Redefinition of Ltac1 data structures because of impedance mismatch
type 'a thunk = (unit, 'a) Tac2ffi.fun1
type quantified_hypothesis = Tactypes.quantified_hypothesis =
| AnonHyp of int |
| NamedHyp of Names.lident |
type explicit_bindings = (quantified_hypothesis * EConstr.t) list
type bindings =
| ImplicitBindings of EConstr.t list |
| ExplicitBindings of explicit_bindings |
| NoBindings |
type constr_with_bindings = EConstr.constr * bindings
type core_destruction_arg =
| ElimOnConstr of constr_with_bindings Proofview.tactic |
| ElimOnIdent of Names.Id.t |
| ElimOnAnonHyp of int |
type destruction_arg = core_destruction_arg
type intro_pattern =
| IntroForthcoming of bool |
| IntroNaming of intro_pattern_naming |
| IntroAction of intro_pattern_action |
and intro_pattern_naming =
| IntroIdentifier of Names.Id.t |
| IntroFresh of Names.Id.t |
| IntroAnonymous |
and intro_pattern_action =
| IntroWildcard |
| IntroOrAndPattern of or_and_intro_pattern |
| IntroInjection of intro_pattern list |
| IntroApplyOn of EConstr.t thunk * intro_pattern |
| IntroRewrite of bool |
and or_and_intro_pattern =
| IntroOrPattern of intro_pattern list list |
| IntroAndPattern of intro_pattern list |
type hyp_location = Names.Id.t * occurrences * hyp_location_flag
type induction_clause = destruction_arg * intro_pattern_naming option * or_and_intro_pattern option * clause option
type rewriting = orientation option * multi * constr_with_bindings Proofview.tactic
type assertion =
| AssertType of intro_pattern option * EConstr.constr * unit thunk option |
| AssertValue of Names.Id.t * EConstr.constr |