Module Environ

Unsafe environments. We define here a datatype for environments. Since typing is not yet defined, it is not possible to check the informations added in environments, and that is why we speak here of ``unsafe'' environments.

Environments have the following components:

Linking information for the native compiler

type key = int CEphemeron.key option Stdlib.ref
type constant_key = Declarations.constant_body * (link_info Stdlib.ref * key)
type mind_key = Declarations.mutual_inductive_body * link_info Stdlib.ref
type named_context_val = private {
env_named_ctx : Constr.named_context;
env_named_map : Constr.named_declaration Names.Id.Map.t;(*

Identifier-indexed version of env_named_ctx

env_named_idx : Constr.named_declaration Range.t;(*

Same as env_named_ctx but with a fast-access list.

type rel_context_val = private {
env_rel_ctx : Constr.rel_context;
env_rel_map : Constr.rel_declaration Range.t;
type env

Type of global environments.

type rewrule_not_allowed =
| Symb
| Rule
exception RewriteRulesNotAllowed of rewrule_not_allowed
val oracle : env ->
val set_oracle : env -> -> env
val eq_named_context_val : named_context_val -> named_context_val -> bool
val empty_env : env
val universes : env -> UGraph.t
val qualities : env -> Sorts.QVar.Set.t
val rel_context : env -> Constr.rel_context
val rel_context_val : env -> rel_context_val
val named_context : env -> Constr.named_context
val named_context_val : env -> named_context_val
val set_universes : UGraph.t -> env -> env
val typing_flags : env -> Declarations.typing_flags
val is_impredicative_set : env -> bool
val type_in_type : env -> bool
val deactivated_guard : env -> bool
val indices_matter : env -> bool
val is_impredicative_sort : env -> Sorts.t -> bool
val is_impredicative_family : env -> -> bool
val empty_context : env -> bool

is the local context empty

Context of de Bruijn variables (rel_context)
val nb_rel : env -> int
val push_rel : Constr.rel_declaration -> env -> env
val push_rel_context : Constr.rel_context -> env -> env
val push_rec_types : Constr.rec_declaration -> env -> env
val push_rel_context_val : Constr.rel_declaration -> rel_context_val -> rel_context_val
val set_rel_context_val : rel_context_val -> env -> env
val empty_rel_context_val : rel_context_val
val lookup_rel : int -> env -> Constr.rel_declaration

Looks up in the context of local vars referred by indice (rel_context) raises Not_found if the index points out of the context

val evaluable_rel : int -> env -> bool
val env_of_rel : int -> env -> env
Recurrence on rel_context
val fold_rel_context : (env -> Constr.rel_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) -> env -> init:'a -> 'a
Context of variables (section variables and goal assumptions)
val named_context_of_val : named_context_val -> Constr.named_context
val val_of_named_context : Constr.named_context -> named_context_val
val empty_named_context_val : named_context_val
val ids_of_named_context_val : named_context_val -> Names.Id.Set.t

map_named_val f ctxt apply f to the body and the type of each declarations. *** /!\ *** f t should be convertible with t, and preserve the name

val push_named : Constr.named_declaration -> env -> env
val push_named_context : Constr.named_context -> env -> env

Looks up in the context of local vars referred by names (named_context) raises Not_found if the Id.t is not found

val evaluable_named : Names.variable -> env -> bool
val named_type : Names.variable -> env -> Constr.types
val named_body : Names.variable -> env -> Constr.constr option
Recurrence on named_context: older declarations processed first
val fold_named_context : (env -> Constr.named_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) -> env -> init:'a -> 'a
val match_named_context_val : named_context_val -> (Constr.named_declaration * named_context_val) option
val fold_named_context_reverse : ('a -> Constr.named_declaration -> 'a) -> init:'a -> env -> 'a

Recurrence on named_context starting from younger decl

val reset_context : env -> env

This forgets named and rel contexts

val reset_with_named_context : named_context_val -> env -> env

This forgets rel context and sets a new named context

val pop_rel_context : int -> env -> env

This removes the n last declarations from the rel context

val fold_constants : (Names.Constant.t -> Declarations.constant_body -> 'a -> 'a) -> env -> 'a -> 'a

Useful for printing

val fold_inductives : (Names.MutInd.t -> Declarations.mutual_inductive_body -> 'a -> 'a) -> env -> 'a -> 'a
Global constants
Add entries to global environment
val add_constant_key : Names.Constant.t -> Declarations.constant_body -> link_info -> env -> env
val lookup_constant_key : Names.Constant.t -> env -> constant_key
val lookup_constant : Names.Constant.t -> env -> Declarations.constant_body

