\[\begin{split}\newcommand{\alors}{\textsf{then}} \newcommand{\alter}{\textsf{alter}} \newcommand{\as}{\kw{as}} \newcommand{\Assum}[3]{\kw{Assum}(#1)(#2:#3)} \newcommand{\bool}{\textsf{bool}} \newcommand{\case}{\kw{case}} \newcommand{\conc}{\textsf{conc}} \newcommand{\cons}{\textsf{cons}} \newcommand{\consf}{\textsf{consf}} \newcommand{\conshl}{\textsf{cons\_hl}} \newcommand{\Def}[4]{\kw{Def}(#1)(#2:=#3:#4)} \newcommand{\emptyf}{\textsf{emptyf}} \newcommand{\End}{\kw{End}} \newcommand{\kwend}{\kw{end}} \newcommand{\EqSt}{\textsf{EqSt}} \newcommand{\even}{\textsf{even}} \newcommand{\evenO}{\textsf{even}_\textsf{O}} \newcommand{\evenS}{\textsf{even}_\textsf{S}} \newcommand{\false}{\textsf{false}} \newcommand{\filter}{\textsf{filter}} \newcommand{\Fix}{\kw{Fix}} \newcommand{\fix}{\kw{fix}} \newcommand{\for}{\textsf{for}} \newcommand{\forest}{\textsf{forest}} \newcommand{\from}{\textsf{from}} \newcommand{\Functor}{\kw{Functor}} \newcommand{\haslength}{\textsf{has\_length}} \newcommand{\hd}{\textsf{hd}} \newcommand{\ident}{\textsf{ident}} \newcommand{\In}{\kw{in}} \newcommand{\Ind}[4]{\kw{Ind}[#2](#3:=#4)} \newcommand{\ind}[3]{\kw{Ind}~[#1]\left(#2\mathrm{~:=~}#3\right)} \newcommand{\Indp}[5]{\kw{Ind}_{#5}(#1)[#2](#3:=#4)} \newcommand{\Indpstr}[6]{\kw{Ind}_{#5}(#1)[#2](#3:=#4)/{#6}} \newcommand{\injective}{\kw{injective}} \newcommand{\kw}[1]{\textsf{#1}} \newcommand{\lb}{\lambda} \newcommand{\length}{\textsf{length}} \newcommand{\letin}[3]{\kw{let}~#1:=#2~\kw{in}~#3} \newcommand{\List}{\textsf{list}} \newcommand{\lra}{\longrightarrow} \newcommand{\Match}{\kw{match}} \newcommand{\Mod}[3]{{\kw{Mod}}({#1}:{#2}\,\zeroone{:={#3}})} \newcommand{\ModA}[2]{{\kw{ModA}}({#1}=={#2})} \newcommand{\ModS}[2]{{\kw{Mod}}({#1}:{#2})} \newcommand{\ModType}[2]{{\kw{ModType}}({#1}:={#2})} \newcommand{\mto}{.\;} \newcommand{\Nat}{\mathbb{N}} \newcommand{\nat}{\textsf{nat}} \newcommand{\Nil}{\textsf{nil}} \newcommand{\nilhl}{\textsf{nil\_hl}} \newcommand{\nO}{\textsf{O}} \newcommand{\node}{\textsf{node}} \newcommand{\nS}{\textsf{S}} \newcommand{\odd}{\textsf{odd}} \newcommand{\oddS}{\textsf{odd}_\textsf{S}} \newcommand{\ovl}[1]{\overline{#1}} \newcommand{\Pair}{\textsf{pair}} \newcommand{\Prod}{\textsf{prod}} \newcommand{\Prop}{\textsf{Prop}} \newcommand{\return}{\kw{return}} \newcommand{\Set}{\textsf{Set}} \newcommand{\si}{\textsf{if}} \newcommand{\sinon}{\textsf{else}} \newcommand{\Sort}{\cal S} \newcommand{\Str}{\textsf{Stream}} \newcommand{\Struct}{\kw{Struct}} \newcommand{\subst}[3]{#1\{#2/#3\}} \newcommand{\tl}{\textsf{tl}} \newcommand{\tree}{\textsf{tree}} \newcommand{\true}{\textsf{true}} \newcommand{\Type}{\textsf{Type}} \newcommand{\unfold}{\textsf{unfold}} \newcommand{\WEV}[3]{\mbox{$#1[] \vdash #2 \lra #3$}} \newcommand{\WEVT}[3]{\mbox{$#1[] \vdash #2 \lra$}\\ \mbox{$ #3$}} \newcommand{\WF}[2]{{\cal W\!F}(#1)[#2]} \newcommand{\WFE}[1]{\WF{E}{#1}} \newcommand{\WFT}[2]{#1[] \vdash {\cal W\!F}(#2)} \newcommand{\WFTWOLINES}[2]{{\cal W\!F}\begin{array}{l}(#1)\\\mbox{}[{#2}]\end{array}} \newcommand{\with}{\kw{with}} \newcommand{\WS}[3]{#1[] \vdash #2 <: #3} \newcommand{\WSE}[2]{\WS{E}{#1}{#2}} \newcommand{\WT}[4]{#1[#2] \vdash #3 : #4} \newcommand{\WTE}[3]{\WT{E}{#1}{#2}{#3}} \newcommand{\WTEG}[2]{\WTE{\Gamma}{#1}{#2}} \newcommand{\WTM}[3]{\WT{#1}{}{#2}{#3}} \newcommand{\zeroone}[1]{[{#1}]} \newcommand{\zeros}{\textsf{zeros}} \end{split}\]

Extensions of Gallina

Gallina is the kernel language of Coq. We describe here extensions of Gallina’s syntax.

Record types

The Record construction is a macro allowing the definition of records as is done in many programming languages. Its syntax is described in the grammar below. In fact, the Record macro is more general than the usual record types, since it allows also for “manifest” expressions. In this sense, the Record construction allows defining “signatures”.

record         ::=  record_keyword record_body with … with record_body
record_keyword ::=  Record | Inductive | CoInductive
field          ::=  ident [ binders ] : type [ where notation ]
                    | ident [ binders ] [: type ] := term

In the expression:

Command Record ident binders : sort? := ident? { ident binders : type*; }

the first identifier ident is the name of the defined record and sort is its type. The optional identifier following := is the name of its constructor. If it is omitted, the default name Build_ident, where ident is the record name, is used. If sort is omitted, the default sort is Type. The identifiers inside the brackets are the names of fields. For a given field ident, its type is forall binders, type. Remark that the type of a particular identifier may depend on a previously-given identifier. Thus the order of the fields is important. Finally, binders are parameters of the record.

More generally, a record may have explicitly defined (a.k.a. manifest) fields. For instance, we might have: Record ident binders : sort := { ident : type ; ident := term ; ident : type }. in which case the correctness of type may rely on the instance term of ident and term may in turn depend on ident.


The set of rational numbers may be defined as:
Record Rat : Set := mkRat {sign : bool; top : nat; bottom : nat; Rat_bottom_cond : 0 <> bottom; Rat_irred_cond : forall x y z:nat, (x * y) = top /\ (x * z) = bottom -> x = 1}.
Rat is defined sign is defined top is defined bottom is defined Rat_bottom_cond is defined Rat_irred_cond is defined

Remark here that the fields Rat_bottom_cond depends on the field bottom and Rat_irred_cond depends on both top and bottom.

Let us now see the work done by the Record macro. First the macro generates a variant type definition with just one constructor: Variant ident binders? : sort := ident binders?.

To build an object of type ident, one should provide the constructor ident with the appropriate number of terms filling the fields of the record.


Let us define the rational \(1/2\):

Theorem one_two_irred : forall x y z:nat, x * y = 1 /\ x * z = 2 -> x = 1.
1 subgoal ============================ forall x y z : nat, x * y = 1 /\ x * z = 2 -> x = 1
one_two_irred is declared
Definition half := mkRat true 1 2 (O_S 1) one_two_irred.
half is defined
Check half.
half : Rat
record_term ::=  {| [field_def ; … ; field_def] |}
field_def   ::=  name [binders] := record_term

Alternatively, the following syntax allows creating objects by using named fields, as shown in this grammar. The fields do not have to be in any particular order, nor do they have to be all present if the missing ones can be inferred or prompted for (see Program).

