Module AcyclicGraph.Make


module Point : Point


type t
val empty : t
val check_invariants : required_canonical:(Point.t -> bool) -> t -> unit
exception AlreadyDeclared
val add : ?rank:int -> Point.t -> t -> t

All points must be pre-declared through this function before they can be mentioned in the others. NB: use a large rank to keep the node canonical

val check_declared : t -> Point.Set.t -> (unit, Point.Set.t) Stdlib.result
  • raises Undeclared

    if one of the points is not present in the graph.

type 'a check_function = t -> 'a -> 'a -> bool
val check_eq : Point.t check_function
val check_leq : Point.t check_function
val check_lt : Point.t check_function
val enforce_eq : Point.t -> Point.t -> t -> t option
val enforce_leq : Point.t -> Point.t -> t -> t option
val enforce_lt : Point.t -> Point.t -> t -> t option
type explanation = Point.t * (constraint_type * Point.t) list

Type explanation is used to decorate error messages to provide a useful explanation why a given constraint is rejected. It is composed of a starting universe u0 and a path of universes and relation kinds (r1,u1);..;(rn,un) meaning u0 <(r1) u1 <(r2) ... <(rn) un (where <(ri) is the relation symbol denoted by ri). When the rejected constraint is a a <= b or a < b then the path is fromb to a, ie u0 == b and un == a. when the rejected constraint is an equality the path may go in either direction. Note that each step does not necessarily correspond to an actual constraint, but reflect how the system stores the graph and may result from combination of several Constraints.t...

val get_explanation : (Point.t * constraint_type * Point.t) -> t -> explanation

Assuming that the corresponding call to enforce_* returned None, this will give a trace for the failure.

type 'a constraint_fold = (Point.t * constraint_type * Point.t) -> 'a -> 'a
val constraints_of : t -> 'a constraint_fold -> 'a -> 'a * Point.Set.t list
val constraints_for : kept:Point.Set.t -> t -> 'a constraint_fold -> 'a -> 'a
val domain : t -> Point.Set.t
val choose : (Point.t -> bool) -> t -> Point.t -> Point.t option
High-level representation
type node =
| Alias of Point.t
| Node of bool Point.Map.t(*

Nodes v s.t. u < v (true) or u <= v (false)

type repr = node Point.Map.t
val repr : t -> repr