Module Declare.Obls

type fixpoint_kind =
| IsFixpoint of Names.lident option list
| IsCoFixpoint
val check_solved_obligations : pm:OblState.t -> what_for:Pp.t -> unit

Check obligations are properly solved before closing the what_for section / module

val default_tactic : unit Proofview.tactic Stdlib.ref
type progress =
| Remain of int(*

n obligations remaining

| Dependent(*

Dependent on other definitions

| Defined of Names.GlobRef.t(*

Defined as id


Resolution status of a program

Prepare API, to be removed once we provide the corresponding 1-step API

val add_definition : pm:OblState.t -> info:Info.t -> cinfo:Constr.types CInfo.t -> opaque:bool -> uctx:UState.t -> ?body:Constr.t -> ?tactic:unit Proofview.tactic -> ?reduce:(Constr.t -> Constr.t) -> ?using:Vernacexpr.section_subset_expr -> ?obl_hook:OblState.t Hook.g -> RetrieveObl.obligation_info -> OblState.t * progress

Start a Program Definition c proof. uctx udecl impargs kind scope poly etc... come from the interpretation of the vernacular; `obligation_info` was generated by RetrieveObl It will return whether all the obligations were solved; if so, it will also register c with the kernel.

val add_mutual_definitions : pm:OblState.t -> info:Info.t -> cinfo:Constr.types CInfo.t list -> opaque:bool -> uctx:UState.t -> bodies:Constr.t list -> possible_guard:Pretyping.possible_guard -> ?tactic:unit Proofview.tactic -> ?reduce:(Constr.t -> Constr.t) -> ?using:Vernacexpr.section_subset_expr -> ?obl_hook:OblState.t Hook.g -> RetrieveObl.obligation_info list -> OblState.t

Start a Program Fixpoint declaration, similar to the above, except it takes a list now.

val obligation : (int * Names.Id.t option * Constrexpr.constr_expr option) -> pm:OblState.t -> Genarg.glob_generic_argument option -> Proof.t

Implementation of the Obligation command

val next_obligation : pm:OblState.t -> ?final:bool -> Names.Id.t option -> Genarg.glob_generic_argument option -> Proof.t

Implementation of the Next Obligation and Final Obligation commands

val solve_obligations : pm:OblState.t -> Names.Id.t option -> unit Proofview.tactic option -> OblState.t * progress

Implementation of the Solve Obligation command

val solve_all_obligations : pm:OblState.t -> unit Proofview.tactic option -> OblState.t
val try_solve_obligations : pm:OblState.t -> Names.Id.t option -> unit Proofview.tactic option -> OblState.t
val show_obligations : pm:OblState.t -> ?msg:bool -> Names.Id.t option -> unit
val show_term : pm:OblState.t -> Names.Id.t option -> Pp.t
val admit_obligations : pm:OblState.t -> Names.Id.t option -> OblState.t
val check_program_libraries : unit -> unit