Vernac expressions, produced by the parser
type scope_delimiter = Constrexpr.delimiter_depth * scope_name
type printable =
| PrintTypingFlags |
| PrintTables |
| PrintFullContext |
| PrintSectionContext of Libnames.qualid |
| PrintInspect of int |
| PrintGrammar of string list |
| PrintCustomGrammar of string |
| PrintKeywords |
| PrintLoadPath of Names.DirPath.t option |
| PrintLibraries |
| PrintModule of Libnames.qualid |
| PrintModuleType of Libnames.qualid |
| PrintNamespace of Names.DirPath.t |
| PrintMLLoadPath |
| PrintMLModules |
| PrintDebugGC |
| PrintName of Libnames.qualid Constrexpr.or_by_notation * UnivNames.full_name_list option |
| PrintGraph |
| PrintClasses |
| PrintTypeclasses |
| PrintInstances of Libnames.qualid Constrexpr.or_by_notation |
| PrintCoercions |
| PrintCoercionPaths of coercion_class * coercion_class |
| PrintCanonicalConversions of Libnames.qualid Constrexpr.or_by_notation list |
| PrintUniverses of bool * Libnames.qualid list option * string option |
| PrintHint of Libnames.qualid Constrexpr.or_by_notation |
| PrintHintGoal |
| PrintHintDbName of string |
| PrintHintDb |
| PrintScopes |
| PrintScope of string |
| PrintVisibility of string option |
| PrintAbout of Libnames.qualid Constrexpr.or_by_notation * UnivNames.full_name_list option * Goal_select.t option |
| PrintImplicit of Libnames.qualid Constrexpr.or_by_notation |
| PrintAssumptions of bool * bool * Libnames.qualid Constrexpr.or_by_notation |
| PrintStrategy of Libnames.qualid Constrexpr.or_by_notation option |
| PrintRegistered |
| PrintRegisteredSchemes |
| PrintNotation of Constrexpr.notation_entry * string |
type search_item =
| SearchSubPattern of glob_search_where * bool * Constrexpr.constr_pattern_expr |
| SearchString of glob_search_where * bool * string * scope_delimiter option |
| SearchKind of Decls.logical_kind |
type search_request =
| SearchLiteral of search_item |
| SearchDisjConj of (bool * search_request) list list |
type searchable =
| SearchPattern of Constrexpr.constr_pattern_expr |
| SearchRewrite of Constrexpr.constr_pattern_expr |
| Search of (bool * search_request) list |
type locatable =
| LocateAny of Libnames.qualid Constrexpr.or_by_notation |
| LocateTerm of Libnames.qualid Constrexpr.or_by_notation |
| LocateLibrary of Libnames.qualid |
| LocateModule of Libnames.qualid |
| LocateOther of string * Libnames.qualid |
| LocateFile of string |
type showable =
| ShowGoal of goal_reference |
| ShowProof |
| ShowExistentials |
| ShowUniverses |
| ShowProofNames |
| ShowIntros of bool |
| ShowMatch of Libnames.qualid |
type comment =
| CommentConstr of Constrexpr.constr_expr |
| CommentString of string |
| CommentInt of int |
type export_with_cats = export_flag * import_categories option
type one_import_filter_name = Libnames.qualid * bool
Identifier and optional list of bound universes and constraints.
