Library Ltac2.Message
Require Import Ltac2.Init.
Ltac2 @ external print : message -> unit := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "print".
Ltac2 @ external of_string : string -> message := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "message_of_string".
Ltac2 @ external to_string : message -> string := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "message_to_string".
Ltac2 @ external of_int : int -> message := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "message_of_int".
Ltac2 @ external of_ident : ident -> message := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "message_of_ident".
Ltac2 @ external of_constr : constr -> message := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "message_of_constr".
Panics if there is more than one goal under focus.
Ltac2 @ external of_exn : exn -> message := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "message_of_exn".
Panics if there is more than one goal under focus.
Ltac2 @ external concat : message -> message -> message := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "message_concat".
Boxing primitives. They are translated to OCaml "Format" boxes,
Ltac2 @external force_new_line : message := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "message_force_new_line".
Force writing on a new line after this.
Warning: partially reinitialises the pretty-printing engine,
potentially leading to bad printing afterwards.
Prefer using a break hint inside a vertical box.
Ltac2 @external break : int -> int -> message := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "message_break".
General break hint: break n i either prints n spaces or splits
the line adding i to the current indentation.
Ltac2 @external space : message := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "message_space".
Breaking space. Equivalent to break 1 0.
Ltac2 @external hbox : message -> message := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "message_hbox".
Horizontal box. Break hints in a horizontal box never split the
line (nested boxes inside the horizontal box may allow line
Ltac2 @external vbox : int -> message -> message := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "message_vbox".
Vertical box. Every break hint in a vertical box splits the line.
The int is added to the current indentation when splitting the line.
Ltac2 @external hvbox : int -> message -> message := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "message_hvbox".
Horizontal/vertical box. Behaves as a horizontal box if it fits on
a single line, otherwise behaves as a vertical box (using the
given int).
Ltac2 @external hovbox : int -> message -> message := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "message_hovbox".
Horizonal-or-vertical box. Prints as much as possible on each
line, splitting the line at break hints when there is no more room
on the line (see "Printing Width" option). The int is added to
the indentation when splitting the line.
Only for internal use.
Ltac2 @ external stop : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'a) format := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "format_stop".
Ltac2 @ external string : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format ->
(string -> 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "format_string".
Ltac2 @ external int : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format ->
(int -> 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "format_int".
Ltac2 @ external constr : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format ->
(constr -> 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "format_constr".
Ltac2 @ external ident : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format ->
(ident -> 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "format_ident".
Ltac2 @ external literal : string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format ->
('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "format_literal".
Ltac2 @ external alpha : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format ->
(('b -> 'r -> 'c) -> 'r -> 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "format_alpha".
Ltac2 @ external kfprintf : (message -> 'r) -> ('a, unit, message, 'r) format -> 'a :=
"rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "format_kfprintf".
Ltac2 @ external ikfprintf : ('v -> 'r) -> 'v -> ('a, unit, 'v, 'r) format -> 'a :=
"rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "format_ikfprintf".
End Format.