This file defines the most important datatype of Coq, namely kernel terms, as well as a handful of generic manipulation functions.
type pconstant = Names.Constant.t UVars.puniverses
Simply type aliases
type pinductive = Names.inductive UVars.puniverses
type pconstructor = Names.constructor UVars.puniverses
type case_style =
| LetStyle | |
| IfStyle | |
| LetPatternStyle | |
| MatchStyle | |
| RegularStyle | (* infer printing form from number of constructor *) |
Case annotation
type case_info = {
ci_ind : Names.inductive; |
ci_npar : int; |
ci_cstr_ndecls : int array; |
ci_cstr_nargs : int array; |
ci_pp_info : case_printing; |
type constr = t
is the same as constr
but is intended to be used for documentation to indicate that such or such function specifically works with types (i.e. terms of type a sort). (Rem:plurial form since type
is a reserved ML keyword)
type types = constr
The following functions are intended to simplify and to uniform the manipulation of terms. Some of these functions may be overlapped with previous ones.
val mkRel : int -> constr
Constructs a de Bruijn index (DB indices begin at 1)
val mkVar : Names.Id.t -> constr
Constructs a Variable
val mkArray : (UVars.Instance.t * constr array * constr * types) -> constr
Constructs an array
val mkMeta : metavariable -> constr
Constructs an patvar named "?n"
val mkEvar : existential -> constr
val mkSProp : types
val mkProp : types
val mkSet : types
val mkType : Univ.Universe.t -> types
This defines the strategy to use for verifiying a Cast
Constructs the term t1::t2
, i.e. the term t1 casted with the type t2 (that means t2 is declared as the type of t1).
type 'a binder_annot = ('a, Sorts.relevance) Context.pbinder_annot
val mkProd : (Names.Name.t binder_annot * types * types) -> types
Constructs the product (x:t1)t2
val mkLambda : (Names.Name.t binder_annot * types * constr) -> constr
Constructs the abstraction [x:t1]t2
val mkLetIn : (Names.Name.t binder_annot * constr * types * constr) -> constr
Constructs the product let x = t1 : t2 in t3
mkApp (f, [|t1; ...; tN|]
constructs the application (f t1 ... tn) .
val map_puniverses : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a UVars.puniverses -> 'b UVars.puniverses
val mkProj : (Names.Projection.t * Sorts.relevance * constr) -> constr
Constructs a projection application
Inductive types
val mkIndU : pinductive -> constr
Constructs the ith (co)inductive type of the block named kn
val mkConstructU : pconstructor -> constr
Constructs the jth constructor of the ith (co)inductive type of the block named kn.
val mkConstructUi : (pinductive * int) -> constr
val mkRef : Names.GlobRef.t UVars.puniverses -> constr
Make a constant, inductive, constructor or variable.
module UnsafeMonomorphic : sig ... end
Constructs a destructor of inductive type.
mkCase ci params p c ac
stand for match c
as x
in I args
return p
with ac
presented as describe in ci
structure is args x |- "return clause"
ith element is ith constructor case presented as construct_args |- case_term
type ('constr, 'r) pcase_branch = (Names.Name.t, 'r) Context.pbinder_annot array * 'constr
Names bound by matching the constructor for this branch.
type ('types, 'r) pcase_return = ((Names.Name.t, 'r) Context.pbinder_annot array * 'types) * 'r
Names of the indices + name of self
type ('constr, 'types, 'univs, 'r) pcase = case_info * 'univs * 'constr array * ('types, 'r) pcase_return * 'constr pcase_invert * 'constr * ('constr, 'r) pcase_branch array
type case_invert = constr pcase_invert
type case_return = (types, Sorts.relevance) pcase_return
type case_branch = (constr, Sorts.relevance) pcase_branch
type case = (constr, types, UVars.Instance.t, Sorts.relevance) pcase
type ('constr, 'types, 'r) prec_declaration = (Names.Name.t, 'r) Context.pbinder_annot array * 'types array * 'constr array
If recindxs = [|i1,|]
funnames = [|f1,.....fn|]
typarray = [|t1,|]
bodies = [|b1,|]
then mkFix ((recindxs,i), funnames, typarray, bodies)
constructs the $
i $
th function of the block (counting from 0)
Fixpoint f1 [ctx1] = b1
with f2 [ctx2] = b2
with fn [ctxn] = bn.