Definition half' :=   {| sign := true;      Rat_bottom_cond := O_S 1;      Rat_irred_cond := one_two_irred |}.
half' is defined

The following settings let you control the display format for types:

Flag Printing Records

If set, use the record syntax (shown above) as the default display format.

You can override the display format for specified types by adding entries to these tables:

Table Printing Record qualid

Specifies a set of qualids which are displayed as records. Use the Add @table and Remove @table commands to update the set of qualids.

Table Printing Constructor qualid

Specifies a set of qualids which are displayed as constructors. Use the Add @table and Remove @table commands to update the set of qualids.

This syntax can also be used for pattern matching.

Eval compute in (   match half with   | {| sign := true; top := n |} => n   | _ => 0   end).
= 1 : nat

The macro generates also, when it is possible, the projection functions for destructuring an object of type ident. These projection functions are given the names of the corresponding fields. If a field is named _ then no projection is built for it. In our example:

Eval compute in top half.
= 1 : nat
Eval compute in bottom half.
= 2 : nat
Eval compute in Rat_bottom_cond half.
= O_S 1 : 0 <> bottom half

An alternative syntax for projections based on a dot notation is available:

Eval compute in half.(top).
= 1 : nat

It can be activated for printing with

Flag Printing Projections


Set Printing Projections.
Check top half.
half.(top) : nat
projection ::=  projection `.` ( qualid )
                | projection `.` ( qualid argarg )
                | projection `.` ( @qualid termterm )

Syntax of Record projections

The corresponding grammar rules are given in the preceding grammar. When qualid denotes a projection, the syntax term.(qualid) is equivalent to qualid term, the syntax term.(qualid arg\(_{1}\) arg\(_{n}\) ) to qualid arg\(_{1}\) arg\(_{n}\) term, and the syntax term.(@qualid term\(_{1}\) term\(_{n}\) ) to @qualid term\(_{1}\) term\(_{n}\) term. In each case, term is the object projected and the other arguments are the parameters of the inductive type.


Records defined with the Record keyword are not allowed to be recursive (references to the record's name in the type of its field raises an error). To define recursive records, one can use the Inductive and CoInductive keywords, resulting in an inductive or co-inductive record. A caveat, however, is that records cannot appear in mutually inductive (or co-inductive) definitions.


Induction schemes are automatically generated for inductive records. Automatic generation of induction schemes for non-recursive records defined with the Record keyword can be activated with the Nonrecursive Elimination Schemes option (see Generation of induction principles with Scheme).


Structure is a synonym of the keyword Record.

Warning ident cannot be defined.

It can happen that the definition of a projection is impossible. This message is followed by an explanation of this impossibility. There may be three reasons:

  1. The name ident already exists in the environment (see Axiom).
  2. The body of ident uses an incorrect elimination for ident (see Fixpoint and Destructors).
  3. The type of the projections ident depends on previous projections which themselves could not be defined.
Error Records declared with the keyword Record or Structure cannot be recursive.

The record name ident appears in the type of its fields, but uses the keyword Record. Use the keyword Inductive or CoInductive instead.

Error Cannot handle mutually (co)inductive records.

Records cannot be defined as part of mutually inductive (or co-inductive) definitions, whether with records only or mixed with standard definitions.

During the definition of the one-constructor inductive definition, all the errors of inductive definitions, as described in Section Inductive definitions, may also occur.

See also

Coercions and records in section Classes as Records of the chapter devoted to coercions.

Primitive Projections

Flag Primitive Projections

Turns on the use of primitive projections when defining subsequent records (even through the Inductive and CoInductive commands). Primitive projections extended the Calculus of Inductive Constructions with a new binary term constructor r.(p) representing a primitive projection p applied to a record object r (i.e., primitive projections are always applied). Even if the record type has parameters, these do not appear at applications of the projection, considerably reducing the sizes of terms when manipulating parameterized records and type checking time. On the user level, primitive projections can be used as a replacement for the usual defined ones, although there are a few notable differences.

Flag Printing Primitive Projection Parameters

This compatibility option reconstructs internally omitted parameters at printing time (even though they are absent in the actual AST manipulated by the kernel).

Flag Printing Primitive Projection Compatibility

This compatibility option (on by default) governs the printing of pattern matching over primitive records.

Primitive Record Types

When the Primitive Projections option is on, definitions of record types change meaning. When a type is declared with primitive projections, its match construct is disabled (see Primitive Projections though). To eliminate the (co-)inductive type, one must use its defined primitive projections.

For compatibility, the parameters still appear to the user when printing terms even though they are absent in the actual AST manipulated by the kernel. This can be changed by unsetting the Printing Primitive Projection Parameters flag. Further compatibility printing can be deactivated thanks to the Printing Primitive Projection Compatibility option which governs the printing of pattern matching over primitive records.

There are currently two ways to introduce primitive records types:

  1. Through the Record command, in which case the type has to be non-recursive. The defined type enjoys eta-conversion definitionally, that is the generalized form of surjective pairing for records: r = Build_R (r.(p\(_{1}\)) r.(p\(_{n}\))). Eta-conversion allows to define dependent elimination for these types as well.
  2. Through the Inductive and CoInductive commands, when the body of the definition is a record declaration of the form Build_R { p\(_{1}\) : t\(_{1}\); ; p\(_{n}\) : t\(_{n}\) }. In this case the types can be recursive and eta-conversion is disallowed. These kind of record types differ from their traditional versions in the sense that dependent elimination is not available for them and only non-dependent case analysis can be defined.


The basic reduction rule of a primitive projection is p\(_{i}\) (Build_R t\(_{1}\)t\(_{n}\)) \({\rightarrow_{\iota}}\) t\(_{i}\). However, to take the \({\delta}\) flag into account, projections can be in two states: folded or unfolded. An unfolded primitive projection application obeys the rule above, while the folded version delta-reduces to the unfolded version. This allows to precisely mimic the usual unfolding rules of constants. Projections obey the usual simpl flags of the Arguments command in particular. There is currently no way to input unfolded primitive projections at the user-level, and one must use the Printing Primitive Projection Compatibility to display unfolded primitive projections as matches and distinguish them from folded ones.

Compatibility Projections and match

To ease compatibility with ordinary record types, each primitive projection is also defined as a ordinary constant taking parameters and an object of the record type as arguments, and whose body is an application of the unfolded primitive projection of the same name. These constants are used when elaborating partial applications of the projection. One can distinguish them from applications of the primitive projection if the :flag`Printing Primitive Projection Parameters` option is off: For a primitive projection application, parameters are printed as underscores while for the compatibility projections they are printed as usual.

Additionally, user-written match constructs on primitive records are desugared into substitution of the projections, they cannot be printed back as match constructs.

Variants and extensions of match

Multiple and nested pattern matching

The basic version of match allows pattern matching on simple patterns. As an extension, multiple nested patterns or disjunction of patterns are allowed, as in ML-like languages.

The extension just acts as a macro that is expanded during parsing into a sequence of match on simple patterns. Especially, a construction defined using the extended match is generally printed under its expanded form (see Printing Matching).

Pattern-matching on boolean values: the if expression

For inductive types with exactly two constructors and for pattern matching expressions that do not depend on the arguments of the constructors, it is possible to use a if then else notation. For instance, the definition

Definition not (b:bool) := match b with | true => false | false => true end.
not is defined

can be alternatively written

Definition not (b:bool) := if b then false else true.
not is defined

More generally, for an inductive type with constructors C\(_{1}\) and C\(_{2}\), we have the following equivalence

if term [dep_ret_type] then term₁ else term₂ ≡
match term [dep_ret_type] with
| C₁ _ … _ => term₁
| C₂ _ … _ => term₂


Check (fun x (H:{x=0}+{x<>0}) => match H with | left _ => true | right _ => false end).
fun (x : nat) (H : {x = 0} + {x <> 0}) => if H then true else false : forall x : nat, {x = 0} + {x <> 0} -> bool

Notice that the printing uses the if syntax because sumbool is declared as such (see Controlling pretty-printing of match expressions).

Irrefutable patterns: the destructuring let variants

Pattern-matching on terms inhabiting inductive type having only one constructor can be alternatively written using let in constructions. There are two variants of them.