Looks up in the context of global constant names raises an anomaly if the required path is not found

val evaluable_constant : Names.Constant.t -> env -> bool
val constant_relevance : Names.Constant.t -> env -> Sorts.relevance
val mem_constant : Names.Constant.t -> env -> bool
val add_rewrite_rules : (Names.Constant.t * Declarations.rewrite_rule) list -> env -> env
val lookup_rewrite_rules : Names.Constant.t -> env -> Declarations.rewrite_rule list
val polymorphic_constant : Names.Constant.t -> env -> bool

New-style polymorphism

val polymorphic_pconstant : Constr.pconstant -> env -> bool
val type_in_type_constant : Names.Constant.t -> env -> bool

constant_value env c raises NotEvaluableConst Opaque if c is opaque, NotEvaluableConst NoBody if it has no body, NotEvaluableConst IsProj if c is a projection, NotEvaluableConst (IsPrimitive p) if c is primitive p and an anomaly if it does not exist in env

type const_evaluation_result =
| NoBody
| Opaque
| IsPrimitive of UVars.Instance.t * CPrimitives.t
| HasRules of UVars.Instance.t * bool * Declarations.rewrite_rule list
exception NotEvaluableConst of const_evaluation_result
val constant_value_and_type : env -> Names.Constant.t UVars.puniverses -> Constr.constr option * Constr.types * Univ.Constraints.t

The universe context associated to the constant, empty if not polymorphic

val constant_context : env -> Names.Constant.t -> UVars.AbstractContext.t

The universe context associated to the constant, empty if not polymorphic

val constant_value_in : env -> Names.Constant.t UVars.puniverses -> Constr.constr
val constant_type_in : env -> Names.Constant.t UVars.puniverses -> Constr.types
val constant_opt_value_in : env -> Names.Constant.t UVars.puniverses -> Constr.constr option
val is_symbol : env -> Names.Constant.t -> bool
val is_primitive : env -> Names.Constant.t -> bool
val get_primitive : env -> Names.Constant.t -> CPrimitives.t option
val is_array_type : env -> Names.Constant.t -> bool
val is_int63_type : env -> Names.Constant.t -> bool
val is_float64_type : env -> Names.Constant.t -> bool
val is_string_type : env -> Names.Constant.t -> bool
val is_primitive_type : env -> Names.Constant.t -> bool
Primitive projections
val lookup_projection : Names.Projection.t -> env -> Sorts.relevance * Constr.types

Checks that the number of parameters is correct.

val get_projection : env -> Names.inductive -> proj_arg:int -> Names.Projection.Repr.t * Sorts.relevance

Anomaly when not a primitive record or invalid proj_arg.

val get_projections : env -> Names.inductive -> (Names.Projection.Repr.t * Sorts.relevance) array option
val lookup_mind_key : Names.MutInd.t -> env -> mind_key

Inductive types

val add_mind_key : Names.MutInd.t -> mind_key -> env -> env

Looks up in the context of global inductive names raises an anomaly if the required path is not found

val mem_mind : Names.MutInd.t -> env -> bool
val ind_relevance : Names.inductive -> env -> Sorts.relevance
val mind_context : env -> Names.MutInd.t -> UVars.AbstractContext.t

The universe context associated to the inductive, empty if not polymorphic

val polymorphic_ind : Names.inductive -> env -> bool

New-style polymorphism

val polymorphic_pind : Constr.pinductive -> env -> bool
val type_in_type_ind : Names.inductive -> env -> bool
val template_polymorphic_ind : Names.inductive -> env -> bool

Old-style polymorphism

val template_polymorphic_pind : Constr.pinductive -> env -> bool
Changes of representation of Case nodes

Given an inductive type and its parameters, builds the context of the return clause, including the inductive being eliminated. The additional binder array is only used to set the names of the context variables, we use the less general type to make it easy to use this function on Case nodes.

val expand_branch_contexts : Declarations.mind_specif -> UVars.Instance.t -> Constr.constr array -> (Names.Name.t Constr.binder_annot array * 'a) array -> Constr.rel_context array

Given an inductive type and its parameters, builds the context of the return clause, including the inductive being eliminated. The additional binder array is only used to set the names of the context variables, we use the less general type to make it easy to use this function on Case nodes.

instantiate_context u subst nas ctx applies both u and subst to ctx while replacing names using nas (order reversed). In particular, assumes that ctx and nas have the same length.