type definition_expr =
| ProveBody of Constrexpr.local_binder_expr list * Constrexpr.constr_expr |
| DefineBody of Constrexpr.local_binder_expr list * Genredexpr.raw_red_expr option * Constrexpr.constr_expr * Constrexpr.constr_expr option |
type syntax_modifier =
| SetItemLevel of string list * Notation_term.notation_binder_kind option * Extend.production_level |
| SetItemScope of string list * scope_name |
| SetLevel of int |
| SetCustomEntry of string * int option |
| SetAssoc of Gramlib.Gramext.g_assoc |
| SetEntryType of string * Extend.simple_constr_prod_entry_key |
| SetOnlyParsing |
| SetOnlyPrinting |
| SetFormat of notation_format |
type notation_enable_modifier =
| EnableNotationEntry of Constrexpr.notation_entry CAst.t |
| EnableNotationOnly of Notationextern.notation_use |
| EnableNotationAll |
type notation_declaration = {
ntn_decl_string : Names.lstring; |
ntn_decl_interp : Constrexpr.constr_expr; |
ntn_decl_scope : scope_name option; |
ntn_decl_modifiers : syntax_modifier CAst.t list; |
type 'a fix_expr_gen = {
fname : Names.lident; |
univs : Constrexpr.universe_decl_expr option; |
rec_order : 'a; |
binders : Constrexpr.local_binder_expr list; |
rtype : Constrexpr.constr_expr; |
body_def : Constrexpr.constr_expr option; |
notations : notation_declaration list; |
type fixpoint_expr = Constrexpr.recursion_order_expr option fix_expr_gen
type cofixpoint_expr = unit fix_expr_gen
type local_decl_expr =
| AssumExpr of Names.lname * Constrexpr.local_binder_expr list * Constrexpr.constr_expr |
| DefExpr of Names.lname * Constrexpr.local_binder_expr list * Constrexpr.constr_expr * Constrexpr.constr_expr option |
type simple_binder = Names.lident list * Constrexpr.constr_expr
type class_binder = Names.lident * Constrexpr.constr_expr list
type 'a with_coercion = coercion_flag * 'a
type 'a with_coercion_instance = (Attributes.vernac_flags * coercion_flag * instance_flag) * 'a
type record_field_attr = {
rf_coercion : coercion_flag; |
rf_reversible : bool option; |
rf_instance : instance_flag; |
rf_priority : int option; |
rf_locality : Goptions.option_locality; |
rf_notation : notation_declaration list; |
rf_canonical : bool; |
type record_field_attr_unparsed = {
rfu_attrs : Attributes.vernac_flags; |
rfu_coercion : coercion_flag; |
rfu_instance : instance_flag; |
rfu_priority : int option; |
rfu_notation : notation_declaration list; |
type constructor_expr = (Names.lident * Constrexpr.constr_expr) with_coercion_instance
type constructor_list_or_record_decl_expr =
| Constructors of constructor_expr list |
| RecordDecl of Names.lident option * (local_decl_expr * record_field_attr_unparsed) list * Names.lident option |
type inductive_params_expr = Constrexpr.local_binder_expr list * Constrexpr.local_binder_expr list option
If the option is nonempty the "|" marker was used
type inductive_expr = Constrexpr.cumul_ident_decl with_coercion * inductive_params_expr * Constrexpr.constr_expr option * constructor_list_or_record_decl_expr
type one_inductive_expr = Names.lident * inductive_params_expr * Constrexpr.constr_expr option * constructor_expr list
type typeclass_constraint = Constrexpr.name_decl * Glob_term.binding_kind * Constrexpr.constr_expr
and typeclass_context = typeclass_constraint list
type proof_expr = Constrexpr.ident_decl * (Constrexpr.local_binder_expr list * Constrexpr.constr_expr)
type scheme = {
sch_type : scheme_type; |
sch_qualid : Libnames.qualid Constrexpr.or_by_notation; |
sch_sort :; |
type section_subset_expr =
| SsEmpty |
| SsType |
| SsSingl of Names.lident |
| SsCompl of section_subset_expr |
| SsUnion of section_subset_expr * section_subset_expr |
| SsSubstr of section_subset_expr * section_subset_expr |
| SsFwdClose of section_subset_expr |
Extension identifiers for the VERNAC EXTEND mechanism.
("Extraction", 0 indicates Extraction qualid command.
("Extraction", 1 indicates Recursive Extraction qualid command.
("Extraction", 2) indicates Extraction "filename" qualid1 ... qualidn command.
("ExtractionLibrary", 0) indicates Extraction Library ident command.
("RecursiveExtractionLibrary", 0) indicates Recursive Extraction Library ident command.
("SeparateExtraction", 0) indicates Separate Extraction qualid1 ... qualidn command.
