This module defines the internal representation of global declarations. This includes global constants/axioms, mutual inductive definitions, modules and module types
Template polymorphism: provides universe polymorphism and sort polymorphism (restricted to above prop qualities), with implicit instances and inferring the universes from the types of parameters instead.
The data other than mind_template
in the inductive bodies is instantiated to the default universes (e.g. mind_user_arity
, mind_sort
, the constructor data, etc).
type template_universes = {
template_param_arguments : Sorts.t option list; | (* Inductive sort with abstracted universes. *) |
template_concl : Sorts.t; | |
template_context : UVars.AbstractContext.t; | (* Template_defaults qualities are all QType. Also the universes are all levels so we can use Instance. *) |
template_defaults : UVars.Instance.t; |
Inlining level of parameters at functor applications. None means no inlining
A constant can have no body (axiom/parameter), or a transparent body, or an opaque one
type ('a, 'opaque, 'rules) constant_def =
| Undef of inline | (* a global assumption *) |
| Def of 'a | (* or a transparent global definition *) |
| OpaqueDef of 'opaque | (* or an opaque global definition *) |
| Primitive of CPrimitives.t | (* or a primitive operation *) |
| Symbol of 'rules | (* or a symbol *) |
type typing_flags = {
check_guarded : bool; | (* If |
check_positive : bool; | (* If |
check_universes : bool; | (* If |
conv_oracle :; | (* Unfolding strategies for conversion *) |
share_reduction : bool; | (* Use by-need reduction algorithm *) |
enable_VM : bool; | (* If |
enable_native_compiler : bool; | (* If |
indices_matter : bool; | (* The universe of an inductive type must be above that of its indices. *) |
impredicative_set : bool; | (* Predicativity of the |
sprop_allowed : bool; | (* If |
allow_uip : bool; | (* Allow definitional UIP (breaks termination) *) |
The typing_flags
are instructions to the type-checker which modify its behaviour. The typing flags used in the type-checking of a constant are tracked in their constant_body
so that they can be displayed to the user.
type ('opaque, 'bytecode) pconstant_body = {
const_hyps : Constr.named_context; | (* younger hyp at top *) |
const_univ_hyps : UVars.Instance.t; | |
const_body : (Constr.t, 'opaque, bool) constant_def; | (*
const_type : Constr.types; | |
const_relevance : Sorts.relevance; | |
const_body_code : 'bytecode; | |
const_universes : universes; | |
const_inline_code : bool; | |
const_typing_flags : typing_flags; | (* The typing options which were used for type-checking. *) |
type constant_body = (Opaqueproof.opaque, Vmlibrary.indirect_code option) pconstant_body
Inductive I1 (params) : U1 := c11 : T11 | ... | c1p1 : T1p1 ... with In (params) : Un := cn1 : Tn1 | ... | cnpn : Tnpn
Record information: If the type is not a record, then NotRecord If the type is a non-primitive record, then FakeRecord If it is a primitive record, for every type in the block, we get:
The kernel does not exploit the difference between NotRecord
and FakeRecord
. It is mostly used by extraction, and should be extruded from the kernel at some point.
type record_info =
| NotRecord |
| FakeRecord |
| PrimRecord of (Names.Id.t * Names.Label.t array * Sorts.relevance array * Constr.types array) array |
type squash_info =
| AlwaysSquashed | |
| SometimesSquashed of Sorts.Quality.Set.t | (* A sort polymorphic inductive NB: if |
type one_inductive_body = {
mind_typename : Names.Id.t; | (* Name of the type: |
mind_arity_ctxt : Constr.rel_context; | (* Arity context of |
mind_sort : Sorts.t; | (* Arity sort *) |
mind_user_arity : Constr.types; | (* Original user arity, convertible to |
mind_consnames : Names.Id.t array; | (* Names of the constructors: |
mind_user_lc : Constr.types array; | (* Types of the constructors with parameters: |
mind_nrealargs : int; | (* Number of expected real arguments of the type (no let, no params) *) |
mind_nrealdecls : int; | (* Length of realargs context (with let, no params) *) |
mind_squashed : squash_info option; | (* Is elimination restricted to the inductive's sort? *) |
mind_nf_lc : (Constr.rel_context * Constr.types) array; | (* Head normalized constructor types so that their conclusion exposes the inductive type. It includes the parameters, i.e. each component of the array has the form |
mind_consnrealargs : int array; | (* Number of expected proper arguments of the constructors (w/o params) *) |
mind_consnrealdecls : int array; | (* Length of the signature of the constructors (with let, w/o params) *) |
mind_recargs : wf_paths; | (* Signature of recursive arguments in the constructors *) |
mind_relevance : Sorts.relevance; | |