First destructuring let syntax

The expression let (ident\(_{1}\), , ident\(_{n}\)) := term\(_{0}\)in term\(_{1}\) performs case analysis on term\(_{0}\) which must be in an inductive type with one constructor having itself \(n\) arguments. Variables ident\(_{1}\)ident\(_{n}\) are bound to the \(n\) arguments of the constructor in expression term\(_{1}\). For instance, the definition

Definition fst (A B:Set) (H:A * B) := match H with | pair x y => x end.
fst is defined

can be alternatively written

Definition fst (A B:Set) (p:A * B) := let (x, _) := p in x.
fst is defined

Notice that reduction is different from regular let in construction since it happens only if term\(_{0}\) is in constructor form. Otherwise, the reduction is blocked.

The pretty-printing of a definition by matching on a irrefutable pattern can either be done using match or the let construction (see Section Controlling pretty-printing of match expressions).

If term inhabits an inductive type with one constructor C, we have an equivalence between

let (ident₁, …, identₙ) [dep_ret_type] := term in term'


match term [dep_ret_type] with
C ident₁ … identₙ => term'

Second destructuring let syntax

Another destructuring let syntax is available for inductive types with one constructor by giving an arbitrary pattern instead of just a tuple for all the arguments. For example, the preceding example can be written:

Definition fst (A B:Set) (p:A*B) := let 'pair x _ := p in x.
fst is defined

This is useful to match deeper inside tuples and also to use notations for the pattern, as the syntax let p := t in b allows arbitrary patterns to do the deconstruction. For example:

Definition deep_tuple (A:Set) (x:(A*A)*(A*A)) : A*A*A*A := let '((a,b), (c, d)) := x in (a,b,c,d).
deep_tuple is defined
Notation " x 'With' p " := (exist _ x p) (at level 20).
Identifier 'With' now a keyword
Definition proj1_sig' (A:Set) (P:A->Prop) (t:{ x:A | P x }) : A := let 'x With p := t in x.
proj1_sig' is defined

When printing definitions which are written using this construct it takes precedence over let printing directives for the datatype under consideration (see Section Controlling pretty-printing of match expressions).

Controlling pretty-printing of match expressions

The following commands give some control over the pretty-printing of match expressions.

Printing nested patterns

Flag Printing Matching

The Calculus of Inductive Constructions knows pattern matching only over simple patterns. It is however convenient to re-factorize nested pattern matching into a single pattern matching over a nested pattern.

When this option is on (default), Coq’s printer tries to do such limited re-factorization. Turning it off tells Coq to print only simple pattern matching problems in the same way as the Coq kernel handles them.

Factorization of clauses with same right-hand side

Flag Printing Factorizable Match Patterns

When several patterns share the same right-hand side, it is additionally possible to share the clauses using disjunctive patterns. Assuming that the printing matching mode is on, this option (on by default) tells Coq's printer to try to do this kind of factorization.

Use of a default clause

Flag Printing Allow Match Default Clause

When several patterns share the same right-hand side which do not depend on the arguments of the patterns, yet an extra factorization is possible: the disjunction of patterns can be replaced with a _ default clause. Assuming that the printing matching mode and the factorization mode are on, this option (on by default) tells Coq's printer to use a default clause when relevant.

Printing of wildcard patterns

Flag Printing Wildcard

Some variables in a pattern may not occur in the right-hand side of the pattern matching clause. When this option is on (default), the variables having no occurrences in the right-hand side of the pattern matching clause are just printed using the wildcard symbol “_”.

Printing of the elimination predicate

Flag Printing Synth

In most of the cases, the type of the result of a matched term is mechanically synthesizable. Especially, if the result type does not depend of the matched term. When this option is on (default), the result type is not printed when Coq knows that it can re- synthesize it.

Printing matching on irrefutable patterns

If an inductive type has just one constructor, pattern matching can be written using the first destructuring let syntax.

Table Printing Let qualid

Specifies a set of qualids for which pattern matching is displayed using a let expression. Note that this only applies to pattern matching instances entered with match. It doesn't affect pattern matching explicitly entered with a destructuring let. Use the Add @table and Remove @table commands to update this set.

Printing matching on booleans

If an inductive type is isomorphic to the boolean type, pattern matching can be written using ifthenelse …. This table controls which types are written this way:

Table Printing If qualid

Specifies a set of qualids for which pattern matching is displayed using ifthenelse …. Use the Add @table and Remove @table commands to update this set.

This example emphasizes what the printing options offer.


Definition snd (A B:Set) (H:A * B) := match H with | pair x y => y end.
snd is defined
Test Printing Let for prod.
Cases on elements of prod are printed using a `let' form
Print snd.
snd = fun (A B : Set) (H : A * B) => let (_, y) := H in y : forall A B : Set, A * B -> B Argument scopes are [type_scope type_scope _]
Remove Printing Let prod.
Unset Printing Synth.
Unset Printing Wildcard.
Print snd.
snd = fun (A B : Set) (H : A * B) => match H return B with | (x, y) => y end : forall A B : Set, A * B -> B Argument scopes are [type_scope type_scope _]

Advanced recursive functions

The following experimental command is available when the FunInd library has been loaded via Require Import FunInd:

Command Function ident binder* { decrease_annot } : type := term

This command can be seen as a generalization of Fixpoint. It is actually a wrapper for several ways of defining a function and other useful related objects, namely: an induction principle that reflects the recursive structure of the function (see function induction) and its fixpoint equality. The meaning of this declaration is to define a function ident, similarly to Fixpoint`. Like in ``Fixpoint, the decreasing argument must be given (unless the function is not recursive), but it might not necessarily be structurally decreasing. The point of the {} annotation is to name the decreasing argument and to describe which kind of decreasing criteria must be used to ensure termination of recursive calls.

The Function construction also enjoys the with extension to define mutually recursive definitions. However, this feature does not work for non structurally recursive functions.

See the documentation of functional induction (function induction) and Functional Scheme (Generation of induction principles with Functional Scheme) for how to use the induction principle to easily reason about the function.

Remark: To obtain the right principle, it is better to put rigid parameters of the function as first arguments. For example it is better to define plus like this:

Require Import FunInd.
[Loading ML file extraction_plugin.cmxs ... done] [Loading ML file recdef_plugin.cmxs ... done]
Function plus (m n : nat) {struct n} : nat := match n with | 0 => m | S p => S (plus m p) end.
plus is defined plus is recursively defined (decreasing on 2nd argument) plus_equation is defined plus_ind is defined plus_rec is defined plus_rect is defined R_plus_correct is defined R_plus_complete is defined

than like this:

Function plus (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat := match n with | 0 => m | S p => S (plus p m) end.
plus is defined plus is recursively defined (decreasing on 1st argument) plus_equation is defined plus_ind is defined plus_rec is defined plus_rect is defined R_plus_correct is defined R_plus_complete is defined


term\(_{0}\) must be built as a pure pattern matching tree (match with) with applications only at the end of each branch.

Function does not support partial application of the function being defined. Thus, the following example cannot be accepted due to the presence of partial application of wrong in the body of wrong :

Fail Function wrong (C:nat) : nat := List.hd 0 (List.map wrong (C::nil)).
The command has indeed failed with message: The reference List.hd was not found in the current environment.

For now, dependent cases are not treated for non structurally terminating functions.

Error The recursive argument must be specified.
Error No argument name ident.
Error Cannot use mutual definition with well-founded recursion or measure.
Warning Cannot define graph for ident.

The generation of the graph relation (R_ident) used to compute the induction scheme of ident raised a typing error. Only ident is defined; the induction scheme will not be generated. This error happens generally when:

  • the definition uses pattern matching on dependent types, which Function cannot deal with yet.
  • the definition is not a pattern matching tree as explained above.
Warning Cannot define principle(s) for ident.

The generation of the graph relation (R_ident) succeeded but the induction principle could not be built. Only ident is defined. Please report.

Warning Cannot build functional inversion principle.

functional inversion will not be available for the function.

Depending on the {…} annotation, different definition mechanisms are used by Function. A more precise description is given below.

