Ltac2 global environment
type global_data = {
gdata_expr : Tac2expr.glb_tacexpr; |
gdata_type : Tac2expr.type_scheme; |
gdata_mutable : bool; |
gdata_deprecation : Deprecation.t option; |
val define_global : Tac2expr.ltac_constant -> global_data -> unit
val interp_global : Tac2expr.ltac_constant -> global_data
val set_compiled_global : Tac2expr.ltac_constant -> compile_info -> Tac2val.valexpr -> unit
val get_compiled_global : Tac2expr.ltac_constant -> (compile_info * Tac2val.valexpr) option
val globals : unit -> global_data Names.KNmap.t
val define_type : Tac2expr.type_constant -> Tac2expr.glb_quant_typedef -> unit
val interp_type : Tac2expr.type_constant -> Tac2expr.glb_quant_typedef
type constructor_data = {
cdata_prms : int; | (* Type parameters *) |
cdata_type : Tac2expr.type_constant; | (* Inductive definition to which the constructor pertains *) |
cdata_args : int Tac2expr.glb_typexpr list; | (* Types of the constructor arguments *) |
cdata_indx : int option; | (* Index of the constructor in the ADT. Numbering is duplicated between argumentless and argument-using constructors, e.g. in type |
val define_constructor : Tac2expr.ltac_constructor -> constructor_data -> unit
val interp_constructor : Tac2expr.ltac_constructor -> constructor_data
val find_all_constructors_in_type : Tac2expr.type_constant -> constructor_data Names.KNmap.t
Useful for printing info about currently defined constructors of open types.
type projection_data = {
pdata_prms : int; | (* Type parameters *) |
pdata_type : Tac2expr.type_constant; | (* Record definition to which the projection pertains *) |
pdata_ptyp : int Tac2expr.glb_typexpr; | (* Type of the projection *) |
pdata_mutb : bool; | (* Whether the field is mutable *) |
pdata_indx : int; | (* Index of the projection *) |
val define_projection : Tac2expr.ltac_projection -> projection_data -> unit
val interp_projection : Tac2expr.ltac_projection -> projection_data
val define_alias : ?deprecation:Deprecation.t -> Tac2expr.ltac_constant -> Tac2expr.raw_tacexpr -> unit
val interp_alias : Tac2expr.ltac_constant -> alias_data
type notation_data =
| UntypedNota of Tac2expr.raw_tacexpr | ||||
| TypedNota of {
} |
val define_notation : Tac2expr.ltac_notation -> notation_data -> unit
val interp_notation : Tac2expr.ltac_notation -> notation_data
val push_ltac : Nametab.visibility -> Libnames.full_path -> Tac2expr.tacref -> unit
val locate_ltac : Libnames.qualid -> Tac2expr.tacref
val locate_extended_all_ltac : Libnames.qualid -> Tac2expr.tacref list
val shortest_qualid_of_ltac : Names.Id.Set.t -> Tac2expr.tacref -> Libnames.qualid
val path_of_ltac : Tac2expr.tacref -> Libnames.full_path
val push_constructor : Nametab.visibility -> Libnames.full_path -> Tac2expr.ltac_constructor -> unit
val locate_constructor : Libnames.qualid -> Tac2expr.ltac_constructor
val locate_extended_all_constructor : Libnames.qualid -> Tac2expr.ltac_constructor list
val shortest_qualid_of_constructor : Tac2expr.ltac_constructor -> Libnames.qualid
val path_of_constructor : Tac2expr.ltac_constructor -> Libnames.full_path
val push_type : Nametab.visibility -> Libnames.full_path -> Tac2expr.type_constant -> unit
val locate_type : Libnames.qualid -> Tac2expr.type_constant
val locate_extended_all_type : Libnames.qualid -> Tac2expr.type_constant list
val shortest_qualid_of_type : ?loc:Loc.t -> Tac2expr.type_constant -> Libnames.qualid
val path_of_type : Tac2expr.type_constant -> Libnames.full_path
val push_projection : Nametab.visibility -> Libnames.full_path -> Tac2expr.ltac_projection -> unit
val locate_projection : Libnames.qualid -> Tac2expr.ltac_projection
val locate_extended_all_projection : Libnames.qualid -> Tac2expr.ltac_projection list
val shortest_qualid_of_projection : Tac2expr.ltac_projection -> Libnames.qualid
This state is not part of the summary, contrarily to the ones above. It is intended to be used from ML plugins to register ML-side functions.
val define_primitive : Tac2expr.ml_tactic_name -> Tac2val.valexpr -> unit
val interp_primitive : Tac2expr.ml_tactic_name -> Tac2val.valexpr
type ('a, 'b, 'r) intern_fun = Genintern.glob_sign -> 'a -> 'b * 'r Tac2expr.glb_typexpr
type ('a, 'b) ml_object = {
ml_intern : r. (Tac2expr.raw_tacexpr, Tac2expr.glb_tacexpr, 'r) intern_fun -> ('a, 'b or_glb_tacexpr, 'r) intern_fun; |
ml_subst : Mod_subst.substitution -> 'b -> 'b; |
ml_interp : environment -> 'b -> Tac2val.valexpr Proofview.tactic; |
ml_print : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> 'b -> Pp.t; |
ml_raw_print : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> 'a -> Pp.t; |
val define_ml_object : ('a, 'b) Tac2dyn.Arg.tag -> ('a, 'b) ml_object -> unit
val interp_ml_object : ('a, 'b) Tac2dyn.Arg.tag -> ('a, 'b) ml_object
val coq_prefix : Names.ModPath.t
Path where primitive datatypes are defined in Ltac2 plugin.
val std_prefix : Names.ModPath.t
Path where Ltac-specific datatypes are defined in Ltac2 plugin.
val ltac1_prefix : Names.ModPath.t
Path where the Ltac1 legacy FFI is defined.
val wit_ltac2in1 : (Names.Id.t CAst.t list * Tac2expr.raw_tacexpr, Names.Id.t list * Tac2expr.glb_tacexpr, Util.Empty.t) Genarg.genarg_type
Ltac2 quotations in Ltac1 code
val wit_ltac2in1_val : (Names.Id.t CAst.t list * Tac2expr.raw_tacexpr, Tac2expr.glb_tacexpr, Util.Empty.t) Genarg.genarg_type
Ltac2 quotations in Ltac1 returning Ltac1 values. When ids are bound interning turns them into Ltac1.lambda.
val wit_ltac2_constr : (Tac2expr.raw_tacexpr, Names.Id.Set.t * Tac2expr.glb_tacexpr, Util.Empty.t) Genarg.genarg_type
Ltac2 quotations in Gallina terms
val wit_ltac2_var_quotation : (Names.lident option * Names.lident, var_quotation_kind * Names.Id.t, Util.Empty.t) Genarg.genarg_type
Ltac2 quotations for variables "$x" or "$kind:foo" in Gallina terms. NB: "$x" means "$constr:x"
val wit_ltac2_val : (Util.Empty.t, unit, Util.Empty.t) Genarg.genarg_type
Embedding Ltac2 closures of type Ltac1.t -> Ltac1.t
inside Ltac1. There is no relevant data because arguments are passed by conventional names.
val is_constructor_id : Names.Id.t -> bool
val is_constructor : Libnames.qualid -> bool