Library Ltac2.Ind
From Ltac2 Require Import Init.
Ltac2 Type t := inductive.
Ltac2 @ external equal : t -> t -> bool := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "ind_equal".
Equality test.
Ltac2 Type data.
Type of data representing inductive blocks.
Ltac2 @ external data : t -> data := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "ind_data".
Get the mutual blocks corresponding to an inductive type in the current
environment. Panics if there is no such inductive.
Ltac2 @ external repr : data -> t := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "ind_repr".
Returns the inductive corresponding to the block. Inverse of data.
Ltac2 @ external index : t -> int := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "ind_index".
Returns the index of the inductive type inside its mutual block. Guaranteed
to range between 0 and nblocks data - 1 where data was retrieved
using the above function.
Ltac2 @ external nblocks : data -> int := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "ind_nblocks".
Returns the number of inductive types appearing in a mutual block.
Ltac2 @ external nconstructors : data -> int := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "ind_nconstructors".
Returns the number of constructors appearing in the current block.
Ltac2 @ external get_block : data -> int -> data := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "ind_get_block".
Returns the block corresponding to the nth inductive type. Index must range
between 0 and nblocks data - 1, otherwise the function panics.
Ltac2 @ external get_constructor : data -> int -> constructor := "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "ind_get_constructor".
Returns the nth constructor of the inductive type. Index must range between
0 and nconstructors data - 1, otherwise the function panics.
Ltac2 @ external get_projections : data -> projection array option
:= "rocq-runtime.plugins.ltac2" "ind_get_projections".
Returns the list of projections for a primitive record,
or None if the inductive is not a primitive record.