Variant Function ident binder* : type := term

Defines the not recursive function ident as if declared with Definition. Moreover the following are defined:

  • ident_rect, ident_rec and ident_ind, which reflect the pattern matching structure of term (see Inductive);
  • The inductive R_ident corresponding to the graph of ident (silently);
  • ident_complete and ident_correct which are inversion information linking the function and its graph.
Variant Function ident binder* { struct ident } : type := term

Defines the structural recursive function ident as if declared with Fixpoint. Moreover the following are defined:

  • The same objects as above;
  • The fixpoint equation of ident: ident_equation.
Variant Function ident binder* { measure term ident } : type := term
Variant Function ident binder* { wf term ident } : type := term

Defines a recursive function by well-founded recursion. The module Recdef of the standard library must be loaded for this feature. The {} annotation is mandatory and must be one of the following:

  • {measure term ident } with ident being the decreasing argument and term being a function from type of ident to nat for which value on the decreasing argument decreases (for the lt order on nat) at each recursive call of term. Parameters of the function are bound in term;
  • {wf term ident } with ident being the decreasing argument and term an ordering relation on the type of ident (i.e. of type T\(_{\sf ident}\)T\(_{\sf ident}\)Prop) for which the decreasing argument decreases at each recursive call of term. The order must be well-founded. Parameters of the function are bound in term.

Depending on the annotation, the user is left with some proof obligations that will be used to define the function. These proofs are: proofs that each recursive call is actually decreasing with respect to the given criteria, and (if the criteria is wf) a proof that the ordering relation is well-founded. Once proof obligations are discharged, the following objects are defined:

  • The same objects as with the struct;
  • The lemma ident\(_{\sf tcc}\) which collects all proof obligations in one property;
  • The lemmas ident\(_{\sf terminate}\) and ident\(_{\sf F}\) which is needed to be inlined during extraction of ident.

The way this recursive function is defined is the subject of several papers by Yves Bertot and Antonia Balaa on the one hand, and Gilles Barthe, Julien Forest, David Pichardie, and Vlad Rusu on the other hand. Remark: Proof obligations are presented as several subgoals belonging to a Lemma ident\(_{\sf tcc}\).

Section mechanism

The sectioning mechanism can be used to to organize a proof in structured sections. Then local declarations become available (see Section Definitions).

Command Section ident

This command is used to open a section named ident.

Command End ident

This command closes the section named ident. After closing of the section, the local declarations (variables and local definitions) get discharged, meaning that they stop being visible and that all global objects defined in the section are generalized with respect to the variables and local definitions they each depended on in the section.


Section s1.
Variables x y : nat.
x is declared y is declared
Let y' := y.
y' is defined
Definition x' := S x.
x' is defined
Definition x'' := x' + y'.
x'' is defined
Print x'.
x' = S x : nat
End s1.
Print x'.
x' = fun x : nat => S x : nat -> nat Argument scope is [nat_scope]
Print x''.
x'' = fun x y : nat => let y' := y in x' x + y' : nat -> nat -> nat Argument scopes are [nat_scope nat_scope]

Notice the difference between the value of x’ and x’’ inside section s1 and outside.

Error This is not the last opened section.


  1. Most commands, like Hint, Notation, option management, … which appear inside a section are canceled when the section is closed.

Module system

The module system provides a way of packaging related elements together, as well as a means of massive abstraction.

module_type       ::=  qualid
                       | module_type with Definition qualid := term
                       | module_type with Module qualid := qualid
                       | qualid qualid … qualid
                       | !qualid qualid … qualid
module_binding    ::=  ( [Import|Export] ident … ident : module_type )
module_bindings   ::=  module_bindingmodule_binding
module_expression ::=  qualid … qualid
                       | !qualid … qualid

Syntax of modules

In the syntax of module application, the ! prefix indicates that any Inline directive in the type of the functor arguments will be ignored (see the Module Type command below).

Command Module ident

This command is used to start an interactive module named ident.

Variant Module ident module_binding*

Starts an interactive functor with parameters given by module_bindings.

Variant Module ident : module_type

Starts an interactive module specifying its module type.

Variant Module ident module_binding* : module_type

Starts an interactive functor with parameters given by the list of module binding, and output module type module_type.

Variant Module ident <: module_type+<:
Starts an interactive module satisfying each module_type.
Variant Module ident module_binding* <: module_type+<:.

Starts an interactive functor with parameters given by the list of module_binding. The output module type is verified against each module_type.

Variant Module [ Import | Export ]

Behaves like Module, but automatically imports or exports the module.

Reserved commands inside an interactive module

Command Include module

Includes the content of module in the current interactive module. Here module can be a module expression or a module type expression. If module is a high-order module or module type expression then the system tries to instantiate module by the current interactive module.

Command Include module+<+

is a shortcut for the commands Include module for each module.

Command End ident

This command closes the interactive module ident. If the module type was given the content of the module is matched against it and an error is signaled if the matching fails. If the module is basic (is not a functor) its components (constants, inductive types, submodules etc.) are now available through the dot notation.

Error No such label ident.
Error Signature components for label ident do not match.
Error This is not the last opened module.
Command Module ident := module_expression

This command defines the module identifier ident to be equal to module_expression.

Variant Module ident module_binding* := module_expression

Defines a functor with parameters given by the list of module_binding and body module_expression.

Variant Module ident module_binding* : module_type := module_expression

Defines a functor with parameters given by the list of module_binding (possibly none), and output module type module_type, with body module_expression.

Variant Module ident module_binding* <: module_type+<: := module_expression

Defines a functor with parameters given by module_bindings (possibly none) with body module_expression. The body is checked against each module_type\(_{i}\).

Variant Module ident module_binding* := module_expression+<+

is equivalent to an interactive module where each module_expression is included.

Command Module Type ident

This command is used to start an interactive module type ident.

Variant Module Type ident module_binding*

Starts an interactive functor type with parameters given by module_bindings.

Reserved commands inside an interactive module type:

Command Include module

Same as Include inside a module.

Command Include module+<+

is a shortcut for the command Include module for each module.

Command assumption_keyword Inline assums

The instance of this assumption will be automatically expanded at functor application, except when this functor application is prefixed by a ! annotation.

Command End ident

This command closes the interactive module type ident.

Error This is not the last opened module type.
Command Module Type ident := module_type

Defines a module type ident equal to module_type.

Variant Module Type ident module_binding* := module_type

Defines a functor type ident specifying functors taking arguments module_bindings and returning module_type.

Variant Module Type ident module_binding* := module_type+<+

is equivalent to an interactive module type were each module_type is included.

Command Declare Module ident : module_type

Declares a module ident of type module_type.

Variant Declare Module ident module_binding* : module_type

Declares a functor with parameters given by the list of module_binding and output module type module_type.


Let us define a simple module.

Module M.
Interactive Module M started
Definition T := nat.
T is defined
Definition x := 0.
x is defined
Definition y : bool.
1 subgoal ============================ bool
exact true.
No more subgoals.
y is defined
End M.
Module M is defined

Inside a module one can define constants, prove theorems and do any other things that can be done in the toplevel. Components of a closed module can be accessed using the dot notation:

Print M.x.
M.x = 0 : nat

A simple module type:

Module Type SIG.
Interactive Module Type SIG started
Parameter T : Set.
T is declared
Parameter x : T.
x is declared
End SIG.
Module Type SIG is defined

Now we can create a new module from M, giving it a less precise specification: the y component is dropped as well as the body of x.

Module N : SIG with Definition T := nat := M.
Module N is defined
Print N.T.
N.T = nat : Set
Print N.x.
*** [ N.x : N.T ]
Fail Print N.y.
The command has indeed failed with message: N.y not a defined object.
Module M.
Interactive Module M started
Definition T := nat.
T is defined
Definition x := 0.
x is defined
Definition y : bool.
1 subgoal ============================ bool
exact true.
No more subgoals.
y is defined
End M.
Module M is defined
Module Type SIG.
Interactive Module Type SIG started
Parameter T : Set.
T is declared
Parameter x : T.
x is declared
End SIG.
Module Type SIG is defined

The definition of N using the module type expression SIG with Definition T := nat is equivalent to the following one:

Module Type SIG'.
Interactive Module Type SIG' started
Definition T : Set := nat.
T is defined
Parameter x : T.
x is declared
End SIG'.
Module Type SIG' is defined
Module N : SIG' := M.
Module N is defined

If we just want to be sure that our implementation satisfies a given module type without restricting the interface, we can use a transparent constraint

Module P <: SIG := M.
Module P is defined
Print P.y.
P.y = true : bool

Now let us create a functor, i.e. a parametric module

Module Two (X Y: SIG).
Interactive Module Two started
Definition T := (X.T * Y.T)%type.
T is defined
Definition x := (X.x, Y.x).
x is defined
End Two.
Module Two is defined

and apply it to our modules and do some computations:

Module Q := Two M N.
Module Q is defined
Eval compute in (fst Q.x + snd Q.x).
= N.x : nat

In the end, let us define a module type with two sub-modules, sharing some of the fields and give one of its possible implementations:

Module Type SIG2.
Interactive Module Type SIG2 started
Declare Module M1 : SIG.
Module M1 is declared
Module M2 <: SIG.
Interactive Module M2 started
Definition T := M1.T.
T is defined
Parameter x : T.
x is declared
End M2.
Module M2 is defined
End SIG2.
Module Type SIG2 is defined
Module Mod <: SIG2.
Interactive Module Mod started
Module M1.
Interactive Module M1 started
Definition T := nat.
T is defined
Definition x := 1.
x is defined
End M1.
Module M1 is defined
Module M2 := M.
Module M2 is defined
End Mod.
Module Mod is defined

Notice that M is a correct body for the component M2 since its T component is equal nat and hence M1.T as specified.


