The parser of Coq
include Gramlib.Grammar.S with type keyword_state := CLexer.keyword_state and type te := Tok.t and type 'a pattern := 'a Tok.p and type 'a with_gstate
:= 'a and type 'a with_kwstate := 'a and type 'a with_estate := 'a and type 'a mod_estate := 'a
Type combinators to factor the module type between explicit state passing in Grammar and global state in Pcoq
module Parsable : sig ... end
module Entry : sig ... end
module Symbol : sig ... end
module Rule : sig ... end
module Rules : sig ... end
module Production : sig ... end
type 'a single_extend_statement = string option * Gramlib.Gramext.g_assoc option * 'a Production.t list
type 'a extend_statement =
| Reuse of string option * 'a Production.t list | (* Extend an existing level by its optional given name. If None, picks the topmost level. *) |
| Fresh of Gramlib.Gramext.position * 'a single_extend_statement list | (* Create a level at the given position. *) |
val generalize_symbol : ('a, 'tr, 'c) Symbol.t -> ('b, Gramlib.Grammar.norec, 'c) Symbol.t option
val level_of_nonterm : ('a, Gramlib.Grammar.norec, 'c) Symbol.t -> string option
module Lookahead : sig ... end
val terminal : string -> string Tok.p
When string is not an ident, returns a keyword.
The parser of Coq is built from three kinds of rule declarations:
Note that parsing a Coq document is in essence stateful: the parser needs to recognize commands that start proofs and use a different parsing entry point for them.
We thus provide two different interfaces: the "raw" parsing interface, in the style of camlp5, which provides more flexibility, and a more specialize "parse_vernac" one, which will indeed adjust the state as needed.
Dynamic extension of rules
For constr notations, dynamic addition of new rules is done in several steps:
String "x"; String "+"; String "y"
: symbol_token list | | interpreted as a mixed parsing/printing production | by Metasyntax.analyse_notation_tokens V NonTerminal "x"; Terminal "+"; NonTerminal "y"
: symbol list | | translated to a parsing production by Metasyntax.make_production V GramConstrNonTerminal (ETConstr (NextLevel,(BorderProd Left,LeftA)),
Some "x");
GramConstrTerminal ("","+");
GramConstrNonTerminal (ETConstr (NextLevel,(BorderProd Right,LeftA)),
Some "y")
: grammar_constr_prod_item list | | Egrammar.make_constr_prod_item V Gramext.g_symbol list which is sent to camlp5For user level tactic notations, dynamic addition of new rules is also done in several steps:
TacTerm "f"; TacNonTerm ("constr", Some "x")
: grammar_tactic_prod_item_expr list | | Metasyntax.interp_prod_item V GramTerminal "f";
GramNonTerminal (ConstrArgType, Aentry ("constr","constr"), Some "x")
: grammar_prod_item list | | Egrammar.make_prod_item V Gramext.g_symbol listFor TACTIC/VERNAC/ARGUMENT EXTEND, addition of new rules is done as follows:
GramTerminal "f";
GramNonTerminal (ConstrArgType, Aentry ("constr","constr"), Some "x")
| | Egrammar.make_prod_item V Gramext.g_symbol listParse a string
val create_generic_entry2 : string -> ('a, Genarg.rlevel) Genarg.abstract_argument_type -> 'a Entry.t
val register_grammar : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) Genarg.genarg_type -> 'raw Entry.t -> unit
val genarg_grammar : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) Genarg.genarg_type -> 'raw Entry.t
module Prim : sig ... end
module Constr : sig ... end
module Module : sig ... end
val epsilon_value : ('a -> 'self) -> ('self, _, 'a) Symbol.t -> 'self option
val grammar_extend : 'a Entry.t -> 'a extend_statement -> unit
Extend the grammar of Coq, without synchronizing it with the backtracking mechanism. This means that grammar extensions defined this way will survive an undo.
type gram_reinit = Gramlib.Gramext.g_assoc * Gramlib.Gramext.position
Type of reinitialization data
type extend_rule =
| ExtendRule : 'a Entry.t * 'a extend_statement -> extend_rule |
| ExtendRuleReinit : 'a Entry.t * gram_reinit * 'a extend_statement -> extend_rule |
type 'a grammar_extension = {
gext_fun : 'a -> GramState.t -> extend_rule list * GramState.t; |
gext_eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool; |
Grammar extension entry point. Given some 'a
and a current grammar state, such a function must produce the list of grammar extensions that will be applied in the same order and kept synchronized w.r.t. the summary, together with a new state. It should be pure.
val create_grammar_command : string -> 'a grammar_extension -> 'a grammar_command
Create a new grammar-modifying command with the given name. The extension function is called to generate the rules for a given data.
val extend_grammar_command : 'a grammar_command -> 'a -> unit
Extend the grammar of Coq with the given data.
type ('a, 'b) entry_extension = {
eext_fun : 'a -> GramState.t -> string list * GramState.t; |
eext_eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool; |
Entry extension entry point. Given some 'a
and a current grammar state, such a function must produce the list of entry extensions that will be created and kept synchronized w.r.t. the summary, together with a new state. It should be pure.
val create_entry_command : string -> ('a, 'b) entry_extension -> ('a, 'b) entry_command
Create a new entry-creating command with the given name. The extension function is called to generate the new entries for a given data.
val extend_entry_command : ('a, 'b) entry_command -> 'a -> 'b Entry.t list
Create new synchronized entries using the provided data.
val find_custom_entry : ('a, 'b) entry_command -> string -> 'b Entry.t
Find an entry generated by the synchronized system in the current state.
val parser_summary_tag : frozen_t Summary.Dyn.tag
Registering grammars by name
val register_grammars_by_name : string -> Entry.any_t list -> unit
val find_grammars_by_name : string -> Entry.any_t list
val freeze : unit -> frozen_t
Parsing state handling
val unfreeze : frozen_t -> unit
val get_keyword_state : unit -> CLexer.keyword_state
val set_keyword_state : CLexer.keyword_state -> unit