Module Ltac2_plugin.Tac2intern

type context = (Names.Id.t * Tac2expr.type_scheme) list
val intern_open_type : Tac2expr.raw_typexpr -> Tac2expr.type_scheme
val genintern_warn_not_unit : ?check_unused:bool -> Genintern.glob_sign -> (Names.Name.t * Tac2typing_env.mix_type_scheme) list -> Tac2expr.raw_tacexpr -> Tac2expr.glb_tacexpr

check_unused is deault true

val is_value : Tac2expr.glb_tacexpr -> bool

Check that a term is a value. Only values are safe to marshall between processes.

val is_pure_constructor : Tac2expr.type_constant -> bool
val check_unit : ?loc:Loc.t -> Tac2expr.type_scheme -> unit
val check_subtype : Tac2expr.type_scheme -> Tac2expr.type_scheme -> bool

check_subtype t1 t2 returns true iff all values of instances of type t1 also have type t2.


Replaces all qualified identifiers by their corresponding kernel name. The set represents bound variables in the context.

val debug_globalize_allow_ext : Names.Id.Set.t -> Tac2expr.raw_tacexpr -> Tac2expr.raw_tacexpr

Variant of globalize which can accept CTacExt using the provided function. Intended for debugging.


val error_nargs_mismatch : ?loc:Loc.t -> Tac2expr.ltac_constructor -> int -> int -> 'a
val error_nparams_mismatch : ?loc:Loc.t -> int -> int -> 'a


val drop_ltac2_env : Genintern.Store.t -> Genintern.Store.t