  1. Modules and module types can be nested components of each other.
  2. One can have sections inside a module or a module type, but not a module or a module type inside a section.
  3. Commands like Hint or Notation can also appear inside modules and module types. Note that in case of a module definition like:
Module N : SIG := M.


Module N : SIG. … End N.

hints and the like valid for N are not those defined in M (or the module body) but the ones defined in SIG.

Command Import qualid

If qualid denotes a valid basic module (i.e. its module type is a signature), makes its components available by their short names.


Module Mod.
Interactive Module Mod started
Definition T:=nat.
T is defined
Check T.
T : Set
End Mod.
Module Mod is defined
Check Mod.T.
Mod.T : Set
Fail Check T.
The command has indeed failed with message: The reference T was not found in the current environment.
Import Mod.
Check T.
T : Set

Some features defined in modules are activated only when a module is imported. This is for instance the case of notations (see Notations).

Declarations made with the Local flag are never imported by the Import command. Such declarations are only accessible through their fully qualified name.


Module A.
Interactive Module A started
Module B.
Interactive Module B started
Local Definition T := nat.
T is defined
End B.
Module B is defined
End A.
Module A is defined
Import A.
Fail Check B.T.
The command has indeed failed with message: The reference B.T was not found in the current environment.
Variant Export qualid

When the module containing the command Export qualid is imported, qualid is imported as well.

Error qualid is not a module.
Warning Trying to mask the absolute name qualid!
Command Print Module ident

Prints the module type and (optionally) the body of the module ident.

Command Print Module Type ident

Prints the module type corresponding to ident.

Flag Short Module Printing

This option (off by default) disables the printing of the types of fields, leaving only their names, for the commands Print Module and Print Module Type.

Libraries and qualified names

Names of libraries

The theories developed in Coq are stored in library files which are hierarchically classified into libraries and sublibraries. To express this hierarchy, library names are represented by qualified identifiers qualid, i.e. as list of identifiers separated by dots (see Qualified identifiers and simple identifiers). For instance, the library file Mult of the standard Coq library Arith is named Coq.Arith.Mult. The identifier that starts the name of a library is called a library root. All library files of the standard library of Coq have the reserved root Coq but library filenames based on other roots can be obtained by using Coq commands (coqc, coqtop, coqdep, …) options -Q or -R (see By command line options). Also, when an interactive Coq session starts, a library of root Top is started, unless option -top or -notop is set (see By command line options).

Qualified names

Library files are modules which possibly contain submodules which eventually contain constructions (axioms, parameters, definitions, lemmas, theorems, remarks or facts). The absolute name, or full name, of a construction in some library file is a qualified identifier starting with the logical name of the library file, followed by the sequence of submodules names encapsulating the construction and ended by the proper name of the construction. Typically, the absolute name Coq.Init.Logic.eq denotes Leibniz’ equality defined in the module Logic in the sublibrary Init of the standard library of Coq.

The proper name that ends the name of a construction is the short name (or sometimes base name) of the construction (for instance, the short name of Coq.Init.Logic.eq is eq). Any partial suffix of the absolute name is a partially qualified name (e.g. Logic.eq is a partially qualified name for Coq.Init.Logic.eq). Especially, the short name of a construction is its shortest partially qualified name.

Coq does not accept two constructions (definition, theorem, …) with the same absolute name but different constructions can have the same short name (or even same partially qualified names as soon as the full names are different).

Notice that the notion of absolute, partially qualified and short names also applies to library filenames.


Coq maintains a table called the name table which maps partially qualified names of constructions to absolute names. This table is updated by the commands Require, Import and Export and also each time a new declaration is added to the context. An absolute name is called visible from a given short or partially qualified name when this latter name is enough to denote it. This means that the short or partially qualified name is mapped to the absolute name in Coq name table. Definitions flagged as Local are only accessible with their fully qualified name (see Definitions).

It may happen that a visible name is hidden by the short name or a qualified name of another construction. In this case, the name that has been hidden must be referred to using one more level of qualification. To ensure that a construction always remains accessible, absolute names can never be hidden.


Check 0.
0 : nat
Definition nat := bool.
nat is defined
Check 0.
0 : Datatypes.nat
Check Datatypes.nat.
Datatypes.nat : Set
Locate nat.
Constant Top.nat Inductive Coq.Init.Datatypes.nat (shorter name to refer to it in current context is Datatypes.nat)

See also

Commands Locate and Locate Library.

Libraries and filesystem


The questions described here have been subject to redesign in Coq 8.5. Former versions of Coq use the same terminology to describe slightly different things.

Compiled files (.vo and .vio) store sub-libraries. In order to refer to them inside Coq, a translation from file-system names to Coq names is needed. In this translation, names in the file system are called physical paths while Coq names are contrastingly called logical names.

A logical prefix Lib can be associated to a physical pathpath using the command line option -Q path Lib. All subfolders of path are recursively associated to the logical path Lib extended with the corresponding suffix coming from the physical path. For instance, the folder path/fOO/Bar maps to Lib.fOO.Bar. Subdirectories corresponding to invalid Coq identifiers are skipped, and, by convention, subdirectories named CVS or _darcs are skipped too.

Thanks to this mechanism, .vo files are made available through the logical name of the folder they are in, extended with their own basename. For example, the name associated to the file path/fOO/Bar/File.vo is Lib.fOO.Bar.File. The same caveat applies for invalid identifiers. When compiling a source file, the .vo file stores its logical name, so that an error is issued if it is loaded with the wrong loadpath afterwards.

Some folders have a special status and are automatically put in the path. Coq commands associate automatically a logical path to files in the repository trees rooted at the directory from where the command is launched, coqlib/user-contrib/, the directories listed in the $COQPATH, ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/coq/ and ${XDG_DATA_DIRS}/coq/ environment variables (see XDG base directory specification) with the same physical-to-logical translation and with an empty logical prefix.

The command line option -R is a variant of -Q which has the strictly same behavior regarding loadpaths, but which also makes the corresponding .vo files available through their short names in a way not unlike the Import command (see here). For instance, -R path Lib associates to the file path path/path/fOO/Bar/File.vo the logical name Lib.fOO.Bar.File, but allows this file to be accessed through the short names fOO.Bar.File,Bar.File and File. If several files with identical base name are present in different subdirectories of a recursive loadpath, which of these files is found first may be system- dependent and explicit qualification is recommended. The From argument of the Require command can be used to bypass the implicit shortening by providing an absolute root to the required file (see Compiled files).

There also exists another independent loadpath mechanism attached to OCaml object files (.cmo or .cmxs) rather than Coq object files as described above. The OCaml loadpath is managed using the option -I path (in the OCaml world, there is neither a notion of logical name prefix nor a way to access files in subdirectories of path). See the command Declare ML Module in Compiled files to understand the need of the OCaml loadpath.

See By command line options for a more general view over the Coq command line options.

Implicit arguments

An implicit argument of a function is an argument which can be inferred from contextual knowledge. There are different kinds of implicit arguments that can be considered implicit in different ways. There are also various commands to control the setting or the inference of implicit arguments.

The different kinds of implicit arguments

Implicit arguments inferable from the knowledge of other arguments of a function

The first kind of implicit arguments covers the arguments that are inferable from the knowledge of the type of other arguments of the function, or of the type of the surrounding context of the application. Especially, such implicit arguments correspond to parameters dependent in the type of the function. Typical implicit arguments are the type arguments in polymorphic functions. There are several kinds of such implicit arguments.

