The type of parsing attribute data
type vernac_flags = vernac_flag list
and vernac_flag = (string * vernac_flag_value) CAst.t
and vernac_flag_value =
| VernacFlagEmpty |
| VernacFlagLeaf of vernac_flag_type |
| VernacFlagList of vernac_flags |
val pr_vernac_flag : vernac_flag -> Pp.t
The type of attributes. When parsing attributes if an 'a
is present then an 'a
value will be produced. In the most general case, an attribute transforms the raw flags along with its value.
val parse : 'a attribute -> vernac_flags -> 'a
Errors on unsupported attributes.
val unsupported_attributes : vernac_flags -> unit
Errors if the list of flags is nonempty.
module Notations : sig ... end
Notations to combine attributes.
Definitions for some standard attributes.
val raw_attributes : vernac_flags attribute
val polymorphic : bool attribute
val program : bool attribute
val template : bool option attribute
val unfold_fix : bool attribute
val locality : bool option attribute
val option_locality : Goptions.option_locality attribute
val deprecation : Deprecation.t option attribute
val user_warn_warn : UserWarn.warn list attribute
val user_warns : UserWarn.t option attribute
val reversible : bool option attribute
val canonical_field : bool attribute
val canonical_instance : bool attribute
val using : string option attribute
val explicit_hint_locality : Hints.hint_locality option attribute
val bind_scope_where : Notation.add_scope_where option attribute
val hint_locality : Hints.hint_locality attribute
Default: if sections are opened then Local otherwise Export. Although this is named and uses the type hint_locality
it may be used as the standard 3-valued locality attribute.
val typing_flags : Declarations.typing_flags option attribute
Enable/Disable universe checking
val only_locality : vernac_flags -> bool option
Parse attributes allowing only locality.
val only_polymorphism : vernac_flags -> bool
Parse attributes allowing only polymorphism. Uses the global flag for the default value.
val parse_drop_extra : 'a attribute -> vernac_flags -> 'a
Ignores unsupported attributes.
val parse_with_extra : 'a attribute -> vernac_flags -> vernac_flags * 'a
Returns unsupported attributes.
* Defining attributes.
type 'a key_parser = ?loc:Loc.t -> 'a option -> vernac_flag_value -> 'a
A parser for some key in an attribute. It is given a nonempty 'a
when the attribute is multiply set for some command.
eg in #[polymorphic] Monomorphic Definition foo := ...
, when parsing Monomorphic
it will be given Some true
val attribute_of_list : (string * 'a key_parser) list -> 'a option attribute
Make an attribute from a list of key parsers together with their associated key.
val payload_parser : ?cat:(string -> string -> string) -> name:string -> string key_parser
payload_parser ?cat ~name
parses attributes like #[name="payload"]
. If the attribute is used multiple times and cat
is non-None, the payloads are concatenated using it. If cat
is None, having multiple occurences of the attribute is forbidden.
val payload_attribute : ?cat:(string -> string -> string) -> name:string ->
string option attribute
This is just attribute_of_list
for a single payload_parser
val bool_attribute : name:string -> bool option attribute
Define boolean attribute name
, of the form name={yes,no}
. The attribute may only be set once for a command.
qualified_attribute qual att
treats #[qual(atts)]
like att
treats atts
Combinators to help define your own parsers. See the implementation of bool_attribute
for practical use.
val assert_empty : ?loc:Loc.t -> string -> vernac_flag_value -> unit
assert_empty key v
errors if v
is not empty. key
is used in the error message as the name of the attribute.
val assert_once : ?loc:Loc.t -> name:string -> 'a option -> unit
assert_once ~name v
errors if v
is not empty. name
is used in the error message as the name of the attribute. Used to ensure that a given attribute is not reapeated.
val single_key_parser : name:string -> key:string -> 'a -> 'a key_parser
single_key_parser ~name ~key v
makes a parser for attribute name
giving the constant value v
for key key
taking no arguments. name
may only be given once.
val make_attribute : (vernac_flags -> vernac_flags * 'a) -> 'a attribute
Make an attribute using the internal representation, thus with access to the full power of attributes. Unstable.
val vernac_polymorphic_flag : Loc.t option -> vernac_flag
Compatibility values for parsing Polymorphic
val vernac_monomorphic_flag : Loc.t option -> vernac_flag