Extensible grammars.
This module implements the Camlp5 extensible grammars system. Grammars entries can be extended using the EXTEND
statement, added by loading the Camlp5 pa_extend.cmo
Raised by parsers when the first component of a stream pattern is accepted, but one of the following components is rejected.
Alternative for grammars use. Grammars are no more Ocaml values: there is no type for them. Modules generated preserve the rule "an entry cannot call an entry of another grammar" by normal OCaml typing.
The input signature for the functor Grammar.GMake
: te
is the type of the tokens.
module type S = sig ... end
module type ExtS = sig ... end
Signature type of the functor Grammar.GMake
. The types and functions are almost the same than in generic interface, but:
is used in function parse
instead of the char stream, avoiding the possible loss of tokens.module GMake (L : Plexing.S) : ExtS with type keyword_state := L.keyword_state and type te := L.te and type 'c pattern := 'c L.pattern