Strict Implicit Arguments

An implicit argument can be either strict or non strict. An implicit argument is said to be strict if, whatever the other arguments of the function are, it is still inferable from the type of some other argument. Technically, an implicit argument is strict if it corresponds to a parameter which is not applied to a variable which itself is another parameter of the function (since this parameter may erase its arguments), not in the body of a match, and not itself applied or matched against patterns (since the original form of the argument can be lost by reduction).

For instance, the first argument of

cons: forall A:Set, A -> list A -> list A

in module List.v is strict because list is an inductive type and A will always be inferable from the type list A of the third argument of cons. Also, the first argument of cons is strict with respect to the second one, since the first argument is exactly the type of the second argument. On the contrary, the second argument of a term of type

forall P:nat->Prop, forall n:nat, P n -> ex nat P

is implicit but not strict, since it can only be inferred from the type P n of the third argument and if P is, e.g., fun _ => True, it reduces to an expression where n does not occur any longer. The first argument P is implicit but not strict either because it can only be inferred from P n and P is not canonically inferable from an arbitrary n and the normal form of P n. Consider, e.g., that n is \(0\) and the third argument has type True, then any P of the form

fun n => match n with 0 => True | _ => anything end

would be a solution of the inference problem.

Contextual Implicit Arguments

An implicit argument can be contextual or not. An implicit argument is said contextual if it can be inferred only from the knowledge of the type of the context of the current expression. For instance, the only argument of:

nil : forall A:Set, list A`

is contextual. Similarly, both arguments of a term of type:

forall P:nat->Prop, forall n:nat, P n \/ n = 0

are contextual (moreover, n is strict and P is not).

Reversible-Pattern Implicit Arguments

There is another class of implicit arguments that can be reinferred unambiguously if all the types of the remaining arguments are known. This is the class of implicit arguments occurring in the type of another argument in position of reversible pattern, which means it is at the head of an application but applied only to uninstantiated distinct variables. Such an implicit argument is called reversible- pattern implicit argument. A typical example is the argument P of nat_rec in

nat_rec : forall P : nat -> Set, P 0 ->
  (forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n)) -> forall x : nat, P x

(P is reinferable by abstracting over n in the type P n).

See Controlling reversible-pattern implicit arguments for the automatic declaration of reversible-pattern implicit arguments.

Implicit arguments inferable by resolution

This corresponds to a class of non-dependent implicit arguments that are solved based on the structure of their type only.

Maximal or non maximal insertion of implicit arguments

In case a function is partially applied, and the next argument to be applied is an implicit argument, two disciplines are applicable. In the first case, the function is considered to have no arguments furtherly: one says that the implicit argument is not maximally inserted. In the second case, the function is considered to be implicitly applied to the implicit arguments it is waiting for: one says that the implicit argument is maximally inserted.

Each implicit argument can be declared to have to be inserted maximally or non maximally. This can be governed argument per argument by the command Arguments (implicits) or globally by the Maximal Implicit Insertion option.

Casual use of implicit arguments

In a given expression, if it is clear that some argument of a function can be inferred from the type of the other arguments, the user can force the given argument to be guessed by replacing it by “_”. If possible, the correct argument will be automatically generated.

Error Cannot infer a term for this placeholder.

Coq was not able to deduce an instantiation of a “_”.

Declaration of implicit arguments

In case one wants that some arguments of a given object (constant, inductive types, constructors, assumptions, local or not) are always inferred by Coq, one may declare once and for all which are the expected implicit arguments of this object. There are two ways to do this, a priori and a posteriori.

Implicit Argument Binders

In the first setting, one wants to explicitly give the implicit arguments of a declared object as part of its definition. To do this, one has to surround the bindings of implicit arguments by curly braces:

Definition id {A : Type} (x : A) : A := x.
id is defined

This automatically declares the argument A of id as a maximally inserted implicit argument. One can then do as-if the argument was absent in every situation but still be able to specify it if needed:

Definition compose {A B C} (g : B -> C) (f : A -> B) := fun x => g (f x).
compose is defined
Goal forall A, compose id id = id (A:=A).
1 subgoal ============================ forall A : Type, compose id id = id

The syntax is supported in all top-level definitions: Definition, Fixpoint, Lemma and so on. For (co-)inductive datatype declarations, the semantics are the following: an inductive parameter declared as an implicit argument need not be repeated in the inductive definition but will become implicit for the constructors of the inductive only, not the inductive type itself. For example:

Inductive list {A : Type} : Type := | nil : list | cons : A -> list -> list.
list is defined list_rect is defined list_ind is defined list_rec is defined
Print list.
Inductive list (A : Type) : Type := nil : list | cons : A -> list -> list For list: Argument A is implicit and maximally inserted For nil: Argument A is implicit and maximally inserted For cons: Argument A is implicit and maximally inserted For list: Argument scope is [type_scope] For nil: Argument scope is [type_scope] For cons: Argument scopes are [type_scope _ _]

One can always specify the parameter if it is not uniform using the usual implicit arguments disambiguation syntax.

Declaring Implicit Arguments

To set implicit arguments a posteriori, one can use the command:

Command Arguments qualid possibly_bracketed_ident*

where the list of possibly_bracketed_ident is a prefix of the list of arguments of qualid where the ones to be declared implicit are surrounded by square brackets and the ones to be declared as maximally inserted implicits are surrounded by curly braces.

After the above declaration is issued, implicit arguments can just (and have to) be skipped in any expression involving an application of qualid.

Implicit arguments can be cleared with the following syntax:

Command Arguments qualid : clear implicits
Variant Global Arguments qualid possibly_bracketed_ident*

Says to recompute the implicit arguments of qualid after ending of the current section if any, enforcing the implicit arguments known from inside the section to be the ones declared by the command.

Variant Local Arguments qualid possibly_bracketed_ident*

When in a module, tell not to activate the implicit arguments ofqualid declared by this command to contexts that require the module.

Variant Global | Local? Arguments qualid possibly_bracketed_ident+*,

For names of constants, inductive types, constructors, lemmas which can only be applied to a fixed number of arguments (this excludes for instance constants whose type is polymorphic), multiple implicit arguments declarations can be given. Depending on the number of arguments qualid is applied to in practice, the longest applicable list of implicit arguments is used to select which implicit arguments are inserted. For printing, the omitted arguments are the ones of the longest list of implicit arguments of the sequence.


Inductive list (A:Type) : Type := | nil : list A | cons : A -> list A -> list A.
list is defined list_rect is defined list_ind is defined list_rec is defined
Check (cons nat 3 (nil nat)).
cons nat 3 (nil nat) : list nat
Arguments cons [A] _ _.
Arguments nil [A].
Check (cons 3 nil).
cons 3 nil : list nat
Fixpoint map (A B:Type) (f:A->B) (l:list A) : list B := match l with nil => nil | cons a t => cons (f a) (map A B f t) end.
map is defined map is recursively defined (decreasing on 4th argument)
Fixpoint length (A:Type) (l:list A) : nat := match l with nil => 0 | cons _ m => S (length A m) end.
length is defined length is recursively defined (decreasing on 2nd argument)
Arguments map [A B] f l.
Arguments length {A} l.
Check (fun l:list (list nat) => map length l).
fun l : list (list nat) => map length l : list (list nat) -> list nat
Arguments map [A B] f l, [A] B f l, A B f l.
Check (fun l => map length l = map (list nat) nat length l).
fun l : list (list nat) => map length l = map length l : list (list nat) -> Prop

Remark: To know which are the implicit arguments of an object, use the command Print Implicit (see Displaying what the implicit arguments are).

Automatic declaration of implicit arguments

Coq can also automatically detect what are the implicit arguments of a defined object. The command is just

Command Arguments qualid : default implicits

The auto-detection is governed by options telling if strict, contextual, or reversible-pattern implicit arguments must be considered or not (see Controlling strict implicit arguments, Controlling strict implicit arguments, Controlling reversible-pattern implicit arguments, and also Controlling the insertion of implicit arguments not followed by explicit arguments).

Variant Global Arguments qualid : default implicits

Tell to recompute the implicit arguments of qualid after ending of the current section if any.

Variant Local Arguments qualid : default implicits

When in a module, tell not to activate the implicit arguments of qualid computed by this declaration to contexts that requires the module.


