Module DeclareInd

Registering a mutual inductive definition together with its associated schemes

type one_inductive_impls = Impargs.manual_implicits * Impargs.manual_implicits list
type default_dep_elim =
| DefaultElim
| PropButDepElim
type indlocs = (Loc.t option * Loc.t option list) list

Inductive type and constructor locs, for .glob and src loc info

val declare_mutual_inductive_with_eliminations : ?typing_flags:Declarations.typing_flags -> ?indlocs:indlocs -> ?default_dep_elim:default_dep_elim list -> Entries.mutual_inductive_entry -> UState.named_universes_entry -> one_inductive_impls list -> Names.MutInd.t
module Internal : sig ... end
val declare_primitive_projection : Names.Projection.Repr.t -> Names.Constant.t -> unit