Name quotients
module type QNameS = sig ... end
module QConstant : QNameS with type t = Names.Constant.t
module QMutInd : QNameS with type t = Names.MutInd.t
module QInd : QNameS with type t = Names.Ind.t
module QConstruct : QNameS with type t = Names.Construct.t
module QProjection : sig ... end
module QGlobRef : QNameS with type t = Names.GlobRef.t
val shallow_add_module : Names.ModPath.t -> Mod_declarations.module_body -> env -> env

shallow_add_module does not add module components

Universe constraints
val add_constraints : Univ.Constraints.t -> env -> env

Add universe constraints to the environment.

  • raises UniverseInconsistency.
val check_constraints : Univ.Constraints.t -> env -> bool

Check constraints are satifiable in the environment.

val push_context : ?strict:bool -> UVars.UContext.t -> env -> env

push_context ?(strict=false) ctx env pushes the universe context to the environment.

  • raises UGraph.AlreadyDeclared

    if one of the universes is already declared.

val push_context_set : ?strict:bool -> Univ.ContextSet.t -> env -> env

push_context_set ?(strict=false) ctx env pushes the universe context set to the environment. It does not fail even if one of the universes is already declared.

val push_qualities : Sorts.QVar.Set.t -> env -> env

Add the qualities to the environment. Only used in higher layers.

val push_subgraph : Univ.ContextSet.t -> env -> env

push_subgraph univs env adds the universes and constraints in univs to env as push_context_set ~strict:false univs env, and also checks that they do not imply new transitive constraints between pre-existing universes in env.

val set_typing_flags : Declarations.typing_flags -> env -> env
val set_impredicative_set : bool -> env -> env
val set_type_in_type : bool -> env -> env
val set_allow_sprop : bool -> env -> env
val sprop_allowed : env -> bool
val allow_rewrite_rules : env -> env
val rewrite_rules_allowed : env -> bool
val update_typing_flags : ?typing_flags:Declarations.typing_flags -> env -> env

update_typing_flags ?typing_flags may update env with optional typing flags

val universes_of_global : env -> Names.GlobRef.t -> UVars.AbstractContext.t
Sets of referred section variables

global_vars_set env c returns the list of id's occurring either directly as Var id in c or indirectly as a section variable dependent in a global reference occurring in c

val global_vars_set : env -> Constr.constr -> Names.Id.Set.t
val vars_of_global : env -> Names.GlobRef.t -> Names.Id.Set.t
val really_needed : env -> Names.Id.Set.t -> Names.Id.Set.t

closure of the input id set w.r.t. dependency

like really_needed but computes a well ordered named context

Unsafe judgments.

We introduce here the pre-type of judgments, which is actually only a datatype to store a term with its type and the type of its type.

type ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment = {
uj_val : 'constr;
uj_type : 'types;
val on_judgment : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a'a) punsafe_judgment -> ('b'b) punsafe_judgment
val on_judgment_value : ('c -> 'c) -> ('c't) punsafe_judgment -> ('c't) punsafe_judgment
val on_judgment_type : ('t -> 't) -> ('c't) punsafe_judgment -> ('c't) punsafe_judgment
type unsafe_judgment = (Constr.constrConstr.types) punsafe_judgment
val make_judge : 'constr -> 'types -> ('constr'types) punsafe_judgment
val j_val : ('constr'types) punsafe_judgment -> 'constr
val j_type : ('constr'types) punsafe_judgment -> 'types
type ('types, 'sorts) punsafe_type_judgment = {
utj_val : 'types;
utj_type : 'sorts;
type unsafe_type_judgment = (Constr.typesSorts.t) punsafe_type_judgment
exception Hyp_not_found

apply_to_hyp sign id f split sign into tail::(id,_,_)::head and return tail::(f head (id,_,_) (rev tail))::head. the value associated to id should not change

val is_polymorphic : env -> Names.GlobRef.t -> bool
val is_template_polymorphic : env -> Names.GlobRef.t -> bool
val is_type_in_type : env -> Names.GlobRef.t -> bool
VM and native
val vm_library : env -> Vmlibrary.t
val set_vm_library : Vmlibrary.t -> env -> env
val lookup_vm_code : Vmlibrary.index -> env -> Vmemitcodes.to_patch

Native compiler

val set_retroknowledge : env -> Retroknowledge.retroknowledge -> env


val retroknowledge : env -> Retroknowledge.retroknowledge
module Internal : sig ... end