Module UnivGen

type univ_length_mismatch = {
gref : Names.GlobRef.t;
actual : int * int;
expect : int * int;
exception UniverseLengthMismatch of univ_length_mismatch

Side-effecting functions creating new universe levels.

val new_univ_global : unit -> Univ.UGlobal.t
val new_sort_global : unit -> Sorts.QVar.t
val fresh_level : unit -> Univ.Level.t
val new_global_univ : unit -> Univ.Universe.t Univ.in_universe_context_set

Build a fresh instance for a given context, its associated substitution and the instantiated constraints.

type 'a in_sort_context_set = 'a * sort_context_set
val sort_context_union : sort_context_set -> sort_context_set -> sort_context_set
val empty_sort_context : sort_context_set
val is_empty_sort_context : sort_context_set -> bool
val diff_sort_context : sort_context_set -> sort_context_set -> sort_context_set

The globref is only used for the error message when there is a mismatch.

val fresh_sort_in_family : -> Sorts.t in_sort_context_set

NB: InQSort is treated as InType

val fresh_array_instance : Environ.env -> UVars.Instance.t in_sort_context_set
val fresh_global_instance : ?loc:Loc.t -> ?names:UVars.Instance.t -> Environ.env -> Names.GlobRef.t -> Constr.constr in_sort_context_set
val fresh_universe_context_set_instance : Univ.ContextSet.t -> Univ.universe_level_subst * Univ.ContextSet.t

Get fresh variables for the universe context. Useful to make tactics that manipulate constrs in universe contexts polymorphic.

val fresh_sort_context_instance : sort_context_set -> UVars.sort_level_subst * sort_context_set
val constr_of_monomorphic_global : Environ.env -> Names.GlobRef.t -> Constr.constr

Create a fresh global in the environment argument, without side effects. BEWARE: this raises an error on polymorphic constants/inductives: the constraints should be properly added to an evd. See Evd.fresh_global, Evarutil.new_global, and pf_constr_of_global for the proper way to get a fresh copy of a polymorphic global reference.