Library Ltac2.Unification
unify ts c1 c2 unifies c1 and c2 (using Evarconv unification), which
may have the effect of instantiating evars. If the c1 and c2 cannot be
unified, an Internal exception is raised.
Ltac2 @ external unify : TransparentState.t -> constr -> constr -> unit :=
"rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "evarconv_unify".
"rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "evarconv_unify".
unify_with_full_ts is like unify TransparentState.full.
Ltac2 unify_with_full_ts : constr -> constr -> unit := fun c1 c2 =>
unify TransparentState.full c1 c2.
unify TransparentState.full c1 c2.
unify_with_current_ts is like unify (TransparentState.current ()).
Ltac2 unify_with_current_ts : constr -> constr -> unit := fun c1 c2 =>
unify (TransparentState.current ()) c1 c2.
unify (TransparentState.current ()) c1 c2.