Operations concerning types in Declarations
: constant_body
, mutual_inductive_body
, module_body
val universes_context : Declarations.universes -> UVars.AbstractContext.t
val abstract_universes : Entries.universes_entry -> UVars.sort_level_subst * Declarations.universes
val map_decl_arity : ('a -> 'c) -> ('b -> 'd) -> ('a, 'b) Declarations.declaration_arity -> ('c, 'd) Declarations.declaration_arity
val subst_const_body : Mod_subst.substitution -> Declarations.constant_body -> Declarations.constant_body
Is there a actual body in const_body ?
val constant_has_body : ('a, 'b) Declarations.pconstant_body -> bool
val constant_polymorphic_context : ('a, 'b) Declarations.pconstant_body -> UVars.AbstractContext.t
val constant_is_polymorphic : ('a, 'b) Declarations.pconstant_body -> bool
Is the constant polymorphic?
Return the universe context, in case the definition is polymorphic, otherwise the context is empty.
val is_opaque : ('a, 'b) Declarations.pconstant_body -> bool
val eq_recarg : Declarations.recarg -> Declarations.recarg -> bool
val pr_recarg : Declarations.recarg -> Pp.t
val pr_wf_paths : Declarations.wf_paths -> Pp.t
val subst_recarg : Mod_subst.substitution -> Declarations.recarg -> Declarations.recarg
val mk_norec : Declarations.wf_paths
val mk_paths : Declarations.recarg -> Declarations.wf_paths list array -> Declarations.wf_paths
val dest_recarg : Declarations.wf_paths -> Declarations.recarg
val dest_subterms : Declarations.wf_paths -> Declarations.wf_paths list array
val recarg_length : Declarations.wf_paths -> int -> int
val subst_wf_paths : Mod_subst.substitution -> Declarations.wf_paths -> Declarations.wf_paths
val subst_mind_body : Mod_subst.substitution -> Declarations.mutual_inductive_body -> Declarations.mutual_inductive_body
val subst_rewrite_rules : Mod_subst.substitution -> Declarations.rewrite_rules_body -> Declarations.rewrite_rules_body
val inductive_polymorphic_context : Declarations.mutual_inductive_body -> UVars.AbstractContext.t
val inductive_is_polymorphic : Declarations.mutual_inductive_body -> bool
Is the inductive polymorphic?
Is the inductive cumulative?
val inductive_is_cumulative : Declarations.mutual_inductive_body -> bool
Is the inductive cumulative?
val inductive_make_projection : Names.inductive -> Declarations.mutual_inductive_body -> proj_arg:int -> Names.Projection.Repr.t * Sorts.relevance
Anomaly when not a primitive record or invalid proj_arg
val inductive_make_projections : Names.inductive -> Declarations.mutual_inductive_body -> (Names.Projection.Repr.t * Sorts.relevance) array option
val safe_flags : -> Declarations.typing_flags
A default, safe set of flags for kernel type-checking
Here, strictly speaking, we don't perform true hash-consing of the structure, but simply hash-cons all inner constr and other known elements
val hcons_const_body : ('a, 'b) Declarations.pconstant_body -> ('a, 'b) Declarations.pconstant_body
val hcons_mind : Declarations.mutual_inductive_body -> Declarations.mutual_inductive_body
val hcons_module_body : Declarations.module_body -> Declarations.module_body
val hcons_module_type : Declarations.module_type_body -> Declarations.module_type_body