type template_arity =
| NonTemplateArg of Names.Name.t EConstr.binder_annot * EConstr.types * template_arity |
| TemplateArg of Names.Name.t EConstr.binder_annot * EConstr.rel_context * Univ.Level.t * template_arity |
| DefParam of Names.Name.t EConstr.binder_annot * EConstr.constr * EConstr.types * template_arity |
| CtorType of Declarations.template_universes * EConstr.types |
| IndType of Declarations.template_universes * EConstr.rel_context * Sorts.t |
NB: the types and rel_contexts may mention previous args eg "sigT : forall A, (A -> Type) -> Type" is "TemplateArg (, u, TemplateArg (_:Rel 1
, v, IndType (_, , Type@max(u,v)
)))" note the "Rel 1"
be Prop if all these levels are Prop
val get_template_arity : Environ.env -> Names.inductive -> ctoropt:int option -> template_can_be_prop * template_arity