The type of token for the Rocq lexer and parser
type 'c p =
| PKEYWORD : string -> string p |
| PIDENT : string option -> string p |
| PFIELD : string option -> string p |
| PNUMBER : NumTok.Unsigned.t option -> NumTok.Unsigned.t p |
| PSTRING : string option -> string p |
| PLEFTQMARK : unit p |
| PBULLET : string option -> string p |
| PQUOTATION : string -> string p |
| PEOI : unit p |
val pattern_strings : 'c p -> string * string option
type t =
| KEYWORD of string |
| IDENT of string |
| FIELD of string |
| NUMBER of NumTok.Unsigned.t |
| STRING of string |
| BULLET of string |
| QUOTATION of string * string |
| EOI |
val extract_string : bool -> t -> string
Names of tokens, used in Grammar error messages
val token_text : 'c p -> string
Utility function for the test returned by a QUOTATION token: It returns the delimiter parenthesis, if any, and the text without delimiters. Eg `{{ text
` -> Some '{', ` text `