("ExtractionLanguage", 0) indicates Extraction Language Ocaml or Extraction Language Haskell or Extraction Language Scheme or Extraction Language JSON commands.
("ExtractionImplicit", 0) indicates Extraction Implicit qualid [ ident1 ... identn ] command.
("ExtractionConstant", 0) indicates Extract Constant qualid => string command.
("ExtractionInlinedConstant", 0) indicates Extract Inlined Constant qualid => string command.
("ExtractionInductive", 0) indicates Extract Inductive qualid => string {i string} ... {string}
optstring command.
("ExtractionBlacklist", 0) indicates Extraction Blacklist ident1 ... identn command.
type register_kind =
| RegisterInline | ||
| RegisterCoqlib of Libnames.qualid | ||
| RegisterScheme of {
} |
type module_ast_inl = Constrexpr.module_ast * Declaremods.inline
type module_binder = export_with_cats option * Names.lident list * module_ast_inl
type vernac_one_argument_status = {
name : Names.Name.t; |
recarg_like : bool; |
notation_scope : scope_delimiter CAst.t list; |
implicit_status : Glob_term.binding_kind; |
type hint_info_expr = Constrexpr.constr_pattern_expr Typeclasses.hint_info_gen
type reference_or_constr =
| HintsReference of Libnames.qualid |
| HintsConstr of Constrexpr.constr_expr |
type hints_expr =
| HintsResolve of (hint_info_expr * bool * reference_or_constr) list |
| HintsResolveIFF of bool * Libnames.qualid list * int option |
| HintsImmediate of reference_or_constr list |
| HintsUnfold of Libnames.qualid list |
| HintsTransparency of Libnames.qualid Hints.hints_transparency_target * bool |
| HintsMode of Libnames.qualid * Hints.hint_mode list |
| HintsConstructors of Libnames.qualid list |
| HintsExtern of int * Constrexpr.constr_expr option * Genarg.raw_generic_argument |
type synterp_vernac_expr =
| VernacLoad of verbose_flag * string |
| VernacReservedNotation of infix_flag * Names.lstring * syntax_modifier CAst.t list |
| VernacNotation of infix_flag * notation_declaration |
| VernacDeclareCustomEntry of string |
| VernacBeginSection of Names.lident |
| VernacEndSegment of Names.lident |
| VernacRequire of Libnames.qualid option * export_with_cats option * (Libnames.qualid * import_filter_expr) list |
| VernacImport of export_with_cats * (Libnames.qualid * import_filter_expr) list |
| VernacDeclareModule of export_with_cats option * Names.lident * module_binder list * module_ast_inl |
| VernacDefineModule of export_with_cats option * Names.lident * module_binder list * module_ast_inl Declaremods.module_signature * module_ast_inl list |
| VernacDeclareModuleType of Names.lident * module_binder list * module_ast_inl list * module_ast_inl list |
| VernacInclude of module_ast_inl list |
| VernacDeclareMLModule of string list |
| VernacChdir of string option |
| VernacExtraDependency of Libnames.qualid * string * Names.Id.t option |
| VernacSetOption of bool * Goptions.option_name * option_setting |
| VernacProofMode of string |
| VernacExtend of extend_name * Genarg.raw_generic_argument list |
describes the AST of commands which have effects on parsing or parsing extensions
type nonrec synpure_vernac_expr =
describes the AST of commands which have no effect on parsing or parsing extensions. On these ASTs, the syntactic interpretation phase is the identity.
We classify vernacular expressions in two categories. VernacSynterp
represents commands which have an effect on parsing or on parsing extensions. VernacSynPure
represents commands which have no such effects.
type vernac_expr = synterp_vernac_expr vernac_expr_gen
type ('a, 'b) vernac_control_gen_r = {
control : 'a list; |
attrs : Attributes.vernac_flags; |
expr : 'b vernac_expr_gen; |
and 'a vernac_control_gen = (control_flag, 'a) vernac_control_gen_r CAst.t
type vernac_control = synterp_vernac_expr vernac_control_gen