Library Stdlib.extraction.ExtrHaskellString

Special handling of ascii and strings for extraction to Haskell.

From Stdlib Require Extraction.

From Stdlib Require Import Ascii.
From Stdlib Require Import String.
From Stdlib.Strings Require Import Byte.

From Stdlib Require Export ExtrHaskellBasic.

At the moment, Coq's extraction has no way to add extra import

statements to the extracted Haskell code. You will have to

manually add:


import qualified Data.Bits

import qualified Data.Char

Extract Inductive ascii => "Prelude.Char"
  [ "(\b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 -> Data.Char.chr ( (if b0 then Data.Bits.shiftL 1 0 else 0) Prelude.+ (if b1 then Data.Bits.shiftL 1 1 else 0) Prelude.+ (if b2 then Data.Bits.shiftL 1 2 else 0) Prelude.+ (if b3 then Data.Bits.shiftL 1 3 else 0) Prelude.+ (if b4 then Data.Bits.shiftL 1 4 else 0) Prelude.+ (if b5 then Data.Bits.shiftL 1 5 else 0) Prelude.+ (if b6 then Data.Bits.shiftL 1 6 else 0) Prelude.+ (if b7 then Data.Bits.shiftL 1 7 else 0)))" ]
  "(\f a -> f (Data.Bits.testBit (Data.Char.ord a) 0) (Data.Bits.testBit (Data.Char.ord a) 1) (Data.Bits.testBit (Data.Char.ord a) 2) (Data.Bits.testBit (Data.Char.ord a) 3) (Data.Bits.testBit (Data.Char.ord a) 4) (Data.Bits.testBit (Data.Char.ord a) 5) (Data.Bits.testBit (Data.Char.ord a) 6) (Data.Bits.testBit (Data.Char.ord a) 7))".
Extract Inlined Constant Ascii.ascii_dec => "((Prelude.==) :: Prelude.Char -> Prelude.Char -> Prelude.Bool)".
Extract Inlined Constant Ascii.eqb => "((Prelude.==) :: Prelude.Char -> Prelude.Char -> Prelude.Bool)".

Extract Inductive string => "Prelude.String" [ "([])" "(:)" ].
Extract Inlined Constant String.string_dec => "((Prelude.==) :: Prelude.String -> Prelude.String -> Prelude.Bool)".
Extract Inlined Constant String.eqb => "((Prelude.==) :: Prelude.String -> Prelude.String -> Prelude.Bool)".

Extract Inductive byte => "Prelude.Char"
["'\x00'" "'\x01'" "'\x02'" "'\x03'" "'\x04'" "'\x05'" "'\x06'" "'\x07'" "'\x08'" "'\t'" "'\n'" "'\x0b'" "'\x0c'" "'\r'" "'\x0e'" "'\x0f'" "'\x10'" "'\x11'" "'\x12'" "'\x13'" "'\x14'" "'\x15'" "'\x16'" "'\x17'" "'\x18'" "'\x19'" "'\x1a'" "'\x1b'" "'\x1c'" "'\x1d'" "'\x1e'" "'\x1f'" "' '" "'!'" "'""'" "'#'" "'$'" "'%'" "'&'" "'\''" "'('" "')'" "'*'" "'+'" "','" "'-'" "'.'" "'/'" "'0'" "'1'" "'2'" "'3'" "'4'" "'5'" "'6'" "'7'" "'8'" "'9'" "':'" "';'" "'<'" "'='" "'>'" "'?'" "'@'" "'A'" "'B'" "'C'" "'D'" "'E'" "'F'" "'G'" "'H'" "'I'" "'J'" "'K'" "'L'" "'M'" "'N'" "'O'" "'P'" "'Q'" "'R'" "'S'" "'T'" "'U'" "'V'" "'W'" "'X'" "'Y'" "'Z'" "'['" "'\\'" "']'" "'^'" "'_'" "'`'" "'a'" "'b'" "'c'" "'d'" "'e'" "'f'" "'g'" "'h'" "'i'" "'j'" "'k'" "'l'" "'m'" "'n'" "'o'" "'p'" "'q'" "'r'" "'s'" "'t'" "'u'" "'v'" "'w'" "'x'" "'y'" "'z'" "'{'" "'|'" "'}'" "'~'" "'\x7f'" "'\x80'" "'\x81'" "'\x82'" "'\x83'" "'\x84'" "'\x85'" "'\x86'" "'\x87'" "'\x88'" "'\x89'" "'\x8a'" "'\x8b'" "'\x8c'" "'\x8d'" "'\x8e'" "'\x8f'" "'\x90'" "'\x91'" "'\x92'" "'\x93'" "'\x94'" "'\x95'" "'\x96'" "'\x97'" "'\x98'" "'\x99'" "'\x9a'" "'\x9b'" "'\x9c'" "'\x9d'" "'\x9e'" "'\x9f'" "'\xa0'" "'\xa1'" "'\xa2'" "'\xa3'" "'\xa4'" "'\xa5'" "'\xa6'" "'\xa7'" "'\xa8'" "'\xa9'" "'\xaa'" "'\xab'" "'\xac'" "'\xad'" "'\xae'" "'\xaf'" "'\xb0'" "'\xb1'" "'\xb2'" "'\xb3'" "'\xb4'" "'\xb5'" "'\xb6'" "'\xb7'" "'\xb8'" "'\xb9'" "'\xba'" "'\xbb'" "'\xbc'" "'\xbd'" "'\xbe'" "'\xbf'" "'\xc0'" "'\xc1'" "'\xc2'" "'\xc3'" "'\xc4'" "'\xc5'" "'\xc6'" "'\xc7'" "'\xc8'" "'\xc9'" "'\xca'" "'\xcb'" "'\xcc'" "'\xcd'" "'\xce'" "'\xcf'" "'\xd0'" "'\xd1'" "'\xd2'" "'\xd3'" "'\xd4'" "'\xd5'" "'\xd6'" "'\xd7'" "'\xd8'" "'\xd9'" "'\xda'" "'\xdb'" "'\xdc'" "'\xdd'" "'\xde'" "'\xdf'" "'\xe0'" "'\xe1'" "'\xe2'" "'\xe3'" "'\xe4'" "'\xe5'" "'\xe6'" "'\xe7'" "'\xe8'" "'\xe9'" "'\xea'" "'\xeb'" "'\xec'" "'\xed'" "'\xee'" "'\xef'" "'\xf0'" "'\xf1'" "'\xf2'" "'\xf3'" "'\xf4'" "'\xf5'" "'\xf6'" "'\xf7'" "'\xf8'" "'\xf9'" "'\xfa'" "'\xfb'" "'\xfc'" "'\xfd'" "'\xfe'" "'\xff'"].

Extract Inlined Constant Byte.eqb => "((Prelude.==) :: Prelude.Char -> Prelude.Char -> Prelude.Bool)".
Extract Inlined Constant Byte.byte_eq_dec => "((Prelude.==) :: Prelude.Char -> Prelude.Char -> Prelude.Bool)".
Extract Inlined Constant Ascii.ascii_of_byte => "(\x -> x)".
Extract Inlined Constant Ascii.byte_of_ascii => "(\x -> x)".