Inductive list (A:Set) : Set := | nil : list A | cons : A -> list A -> list A.
list is defined list_rect is defined list_ind is defined list_rec is defined
Arguments cons : default implicits.
Print Implicit cons.
cons : forall A : Set, A -> list A -> list A Argument A is implicit
Arguments nil : default implicits.
Print Implicit nil.
nil : forall A : Set, list A
Set Contextual Implicit.
Arguments nil : default implicits.
Print Implicit nil.
nil : forall A : Set, list A Argument A is implicit and maximally inserted

The computation of implicit arguments takes account of the unfolding of constants. For instance, the variable p below has type (Transitivity R) which is reducible to forall x,y:U, R x y -> forall z:U, R y z -> R x z. As the variables x, y and z appear strictly in the body of the type, they are implicit.

Set Warnings "-local-declaration".
Variable X : Type.
X is declared
Definition Relation := X -> X -> Prop.
Relation is defined
Definition Transitivity (R:Relation) := forall x y:X, R x y -> forall z:X, R y z -> R x z.
Transitivity is defined
Variables (R : Relation) (p : Transitivity R).
R is declared p is declared
Arguments p : default implicits.
Print p.
*** [ p : Transitivity R ] Expanded type for implicit arguments p : forall x y : X, R x y -> forall z : X, R y z -> R x z Arguments x, y, z are implicit
Print Implicit p.
p : forall x y : X, R x y -> forall z : X, R y z -> R x z Arguments x, y, z are implicit
Variables (a b c : X) (r1 : R a b) (r2 : R b c).
a is declared b is declared c is declared r1 is declared r2 is declared
Check (p r1 r2).
p r1 r2 : R a c

Mode for automatic declaration of implicit arguments

Flag Implicit Arguments

This option (off by default) allows to systematically declare implicit the arguments detectable as such. Auto-detection of implicit arguments is governed by options controlling whether strict and contextual implicit arguments have to be considered or not.

Controlling strict implicit arguments

Flag Strict Implicit

When the mode for automatic declaration of implicit arguments is on, the default is to automatically set implicit only the strict implicit arguments plus, for historical reasons, a small subset of the non-strict implicit arguments. To relax this constraint and to set implicit all non strict implicit arguments by default, you can turn this option off.

Flag Strongly Strict Implicit

Use this option (off by default) to capture exactly the strict implicit arguments and no more than the strict implicit arguments.

Controlling contextual implicit arguments

Flag Contextual Implicit

By default, Coq does not automatically set implicit the contextual implicit arguments. You can turn this option on to tell Coq to also infer contextual implicit argument.

Controlling reversible-pattern implicit arguments

Flag Reversible Pattern Implicit

By default, Coq does not automatically set implicit the reversible-pattern implicit arguments. You can turn this option on to tell Coq to also infer reversible-pattern implicit argument.

Controlling the insertion of implicit arguments not followed by explicit arguments

Flag Maximal Implicit Insertion

Assuming the implicit argument mode is on, this option (off by default) declares implicit arguments to be automatically inserted when a function is partially applied and the next argument of the function is an implicit one.

Explicit applications

In presence of non-strict or contextual argument, or in presence of partial applications, the synthesis of implicit arguments may fail, so one may have to give explicitly certain implicit arguments of an application. The syntax for this is ( ident := term ) where ident is the name of the implicit argument and term is its corresponding explicit term. Alternatively, one can locally deactivate the hiding of implicit arguments of a function by using the notation @qualid term\(_{1}\)term\(_{n}\). This syntax extension is given in the following grammar:

term     ::=  @ qualid term … term
              | @ qualid
              | qualid argumentargument
argument ::=  term
              | (ident := term)

Syntax for explicitly giving implicit arguments

Example: (continued)

Check (p r1 (z:=c)).
p r1 (z:=c) : R b c -> R a c
Check (p (x:=a) (y:=b) r1 (z:=c) r2).
p r1 r2 : R a c

Renaming implicit arguments

Implicit arguments names can be redefined using the following syntax:

Command Arguments qualid name* : rename

With the assert flag, Arguments can be used to assert that a given object has the expected number of arguments and that these arguments are named as expected.

Example: (continued)

Arguments p [s t] _ [u] _: rename.
Check (p r1 (u:=c)).
p r1 (u:=c) : R b c -> R a c
Check (p (s:=a) (t:=b) r1 (u:=c) r2).
p r1 r2 : R a c
Fail Arguments p [s t] _ [w] _ : assert.
The command has indeed failed with message: To rename arguments the "rename" flag must be specified. Argument u renamed to w.

Displaying what the implicit arguments are

To display the implicit arguments associated to an object, and to know if each of them is to be used maximally or not, use the command

Command Print Implicit qualid

Explicit displaying of implicit arguments for pretty-printing

Flag Printing Implicit

By default, the basic pretty-printing rules hide the inferable implicit arguments of an application. Turn this option on to force printing all implicit arguments.

Flag Printing Implicit Defensive

By default, the basic pretty-printing rules display the implicit arguments that are not detected as strict implicit arguments. This “defensive” mode can quickly make the display cumbersome so this can be deactivated by turning this option off.

See also

Printing All.

Interaction with subtyping

When an implicit argument can be inferred from the type of more than one of the other arguments, then only the type of the first of these arguments is taken into account, and not an upper type of all of them. As a consequence, the inference of the implicit argument of “=” fails in

Fail Check nat = Prop.
The command has indeed failed with message: The term "Prop" has type "Type" while it is expected to have type "Set" (universe inconsistency).

but succeeds in

Check Prop = nat.
Prop = nat : Prop

Deactivation of implicit arguments for parsing

Flag Parsing Explicit

Turning this option on (it is off by default) deactivates the use of implicit arguments.

In this case, all arguments of constants, inductive types, constructors, etc, including the arguments declared as implicit, have to be given as if no arguments were implicit. By symmetry, this also affects printing.

Canonical structures

A canonical structure is an instance of a record/structure type that can be used to solve unification problems involving a projection applied to an unknown structure instance (an implicit argument) and a value. The complete documentation of canonical structures can be found in Canonical Structures; here only a simple example is given.

Command Canonical Structure qualid

This command declares qualid as a canonical structure.

Assume that qualid denotes an object (Build_struct c\(_{1}\)c\(_{n}\) ) in the structure struct of which the fields are x\(_{1}\), …, x\(_{n}\). Then, each time an equation of the form (x\(_{i}\) _) =\(_{\beta\delta\iota\zeta}\) c\(_{i}\) has to be solved during the type checking process, qualid is used as a solution. Otherwise said, qualid is canonically used to extend the field c\(_{i}\) into a complete structure built on c\(_{i}\).

Canonical structures are particularly useful when mixed with coercions and strict implicit arguments.


Here is an example.

Require Import Relations.
Require Import EqNat.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Structure Setoid : Type := {Carrier :> Set; Equal : relation Carrier;                             Prf_equiv : equivalence Carrier Equal}.
Setoid is defined Carrier is defined Equal is defined Prf_equiv is defined
Definition is_law (A B:Setoid) (f:A -> B) := forall x y:A, Equal x y -> Equal (f x) (f y).
is_law is defined
Axiom eq_nat_equiv : equivalence nat eq_nat.
eq_nat_equiv is declared
Definition nat_setoid : Setoid := Build_Setoid eq_nat_equiv.
nat_setoid is defined
Canonical Structure nat_setoid.

Thanks to nat_setoid declared as canonical, the implicit arguments A and B can be synthesized in the next statement.

Lemma is_law_S : is_law S.
1 subgoal ============================ is_law (A:=nat_setoid) (B:=nat_setoid) S


If a same field occurs in several canonical structures, then only the structure declared first as canonical is considered.

Variant Canonical Structure ident : type? := term

This is equivalent to a regular definition of ident followed by the declaration Canonical Structure ident.

Command Print Canonical Projections

This displays the list of global names that are components of some canonical structure. For each of them, the canonical structure of which it is a projection is indicated.


For instance, the above example gives the following output:

Print Canonical Projections.
nat <- Carrier ( nat_setoid ) eq_nat <- Equal ( nat_setoid ) eq_nat_equiv <- Prf_equiv ( nat_setoid )

Implicit types of variables

It is possible to bind variable names to a given type (e.g. in a development using arithmetic, it may be convenient to bind the names n or m to the type nat of natural numbers). The command for that is

Command Implicit Types ident+ : type

The effect of the command is to automatically set the type of bound variables starting with ident (either ident itself or ident followed by one or more single quotes, underscore or digits) to be type (unless the bound variable is already declared with an explicit type in which case, this latter type is considered).