where the length of the $
j $
th context is $
ij $
type ('constr, 'types, 'r) pfixpoint = (int array * int) * ('constr, 'types, 'r) prec_declaration
The array of int
's tells for each component of the array of mutual fixpoints the number of lambdas to skip before finding the recursive argument (e.g., value is 2 in "fix f (x:A) (y:=t) (z:B) (v:=u) (w:I) struct w
"), telling to skip x and z and that w is the recursive argument); The second component int
tells which component of the block is returned
type ('constr, 'types, 'r) pcofixpoint = int * ('constr, 'types, 'r) prec_declaration
The component int
tells which component of the block of cofixpoint is returned
type rec_declaration = (constr, types, Sorts.relevance) prec_declaration
type fixpoint = (constr, types, Sorts.relevance) pfixpoint
type cofixpoint = (constr, types, Sorts.relevance) pcofixpoint
If funnames = [|f1,.....fn|]
typarray = [|t1,|]
bodies = [b1,]
then mkCoFix (i, (funnames, typarray, bodies))
constructs the ith function of the block
CoFixpoint f1 = b1
with f2 = b2
with fn = bn.
val mkCoFix : cofixpoint -> constr
constr list
is an instance matching definitional named_context
in the same order (i.e. last argument first)
type ('constr, 'types, 'sort, 'univs, 'r) kind_of_term =
| Rel of int | (* Gallina-variable introduced by |
| Var of Names.Id.t | (* Gallina-variable that was introduced by Vernacular-command that extends the local context of the currently open section (i.e. |
| Meta of metavariable | |
| Evar of 'constr pexistential | |
| Sort of 'sort | |
| Cast of 'constr * cast_kind * 'types | |
| Prod of (Names.Name.t, 'r) Context.pbinder_annot * 'types * 'types | (* Concrete syntax |
| Lambda of (Names.Name.t, 'r) Context.pbinder_annot * 'types * 'constr | (* Concrete syntax |
| LetIn of (Names.Name.t, 'r) Context.pbinder_annot * 'constr * 'types * 'constr | (* Concrete syntax |
| App of 'constr * 'constr array | (* Concrete syntax
| Const of Names.Constant.t * 'univs | (* Gallina-variable that was introduced by Vernacular-command that extends the global environment (i.e. |
| Ind of Names.inductive * 'univs | (* A name of an inductive type defined by |
| Construct of Names.constructor * 'univs | (* A constructor of an inductive type defined by |
| Case of case_info * 'univs * 'constr array * ('types, 'r) pcase_return * 'constr pcase_invert * 'constr * ('constr, 'r) pcase_branch array | (*
The names in The names in the |
| Fix of ('constr, 'types, 'r) pfixpoint | |
| CoFix of ('constr, 'types, 'r) pcofixpoint | |
| Proj of Names.Projection.t * 'r * 'constr | (* The relevance is the relevance of the whole term *) |
| Int of Uint63.t | |
| Float of Float64.t | |
| String of Pstring.t | |
| Array of 'univs * 'constr array * 'constr * 'types | (*
User view of constr
. For App
, it is ensured there is at least one argument and the function is not itself an applicative term
val kind : constr -> (constr, types, Sorts.t, UVars.Instance.t, Sorts.relevance) kind_of_term
val of_kind : (constr, types, Sorts.t, UVars.Instance.t, Sorts.relevance) kind_of_term -> constr
val kind_nocast_gen : ('v -> ('v, 'v, 'sort, 'univs, 'r) kind_of_term) -> 'v -> ('v, 'v, 'sort, 'univs, 'r) kind_of_term
val kind_nocast : constr -> (constr, types, Sorts.t, UVars.Instance.t, Sorts.relevance) kind_of_term
val isRel : constr -> bool
Simple case analysis
val isRelN : int -> constr -> bool
val isVar : constr -> bool
val isVarId : Names.Id.t -> constr -> bool
val isRef : constr -> bool
val isRefX : Names.GlobRef.t -> constr -> bool
val isInd : constr -> bool
val isEvar : constr -> bool
val isMeta : constr -> bool
val isEvar_or_Meta : constr -> bool
val isSort : constr -> bool
val isCast : constr -> bool
val isApp : constr -> bool
val isLambda : constr -> bool
val isLetIn : constr -> bool
val isProd : constr -> bool
val isConst : constr -> bool
val isConstruct : constr -> bool
val isFix : constr -> bool
val isCoFix : constr -> bool
val isCase : constr -> bool
val isProj : constr -> bool
val is_Prop : constr -> bool
val is_Set : constr -> bool
val isprop : constr -> bool
val is_Type : constr -> bool
val iskind : constr -> bool
val is_small : Sorts.t -> bool
Destructor operations are partial functions and
val destRel : constr -> int
Destructs a de Bruijn index
val destMeta : constr -> metavariable
Destructs an existential variable
val destVar : constr -> Names.Id.t
Destructs a variable
Destructs a sort. is_Prop
recognizes the sort Prop
, whether isprop
recognizes both Prop
and Set
val destProd : types -> Names.Name.t binder_annot * types * types
Destructs the product $
(x:t_1)t_2 $
val destLambda : constr -> Names.Name.t binder_annot * types * constr
Destructs the abstraction $
t_2 $
