val default_toplevel : Names.DirPath.t
Parameters follow Library
, that is to say, lib,prefix,export
means require library lib
from optional prefix
and import or export if export
is Some Lib.Import
/Some Lib.Export
type injection_command =
| OptionInjection of Goptions.option_name * option_command | (* Set flags or options before the initial state is ready. *) |
| RequireInjection of require_injection | (* Require libraries before the initial state is ready. *) |
| WarnNoNative of string | (* Used so that "-w -native-compiler-disabled -native-compiler yes" does not cause a warning. The native option must be processed before injections (because it affects require), so the instruction to emit a message is separated. *) |
| WarnNativeDeprecated | (* Used so that "-w -native-compiler-deprecated-option -native-compiler FLAG" does not cause a warning, similarly to above. *) |
type coqargs_logic_config = {
impredicative_set : bool; |
indices_matter : bool; |
type_in_type : bool; |
rewrite_rules : bool; |
toplevel_name : top; |
type coqargs_config = {
logic : coqargs_logic_config; |
rcfile : string option; |
coqlib : string option; |
enable_VM : bool; |
native_compiler : native_compiler; |
native_output_dir : CUnix.physical_path; |
native_include_dirs : CUnix.physical_path list; |
output_directory : CUnix.physical_path option; |
time : time_config option; |
profile : string option; |
print_emacs : bool; |
type coqargs_pre = {
boot : bool; |
load_init : bool; |
load_rcfile : bool; |
ml_includes : CUnix.physical_path list; |
vo_includes : Loadpath.vo_path list; |
load_vernacular_list : (string * bool) list; |
injections : injection_command list; |
type coqargs_query =
| PrintWhere |
| PrintConfig |
| PrintVersion |
| PrintMachineReadableVersion |
| PrintHelp of Boot.Usage.specific_usage |
val default : t
val parse_args : usage:Boot.Usage.specific_usage -> init:t -> string list -> t * string list
val injection_commands : t -> injection_command list
val dirpath_of_top : top -> Names.DirPath.t
val set_option : (Goptions.option_name * option_command) -> unit