Module Classes

Instance declaration

val declare_instance : ?warn:bool -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Typeclasses.hint_info option -> Hints.hint_locality -> Names.GlobRef.t -> unit

Declares the given global reference as an instance of its type. Does nothing — or emit a “not-a-class” warning if the warn argument is set — when said type is not a registered type class.

val existing_instance : ?loc:Loc.t -> Hints.hint_locality -> Names.GlobRef.t -> Vernacexpr.hint_info_expr option -> unit

globality, reference, optional priority and pattern information

val new_instance_interactive : locality:Hints.hint_locality -> poly:bool -> Constrexpr.name_decl -> Constrexpr.local_binder_expr list -> Constrexpr.constr_expr -> ?tac:unit Proofview.tactic -> ?hook:(Names.GlobRef.t -> unit) -> Vernacexpr.hint_info_expr -> (bool * Constrexpr.constr_expr) option -> Names.lident * Declare.Proof.t
val declare_new_instance : locality:Hints.hint_locality -> program_mode:bool -> poly:bool -> Constrexpr.ident_decl -> Constrexpr.local_binder_expr list -> Constrexpr.constr_expr -> Vernacexpr.hint_info_expr -> unit
val add_class : Typeclasses.typeclass -> unit
type instance = {
class_name : Names.GlobRef.t;
instance : Names.GlobRef.t;
info : Typeclasses.hint_info;
locality : Hints.hint_locality;
module Event : sig ... end

Activated observers are called whenever a class or an instance are declared.

register_observer is to be called once per process for a given string, unless override is true. The registered observer is not activated.

Activation state is part of the summary. It is up to the caller to use libobject for persistence if desired.

type observer
val register_observer : name:string -> ?override:bool -> (Event.t -> unit) -> observer
val activate_observer : observer -> unit
val deactivate_observer : observer -> unit

Setting opacity

val set_typeclass_transparency : locality:Hints.hint_locality -> Evaluable.t list -> bool -> unit
val set_typeclass_transparency_com : locality:Hints.hint_locality -> Libnames.qualid list -> bool -> unit
val set_typeclass_mode : locality:Hints.hint_locality -> Names.GlobRef.t -> Hints.hint_mode list -> unit

For generation on names based on classes only

val refine_att : bool Attributes.attribute
module Internal : sig ... end
val warn_default_mode : ?loc:Loc.t -> (Names.GlobRef.t * Hints.hint_mode list) -> unit

A configurable warning to output if a default mode is used for a class declaration.