val destLetIn : constr -> Names.Name.t binder_annot * constr * types * constr
Destructs the let $
t_2 $
Decompose any term as an applicative term; the list of args can be empty
val destConst : constr -> Names.Constant.t UVars.puniverses
Destructs a constant
val destEvar : constr -> existential
Destructs an existential variable
val destInd : constr -> Names.inductive UVars.puniverses
Destructs a (co)inductive type
val destConstruct : constr -> Names.constructor UVars.puniverses
Destructs a constructor
Destructs a match c as x in I args return P with ... |
Ci(...yij...) => ti | ... end
(or let (..y1i..) := c as x in I args
return P in t1
, or if c then t1 else t2
val destProj : constr -> Names.Projection.t * Sorts.relevance * constr
Destructs a projection
Destructs the $
i $
th function of the block Fixpoint f{_ 1} ctx{_ 1} = b{_ 1}
with f{_ 2} ctx{_ 2} = b{_ 2}
with f{_ n} ctx{_ n} = b{_ n}
, where the length of the $
j $
th context is $
ij $
val destCoFix : constr -> cofixpoint
val destRef : constr -> Names.GlobRef.t UVars.puniverses
equal a b
is true if a
equals b
modulo alpha, casts, and application grouping
val eq_constr_univs : constr UGraph.check_function
eq_constr_univs u a b
is true
if a
equals b
modulo alpha, casts, application grouping and the universe equalities in u
val leq_constr_univs : constr UGraph.check_function
leq_constr_univs u a b
is true
if a
is convertible to b
modulo alpha, casts, application grouping and the universe inequalities in u
eq_constr_univs a b
true, c
if a
equals b
modulo alpha, casts, application grouping and ignoring universe instances.
type rel_declaration = (constr, types, Sorts.relevance)
type named_declaration = (constr, types, Sorts.relevance)
type compacted_declaration = (constr, types, Sorts.relevance)
type rel_context = rel_declaration list
type named_context = named_declaration list
type compacted_context = compacted_declaration list
val exliftn : Esubst.lift -> constr -> constr
exliftn el c
lifts c
with lifting el
map_branches f br
maps f
on the immediate subterms of an array of "match" branches br
in canonical eta-let-expanded form; it is not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is not specified; it preserves sharing; the immediate subterms are the types and possibly terms occurring in the context of each branch as well as the body of each branch
val map_branches : (constr -> constr) -> case_branch array -> case_branch array
map_return_predicate f p
maps f
on the immediate subterms of a return predicate of a "match" in canonical eta-let-expanded form; it is not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is not specified; it preserves sharing; the immediate subterms are the types and possibly terms occurring in the context of each branch as well as the body of the predicate
val map_return_predicate : (constr -> constr) -> case_return -> case_return
map_branches_with_binders f br
maps f
on the immediate subterms of an array of "match" branches br
in canonical eta-let-expanded form; it carries an extra data n
(typically a lift index) which is processed by g
(which typically adds 1 to n
) at each binder traversal; it is not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is not specified; it preserves sharing; the immediate subterms are the types and possibly terms occurring in the context of the branch as well as the body of the branch
val map_branches_with_binders : ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr -> constr) -> 'a -> case_branch array -> case_branch array
map_return_predicate_with_binders f p
maps f
on the immediate subterms of a return predicate of a "match" in canonical eta-let-expanded form; it carries an extra data n
(typically a lift index) which is processed by g
(which typically adds 1 to n
) at each binder traversal; it is not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is not specified; it preserves sharing; the immediate subterms are the types and possibly terms occurring in the context of each branch as well as the body of the predicate
val map_return_predicate_with_binders : ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr -> constr) -> 'a -> case_return -> case_return
fold f acc c
folds f
on the immediate subterms of c
starting from acc
and proceeding from left to right according to the usual representation of the constructions; it is not recursive
val fold_invert : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b pcase_invert -> 'a
map f c
maps f
on the immediate subterms of c
; it is not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is not specified
val map_invert : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a pcase_invert -> 'a pcase_invert
Like map
, but also has an additional accumulator.
