt n m : (n ?= m) = Gt <-> (n ?= m+1) <> Lt.
Lemma Zcompare_mult_compat :
forall (p:positive) (n m:Z), (Zpos p * n ?= Zpos p * m) = (n ?= m).
Lemma Zmult_compare_compat_l n m p:
p > 0 -> (n ?= m) = (p * n ?= p * m).
Lemma Zmult_compare_compat_r n m p :
p > 0 -> (n ?= m) = (n * p ?= m * p).
Lemma Zcompare_elim :
forall (c1 c2 c3:Prop) (n m:Z),
(n = m -> c1) ->
(n < m -> c2) ->
(n > m -> c3) -> match n ?= m with
| Eq => c1
| Lt => c2
| Gt => c3
Lemma Zcompare_eq_case :
forall (c1 c2 c3:Prop) (n m:Z),
c1 -> n = m -> match n ?= m with
| Eq => c1
| Lt => c2
| Gt => c3
Lemma Zle_compare :
forall n m:Z,
n <= m -> match n ?= m with
| Eq => True
| Lt => True
| Gt => False
Lemma Zlt_compare :
forall n m:Z,
n < m -> match n ?= m with
| Eq => False
| Lt => True
| Gt => False
Lemma Zge_compare :
forall n m:Z,
n >= m -> match n ?= m with
| Eq => True
| Lt => False
| Gt => True
Lemma Zgt_compare :
forall n m:Z,
n > m -> match n ?= m with
| Eq => False
| Lt => False
| Gt => True
Compatibility notations
Notation Zcompare_Eq_eq := Z.compare_eq (only parsing).
Notation Zcompare_Eq_iff_eq := Z.compare_eq_iff (only parsing).
Notation Zabs_non_eq := Z.abs_neq (only parsing).
Notation Zsgn_0 := Z.sgn_null (only parsing).
Notation Zsgn_1 := Z.sgn_pos (only parsing).
Notation Zsgn_m1 := Z.sgn_neg (only parsing).
Not kept: Zcompare_egal_dec