Library Stdlib.Numbers.DecimalString

Require Import Decimal Ascii String.

Conversion between decimal numbers and Coq strings

Pretty straightforward, which is precisely the point of the datatype. The only catch is Decimal.Nil : we could choose to convert it as "" or as "0". In the first case, it is awkward to consider "" (or "-") as a number, while in the second case we don't have a perfect bijection. Since the second variant is implemented thanks to the first one, we provide both.

Local Open Scope string_scope.

Parsing one char

Definition uint_of_char (a:ascii)(d:option uint) :=
  match d with
  | None => None
  | Some d =>
    match a with
    | "0" => Some (D0 d)
    | "1" => Some (D1 d)
    | "2" => Some (D2 d)
    | "3" => Some (D3 d)
    | "4" => Some (D4 d)
    | "5" => Some (D5 d)
    | "6" => Some (D6 d)
    | "7" => Some (D7 d)
    | "8" => Some (D8 d)
    | "9" => Some (D9 d)
    | _ => None

Lemma uint_of_char_spec c d d' :
  uint_of_char c (Some d) = Some d' ->
  (c = "0" /\ d' = D0 d \/
  c = "1" /\ d' = D1 d \/
  c = "2" /\ d' = D2 d \/
  c = "3" /\ d' = D3 d \/
  c = "4" /\ d' = D4 d \/
  c = "5" /\ d' = D5 d \/
  c = "6" /\ d' = D6 d \/
  c = "7" /\ d' = D7 d \/
  c = "8" /\ d' = D8 d \/
  c = "9" /\ d' = D9 d)%char.

Decimal/String conversion where Nil is ""

Module NilEmpty.

Fixpoint string_of_uint (d:uint) :=
  match d with
  | Nil => EmptyString
  | D0 d => String "0" (string_of_uint d)
  | D1 d => String "1" (string_of_uint d)
  | D2 d => String "2" (string_of_uint d)
  | D3 d => String "3" (string_of_uint d)
  | D4 d => String "4" (string_of_uint d)
  | D5 d => String "5" (string_of_uint d)
  | D6 d => String "6" (string_of_uint d)
  | D7 d => String "7" (string_of_uint d)
  | D8 d => String "8" (string_of_uint d)
  | D9 d => String "9" (string_of_uint d)

Fixpoint uint_of_string s :=
  match s with
  | EmptyString => Some Nil
  | String a s => uint_of_char a (uint_of_string s)

Definition string_of_int (d:int) :=
  match d with
  | Pos d => string_of_uint d
  | Neg d => String "-" (string_of_uint d)

Definition int_of_string s :=
  match s with
  | EmptyString => Some (Pos Nil)
  | String a s' =>
    if Ascii.eqb a "-" then option_map Neg (uint_of_string s')
    else option_map Pos (uint_of_string s)

Corresponding proofs
Decimal/String conversions where Nil is "0"

Module NilZero.

Definition string_of_uint (d:uint) :=
  match d with
  | Nil => "0"
  | _ => NilEmpty.string_of_uint d

Definition uint_of_string s :=
  match s with
  | EmptyString => None
  | _ => NilEmpty.uint_of_string s

Definition string_of_int (d:int) :=
  match d with
  | Pos d => string_of_uint d
  | Neg d => String "-" (string_of_uint d)

Definition int_of_string s :=
  match s with
  | EmptyString => None
  | String a s' =>
    if Ascii.eqb a "-" then option_map Neg (uint_of_string s')
    else option_map Pos (uint_of_string s)

Corresponding proofs
Warning! (-0) won't parse (compatibility with the behavior of Z).