mind_nb_constant : int; | (* number of constant constructor *) |
mind_nb_args : int; | (* number of no constant constructor *) |
mind_reloc_tbl : Vmvalues.reloc_table; |
Datas specific to a single type of a block of mutually inductive type
type mutual_inductive_body = {
mind_packets : one_inductive_body array; | (* The component of the mutual inductive block *) |
mind_record : record_info; | (* The record information *) |
mind_finite : recursivity_kind; | (* Whether the type is inductive, coinductive or non-recursive *) |
mind_ntypes : int; | (* Number of types in the block *) |
mind_hyps : Constr.named_context; | (* Section hypotheses on which the block depends *) |
mind_univ_hyps : UVars.Instance.t; | (* Section polymorphic universes. *) |
mind_nparams : int; | (* Number of expected parameters including non-uniform ones (i.e. length of mind_params_ctxt w/o let-in) *) |
mind_nparams_rec : int; | (* Number of recursively uniform (i.e. ordinary) parameters *) |
mind_params_ctxt : Constr.rel_context; | (* The context of parameters (includes let-in declaration) *) |
mind_universes : universes; | (* Information about monomorphic/polymorphic/cumulative inductives and their universes *) |
mind_template : template_universes option; | |
mind_variance : UVars.Variance.t array option; | (* Variance info, |
mind_sec_variance : UVars.Variance.t array option; | (* Variance info for section polymorphic universes. |
mind_private : bool option; | (* allow pattern-matching: Some true ok, Some false blocked *) |
mind_typing_flags : typing_flags; | (* typing flags at the time of the inductive creation *) |
type mind_specif = mutual_inductive_body * one_inductive_body
type quality_pattern = Sorts.Quality.pattern =
| PQVar of int option |
| PQConstant of Sorts.Quality.constant |
type instance_mask = UVars.Instance.mask
type sort_pattern = Sorts.pattern =
| PSProp |
| PSSProp |
| PSSet |
| PSType of int option |
| PSQSort of int option * int option |
type 'arg head_pattern =
| PHRel of int |
| PHSort of sort_pattern |
| PHSymbol of Names.Constant.t * instance_mask |
| PHInd of Names.inductive * instance_mask |
| PHConstr of Names.constructor * instance_mask |
| PHInt of Uint63.t |
| PHFloat of Float64.t |
| PHString of Pstring.t |
| PHLambda of 'arg array * 'arg |
| PHProd of 'arg array * 'arg |
Patterns are internally represented as pairs of a head-pattern and a list of eliminations Eliminations correspond to elements of the stack in a reduction machine, they represent a pattern with a hole, to be filled with the head-pattern
type pattern_elimination =
| PEApp of pattern_argument array |
| PECase of Names.inductive * instance_mask * pattern_argument * pattern_argument array |
| PEProj of Names.Projection.Repr.t |
and head_elimination = pattern_argument head_pattern * pattern_elimination list
type rewrite_rule = {
nvars : int * int * int; |
lhs_pat : instance_mask * pattern_elimination list; |
rhs : Constr.constr; |
(c, { lhs_pat = (u, elims); rhs })
in this list stands for (PHSymbol (c,u), elims) ==> rhs
Functor expressions are forced to be on top of other expressions
type ('ty, 'a) functorize =
| NoFunctor of 'a |
| MoreFunctor of Names.MBId.t * 'ty * ('ty, 'a) functorize |
The fully-algebraic module expressions : names, applications, 'with ...'. They correspond to the user entries of non-interactive modules. They will be later expanded into module structures in Mod_typing
, and won't play any role into the kernel after that : they are kept only for short module printing and for extraction.
type 'uconstr with_declaration =
| WithMod of Names.Id.t list * Names.ModPath.t |
| WithDef of Names.Id.t list * 'uconstr |
type 'uconstr module_alg_expr =
| MEident of Names.ModPath.t |
| MEapply of 'uconstr module_alg_expr * Names.ModPath.t |
| MEwith of 'uconstr module_alg_expr * 'uconstr with_declaration |
type 'uconstr functor_alg_expr =
| MENoFunctor of 'uconstr module_alg_expr |
| MEMoreFunctor of 'uconstr functor_alg_expr |
A module expression is an algebraic expression, possibly functorized.
type module_expression = (Constr.constr * UVars.AbstractContext.t option) functor_alg_expr
A component of a module structure
type ('mod_body, 'mod_type) structure_field_body =
| SFBconst of constant_body |
| SFBmind of mutual_inductive_body |
| SFBrules of rewrite_rules_body |
| SFBmodule of 'mod_body |
| SFBmodtype of 'mod_type |
A module structure is a list of labeled components.
Note : we may encounter now (at most) twice the same label in a structure_body
, once for a module (SFBmodule
or SFBmodtype
) and once for an object (SFBconst
or SFBmind
and ('mod_body, 'mod_type) structure_body = (Names.Label.t * ('mod_body, 'mod_type) structure_field_body) list