This module implements the syntactic interpretation phase of vernacular commands. The main entry point is synterp_control
, which transforms a vernacexpr into a vernac_control_entry
val module_locality : bool Attributes.attribute
val with_locality : atts:Attributes.vernac_flags -> (local:bool option -> 'a) -> 'a
val with_module_locality : atts:Attributes.vernac_flags -> (module_local:bool -> 'a) -> 'a
val with_generic_atts : check:bool -> Attributes.vernac_flags -> (atts:Attributes.vernac_flags -> 'a) -> 'a
type module_entry = Modintern.module_struct_expr * Names.ModPath.t * Modintern.module_kind * Entries.inline
type control_entry =
| ControlTime of {
} | |
| ControlInstructions of {
} | |
| ControlRedirect of string | |
| ControlTimeout of {
} | |
| ControlFail of {
} | |
| ControlSucceed of {
} |
val synpure_control : Vernacexpr.control_flag -> control_entry
Interprete control flag assuming a synpure command.
type synterp_entry =
and vernac_entry = synterp_entry Vernacexpr.vernac_expr_gen
and vernac_control_entry = (control_entry, synterp_entry) Vernacexpr.vernac_control_gen_r CAst.t
defines elaborated vernacular expressions, after the syntactic interpretation phase and before full interpretation
exception UnmappedLibrary of Names.DirPath.t option * Libnames.qualid
exception NotFoundLibrary of Names.DirPath.t option * Libnames.qualid
val synterp_require : intern:Library.Intern.t -> Libnames.qualid option -> Vernacexpr.export_with_cats option -> (Libnames.qualid * Vernacexpr.import_filter_expr) list -> Library.library_t list * Names.DirPath.t list
performs the syntactic interpretation phase of `Require` commands
val synterp_control : intern:Library.Intern.t -> Vernacexpr.vernac_control -> vernac_control_entry
is the main entry point of the syntactic interpretation phase
val add_default_timeout : Vernacexpr.control_flag list -> Vernacexpr.control_flag list
val get_default_proof_mode : unit -> Pvernac.proof_mode
Default proof mode set by `start_proof`