Require Import List.
Implicit Types m n : nat.
Lemma cons_inj_nat : forall m n l, n :: l = m :: l -> n = m.
1 subgoal ============================ forall (m n : nat) (l : list nat), n :: l = m :: l -> n = m
intros m n.
1 subgoal m, n : nat ============================ forall l : list nat, n :: l = m :: l -> n = m
Lemma cons_inj_bool : forall (m n:bool) l, n :: l = m :: l -> n = m.
1 subgoal ============================ forall (m n : bool) (l : list bool), n :: l = m :: l -> n = m
Variant Implicit Type ident : type

This is useful for declaring the implicit type of a single variable.

Variant Implicit Types ( ident+ : term )+

Adds blocks of implicit types with different specifications.

Implicit generalization

Implicit generalization is an automatic elaboration of a statement with free variables into a closed statement where these variables are quantified explicitly. Implicit generalization is done inside binders starting with a ` and terms delimited by `{ } and `( ), always introducing maximally inserted implicit arguments for the generalized variables. Inside implicit generalization delimiters, free variables in the current context are automatically quantified using a product or a lambda abstraction to generate a closed term. In the following statement for example, the variables n and m are automatically generalized and become explicit arguments of the lemma as we are using `( ):

Generalizable All Variables.
Lemma nat_comm : `(n = n + 0).
1 subgoal ============================ forall n : nat, n = n + 0

One can control the set of generalizable identifiers with the Generalizable vernacular command to avoid unexpected generalizations when mistyping identifiers. There are several commands that specify which variables should be generalizable.

Command Generalizable All Variables

All variables are candidate for generalization if they appear free in the context under a generalization delimiter. This may result in confusing errors in case of typos. In such cases, the context will probably contain some unexpected generalized variable.

Command Generalizable No Variables

Disable implicit generalization entirely. This is the default behavior.

Command Generalizable (Variable | Variables) ident+

Allow generalization of the given identifiers only. Calling this command multiple times adds to the allowed identifiers.

Command Global Generalizable

Allows exporting the choice of generalizable variables.

One can also use implicit generalization for binders, in which case the generalized variables are added as binders and set maximally implicit.

Definition id `(x : A) : A := x.
id is defined
Print id.
id = fun (A : Type) (x : A) => x : forall A : Type, A -> A Argument A is implicit and maximally inserted Argument scopes are [type_scope _]

The generalizing binders `{ } and `( ) work similarly to their explicit counterparts, only binding the generalized variables implicitly, as maximally-inserted arguments. In these binders, the binding name for the bound object is optional, whereas the type is mandatory, dually to regular binders.


Coercions can be used to implicitly inject terms from one class in which they reside into another one. A class is either a sort (denoted by the keyword Sortclass), a product type (denoted by the keyword Funclass), or a type constructor (denoted by its name), e.g. an inductive type or any constant with a type of the form forall ( x\(_{1}\) : A\(_{1}\) ) … (x\(_{n}\) : A\(_{n}\)), s where s is a sort.

Then the user is able to apply an object that is not a function, but can be coerced to a function, and more generally to consider that a term of type A is of type B provided that there is a declared coercion between A and B.

More details and examples, and a description of the commands related to coercions are provided in Implicit Coercions.

Printing constructions in full

Flag Printing All

Coercions, implicit arguments, the type of pattern matching, but also notations (see Syntax extensions and interpretation scopes) can obfuscate the behavior of some tactics (typically the tactics applying to occurrences of subterms are sensitive to the implicit arguments). Turning this option on deactivates all high-level printing features such as coercions, implicit arguments, returned type of pattern matching, notations and various syntactic sugar for pattern matching or record projections. Otherwise said, Printing All includes the effects of the options Printing Implicit, Printing Coercions, Printing Synth, Printing Projections, and Printing Notations. To reactivate the high-level printing features, use the command Unset Printing All.

Printing universes

Flag Printing Universes

Turn this option on to activate the display of the actual level of each occurrence of Type. See Sorts for details. This wizard option, in combination with Printing All can help to diagnose failures to unify terms apparently identical but internally different in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions.

The constraints on the internal level of the occurrences of Type (see Sorts) can be printed using the command

Command Print Sorted? Universes

If the optional Sorted option is given, each universe will be made equivalent to a numbered label reflecting its level (with a linear ordering) in the universe hierarchy.

This command also accepts an optional output filename:

Variant Print Sorted? Universes string

If string ends in .dot or .gv, the constraints are printed in the DOT language, and can be processed by Graphviz tools. The format is unspecified if string doesn’t end in .dot or .gv.

Existential variables

Coq terms can include existential variables which represents unknown subterms to eventually be replaced by actual subterms.

Existential variables are generated in place of unsolvable implicit arguments or “_” placeholders when using commands such as Check (see Section Requests to the environment) or when using tactics such as refine, as well as in place of unsolvable instances when using tactics such that eapply. An existential variable is defined in a context, which is the context of variables of the placeholder which generated the existential variable, and a type, which is the expected type of the placeholder.

As a consequence of typing constraints, existential variables can be duplicated in such a way that they possibly appear in different contexts than their defining context. Thus, any occurrence of a given existential variable comes with an instance of its original context. In the simple case, when an existential variable denotes the placeholder which generated it, or is used in the same context as the one in which it was generated, the context is not displayed and the existential variable is represented by “?” followed by an identifier.

Parameter identity : forall (X:Set), X -> X.
identity is declared
Check identity _ _.
identity ?y ?x : ?X@{x:=?x} where ?y : [ |- forall x : ?P, ?X] ?P : [ |- Set] ?X : [x : ?P |- Set] ?x : [ |- ?P]
Check identity _ (fun x => _).
identity ?y (fun x : ?P => ?y0) : ?X@{x:=fun x : ?P => ?y0} where ?y : [ |- forall x : forall x : ?P, ?P0, ?X] ?X : [x : forall x : ?P, ?P0 |- Set] ?P : [ |- Set] ?P0 : [x : ?P |- Set] ?y0 : [x : ?P |- ?P0]

In the general case, when an existential variable ?ident appears outside of its context of definition, its instance, written under the form

{ ident:=term*; }

is appending to its name, indicating how the variables of its defining context are instantiated. The variables of the context of the existential variables which are instantiated by themselves are not written, unless the flag Printing Existential Instances is on (see Section Explicit displaying of existential instances for pretty-printing), and this is why an existential variable used in the same context as its context of definition is written with no instance.

Check (fun x y => _) 0 1.
(fun x y : nat => ?y) 0 1 : ?T@{x:=0; y:=1} where ?T : [x : nat y : nat |- Type] ?y : [x : nat y : nat |- ?T]
Set Printing Existential Instances.
Check (fun x y => _) 0 1.
(fun x y : nat => ?y@{x:=x; y:=y}) 0 1 : ?T@{x:=0; y:=1} where ?T : [x : nat y : nat |- Type] ?y : [x : nat y : nat |- ?T@{x:=x; y:=y}]

Existential variables can be named by the user upon creation using the syntax ?[ident]. This is useful when the existential variable needs to be explicitly handled later in the script (e.g. with a named-goal selector, see Goal selectors).

Explicit displaying of existential instances for pretty-printing

Flag Printing Existential Instances

This option (off by default) activates the full display of how the context of an existential variable is instantiated at each of the occurrences of the existential variable.

Solving existential variables using tactics

Instead of letting the unification engine try to solve an existential variable by itself, one can also provide an explicit hole together with a tactic to solve it. Using the syntax ltac:(tacexpr), the user can put a tactic anywhere a term is expected. The order of resolution is not specified and is implementation-dependent. The inner tactic may use any variable defined in its scope, including repeated alternations between variables introduced by term binding as well as those introduced by tactic binding. The expression tacexpr can be any tactic expression as described in The tactic language.

Definition foo (x : nat) : nat := ltac:(exact x).
identity is declared foo is defined

This construction is useful when one wants to define complicated terms using highly automated tactics without resorting to writing the proof-term by means of the interactive proof engine.

This mechanism is comparable to the Declare Implicit Tactic command defined at Setting implicit automation tactics, except that the used tactic is local to each hole instead of being declared globally.