Library Ltac2.TransparentState
Abstract type representing a transparency state.
Ltac2 Type t.
empty is the empty transparency state (all constants are opaque).
Ltac2 @ external empty : t :=
"rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "empty_transparent_state".
"rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "empty_transparent_state".
full is the full transparency state (all constants are transparent).
Ltac2 @ external full : t :=
"rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "full_transparent_state".
"rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "full_transparent_state".
current () gives the transparency state of the goal, which is influenced
by, e.g., the Strategy command, or the with_strategy Ltac tactic.
Ltac2 @ external current : unit -> t :=
"rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "current_transparent_state".
"rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "current_transparent_state".