Module Proof_using

Utility code for section variables handling in Proof using...

At some point it would be good to make this abstract

val definition_using : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> fixnames:Names.Id.t list -> using:Vernacexpr.section_subset_expr -> terms:EConstr.constr list -> t

Process a using expression in definitions to provide the list of used terms

val name_set : Names.Id.t -> Vernacexpr.section_subset_expr -> unit
val suggest_constant : Environ.env -> Names.Constant.t -> unit
val suggest_variable : Environ.env -> Names.Id.t -> unit
val get_default_proof_using : unit -> Vernacexpr.section_subset_expr option
val proof_using_opt_name : string list

For the stm

val using_from_string : string -> Vernacexpr.section_subset_expr