val fold_map_invert : ('a -> 'b -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a -> 'b pcase_invert -> 'a * 'b pcase_invert
map_with_binders g f n c
maps f n
on the immediate subterms of c
; it carries an extra data n
(typically a lift index) which is processed by g
(which typically add 1 to n
) at each binder traversal; it is not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is not specified
iter f c
iters f
on the immediate subterms of c
; it is not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is not specified
val iter_invert : ('a -> unit) -> 'a pcase_invert -> unit
iter_with_binders g f n c
iters f n
on the immediate subterms of c
; it carries an extra data n
(typically a lift index) which is processed by g
(which typically add 1 to n
) at each binder traversal; it is not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is not specified
iter_with_binders g f n c
iters f n
on the immediate subterms of c
; it carries an extra data n
(typically a lift index) which is processed by g
(which typically add 1 to n
) at each binder traversal; it is not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is not specified
compare_head f c1 c2
compare c1
and c2
using f
to compare the immediate subterms of c1
of c2
if needed; Cast's, binders name and Cases annotations are not taken into account
val compare_head : (existential -> existential -> bool) -> constr constr_compare_fn -> constr constr_compare_fn
type 'univs instance_compare_fn = (Names.GlobRef.t * int) option -> 'univs -> 'univs -> bool
Convert a global reference applied to 2 instances. The int says how many arguments are given (as we can only use cumulativity for fully applied inductives/constructors) .
compare_head_gen u s f c1 c2
compare c1
and c2
using f
to compare the immediate subterms of c1
of c2
if needed, u
to compare universe instances, s
to compare sorts; Cast's, binders name and Cases annotations are not taken into account
val compare_head_gen : UVars.Instance.t instance_compare_fn -> (Sorts.t -> Sorts.t -> bool) -> (existential -> existential -> bool) -> constr constr_compare_fn -> constr constr_compare_fn
val compare_head_gen_leq_with : ('v -> ('v, 'v, 'sort, 'univs, 'r) kind_of_term) -> ('v -> ('v, 'v, 'sort, 'univs, 'r) kind_of_term) -> 'univs instance_compare_fn -> ('sort -> 'sort -> bool) -> ('v pexistential -> 'v pexistential -> bool) -> 'v constr_compare_fn -> 'v constr_compare_fn -> 'v constr_compare_fn
val compare_head_gen_with : ('v -> ('v, 'v, 'sort, 'univs, 'r) kind_of_term) -> ('v -> ('v, 'v, 'sort, 'univs, 'r) kind_of_term) -> 'univs instance_compare_fn -> ('sort -> 'sort -> bool) -> ('v pexistential -> 'v pexistential -> bool) -> 'v constr_compare_fn -> 'v constr_compare_fn
compare_head_gen_with k1 k2 u s f c1 c2
compares c1
and c2
like compare_head_gen u s f c1 c2
, except that k1
(resp. k2
) is used,rather than kind
, to expose the immediate subterms of c1
(resp. c2
compare_head_gen_leq u s f fle c1 c2
compare c1
and c2
using f
to compare the immediate subterms of c1
of c2
for conversion, fle
for cumulativity, u
to compare universe instances (the first boolean tells if they belong to a Constant.t), s
to compare sorts for for subtyping; Cast's, binders name and Cases annotations are not taken into account
val compare_head_gen_leq : UVars.Instance.t instance_compare_fn -> (Sorts.t -> Sorts.t -> bool) -> (existential -> existential -> bool) -> constr constr_compare_fn -> constr constr_compare_fn -> constr constr_compare_fn
val eq_invert : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a pcase_invert -> 'a pcase_invert -> bool
val hash : constr -> int
val case_info_hash : case_info -> int
val mkConst : Names.Constant.t -> constr
val mkInd : Names.inductive -> constr
val mkConstruct : Names.constructor -> constr