Library Stdlib.Floats.Floats
The Floats library is split in 6 theories:
For a brief overview of the Floats library,
N.B.: This library only offers a bit-level specification of floating-point
arithmetic. For a more complete set of theorems, including links with real
arithmetic, see the Flocq library
- FloatClass: define the float_class inductive
- PrimFloat: define the floating-point values and operators as kernel primitives
- SpecFloat: specify the floating-point operators with binary integers
- FloatOps: define conversion functions between spec_float and float
- FloatAxioms: state properties of the primitive operators w.r.t. spec_float
- FloatLemmas: prove a few results involving Z.frexp and Z.ldexp
Require Export FloatClass.
Require Export PrimFloat.
Require Export SpecFloat.
Require Export FloatOps.
Require Export FloatAxioms.
Require Export FloatLemmas.