The modules defined below represent a local context as defined by Chapter 4 in the Reference Manual:
A local context is an ordered list of of local declarations of names that we call variables.
A local declaration of some variable can be either:
Local assumptions are denoted in the Reference Manual as (name : typ)
and local definitions are there denoted as (name := value : typ)
val eq_annot : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> ('r -> 'r -> bool) -> ('a, 'r) pbinder_annot -> ('a, 'r) pbinder_annot -> bool
val hash_annot : ('a -> int) -> ('a, Sorts.relevance) pbinder_annot -> int
val map_annot : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'r) pbinder_annot -> ('b, 'r) pbinder_annot
val map_annot_relevance_smart : ('r -> 'r) -> ('a, 'r) pbinder_annot -> ('a, 'r) pbinder_annot
val map_annot_relevance : ('r1 -> 'r2) -> ('a, 'r1) pbinder_annot -> ('a, 'r2) pbinder_annot
val make_annot : 'a -> 'r -> ('a, 'r) pbinder_annot
val binder_name : ('a, 'r) pbinder_annot -> 'a
val binder_relevance : ('a, 'r) pbinder_annot -> 'r
val annotR : 'a -> ('a, Sorts.relevance) pbinder_annot
Always Relevant
val nameR : Names.Id.t -> (Names.Name.t, Sorts.relevance) pbinder_annot
Relevant + Name
val anonR : (Names.Name.t, Sorts.relevance) pbinder_annot
Relevant + Anonymous
module Rel : sig ... end
Representation of contexts that can capture anonymous as well as non-anonymous variables. Individual declarations are then designated by de Bruijn indexes.
module Named : sig ... end
This module represents contexts that can capture non-anonymous variables. Individual declarations are then designated by the identifiers they bind.
module Compacted : sig ... end