Module Ltac_plugin.Tacentries

Tactic Definitions
val register_ltac : Vernacexpr.locality_flag -> ?⁠deprecation:Deprecation.t -> Tacexpr.tacdef_body list -> unit

Adds new Ltac definitions to the environment.

Tactic Notations
type 'a grammar_tactic_prod_item_expr = 'a Pptactic.grammar_tactic_prod_item_expr =
| TacTerm of string
| TacNonTerm of ('a * Names.Id.t option) Loc.located
type raw_argument = string * string option

An argument type as provided in Tactic notations, i.e. a string like "ne_foo_list_opt" together with a separator that only makes sense in the "_sep" cases.

type argument = Genarg.ArgT.any Extend.user_symbol

A fully resolved argument type given as an AST with generic arguments on the leaves.

val add_tactic_notation : Vernacexpr.locality_flag -> int -> ?⁠deprecation:Deprecation.t -> raw_argument grammar_tactic_prod_item_expr list -> Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr -> unit

add_tactic_notation local level prods expr adds a tactic notation in the environment at level level with locality local made of the grammar productions prods and returning the body expr

val register_tactic_notation_entry : string -> ('a'b'c) Genarg.genarg_type -> unit

Register an argument under a given entry name for tactic notations. When translating raw_argument into argument, atomic names will be first looked up according to names registered through this function and fallback to finding an argument by name (as in Genarg) if there is none matching.

val add_ml_tactic_notation : Tacexpr.ml_tactic_name -> level:int -> ?⁠deprecation:Deprecation.t -> argument grammar_tactic_prod_item_expr list list -> unit

A low-level variant of add_tactic_notation used by the TACTIC EXTEND ML-side macro.

Tactic Quotations
val create_ltac_quotation : string -> ('grm Loc.located -> Tacexpr.raw_tactic_arg) -> ('grm Pcoq.Entry.t * int option) -> unit

create_ltac_quotation name f e adds a quotation rule to Ltac, that is, Ltac grammar now accepts arguments of the form "name" ":" "(" <e> ")", and generates an argument using f on the entry parsed by e.

val print_ltacs : unit -> unit

Display the list of ltac definitions currently available.

val print_located_tactic : Libnames.qualid -> unit

Display the absolute name of a tactic.

val print_ltac : Libnames.qualid -> Pp.t

Display the definition of a tactic.

Low-level registering of tactics
type (_, 'a) ml_ty_sig =
| MLTyNil : ('a'a) ml_ty_sig
| MLTyArg : ('r'a) ml_ty_sig -> (Geninterp.Val.t -> 'r'a) ml_ty_sig
val ml_tactic_extend : plugin:string -> name:string -> local:Vernacexpr.locality_flag -> ?⁠deprecation:Deprecation.t -> ('runit Proofview.tactic) ml_ty_sig -> 'r -> unit

Helper function to define directly an Ltac function in OCaml without any associated parsing rule nor further shenanigans. The Ltac function will be defined as name in the Coq file that loads the ML plugin where this function is called. It will have the arity given by the ml_ty_sig argument.

val ml_val_tactic_extend : plugin:string -> name:string -> local:Vernacexpr.locality_flag -> ?⁠deprecation:Deprecation.t -> ('rGeninterp.Val.t Ftactic.t) ml_ty_sig -> 'r -> unit

Same as ml_tactic_extend but the function can return an argument instead.

type _ ty_sig =
| TyNil : (Geninterp.interp_sign -> unit Proofview.tactic) ty_sig
| TyIdent : string * 'r ty_sig -> 'r ty_sig
| TyArg : ('a'b'c) Extend.ty_user_symbol * 'r ty_sig -> ('c -> 'r) ty_sig
type ty_ml =
| TyML : 'r ty_sig * 'r -> ty_ml
val tactic_extend : string -> string -> level:Int.t -> ?⁠deprecation:Deprecation.t -> ty_ml list -> unit
val eval_of_ty_ml : ty_ml -> Geninterp.Val.t list -> Geninterp.interp_sign -> unit Proofview.tactic
val clause_of_ty_ml : ty_ml -> Genarg.ArgT.any Extend.user_symbol grammar_tactic_prod_item_expr list

grammar rule for add_tactic_notation

type ('a, 'b, 'c) argument_printer = 'a Pptactic.raw_extra_genarg_printer * 'b Pptactic.glob_extra_genarg_printer * 'c Pptactic.extra_genarg_printer
type ('a, 'b) argument_intern =
| ArgInternFun : ('a'b) Genintern.intern_fun -> ('a'b) argument_intern
| ArgInternWit : ('a'b'c) Genarg.genarg_type -> ('a'b) argument_intern
type 'b argument_subst =
| ArgSubstFun : 'b Genintern.subst_fun -> 'b argument_subst
| ArgSubstWit : ('a'b'c) Genarg.genarg_type -> 'b argument_subst
type ('b, 'c) argument_interp =
| ArgInterpRet : ('c'c) argument_interp
| ArgInterpFun : ('bGeninterp.Val.t) Geninterp.interp_fun -> ('b'c) argument_interp
| ArgInterpWit : ('a'b'r) Genarg.genarg_type -> ('b'c) argument_interp
| ArgInterpSimple : (Geninterp.interp_sign -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('b'c) argument_interp
type ('a, 'b, 'c) tactic_argument = {
arg_parsing : 'a Vernacextend.argument_rule;
arg_tag : 'c Geninterp.Val.tag option;
arg_intern : ('a'b) argument_intern;
arg_subst : 'b argument_subst;
arg_interp : ('b'c) argument_interp;
arg_printer : ('a'b'c) argument_printer;
val argument_extend : name:string -> ('a'b'c) tactic_argument -> ('a'b'c) Genarg.genarg_type * 'a Pcoq.Entry.t